24 research outputs found

    Kedudukan Hak Wanita Menurut Hukum Islam dan Hukum Perdata (KUHPerdata)

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    Islam specify womankind of dimiciling competent in elementary three things, that is: First, That Islam confess womankind existence fully and intact as also to man clan. Second, Islam give facility of womankind to claim Science and give to domicile which terhormaat in social field at various his life storey;level, start from final childhood until his soul. is Third, Islam pass to estae owner rights womankind perfectly in all matter its use, since they step on adult age and do not a even also allowed to meddle forcibly, that goodness by his husband and also by others. While Dimiciling woman in Civil Law among other things is: Woman assumed [by] [is] equal to men in obtaining rights, woman own freedom in obtaining its rights without there his boundary, except woman married and underage

    Kelembagaan Politik Islam: Konsep Konstitusi, Legislasi, Demokrasi, Ummah Dan Syura’

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    Islam is a religion perfect and comprehensive, it should have a major role in the political life of a country. To go toward the integration of society, the state and the Islamic ijtihad is needed that will provide guidance for parliamentarians or politicians in explaining hujahnya in politics. And the interaction of Muslims living in the modern world with the political will give new experiences and challenges towards a just and prosperous society. A clean and healthy politics will increase public confidence, especially in Indonesia that Islam is indeed manage all aspects from the economic, social, military, cultural to political. Political institutions in Islam, among others, consists of the concepts of the constitution, legislation, shura and democracy and also the ummah. Islam made ​​in the constitution is in order as the guidelines and rules of the game in the relationship between government and the people. Legislation created to deal with affairs of state and government set a law that will be enforced and implemented by people. While the shura and democracy are two interrelated things, shura is in deliberation and democracy also emphasizes the element of deliberation. And the ummah or community can be defined nation, people, people, communities and so on. It could be said that the people of an organization are bound by the rules of Islam


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    Abstract: In social life required a legal system to create aharmonious society and regularly so that justice can beachieved. The legal system is very diverse, and that diversity inthe legal system there are some that stand out. Western legalsystems are represented by two systems, namely the civil lawand common law, the legal system has been proved as the mostwidely adopted by many countries in the world. Another is thelegal system of Islamic law.ملخص:في الحیاة الاجتماعیة یتطلب نظاما قانونیا لخلق مجتمع متناغم وبشكل منتظمبحیث یمكن تحقیق العدالة .ولذلك، وبطبیعة الحال سوف تحدید النظام القانوني وفقالظروفھا .النظام القانوني ھي متنوعة جدا، وھذا التنوع في النظام القانوني ھناك بعضالتي تبرز .یتم تمثیل النظم القانونیة الغربیة عن طریق النظامین، وھما القانون المدنيوالقانون العام، وقد ثبت النظام القانوني باعتبارھا الأكثر، والتراسل الذي اتخذه العدیدمن البلدان في العالم .آخر ھو النظام القانوني للشریعة الإسلامیة .كل من النظامالقانوني ھو مركز الاھتمام في قلوب الفقھاء.Kata Kunci: hukum pidana islam, perubahan masyaraka


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    This article discussed regulatory policy on mediation in religious courts way dispute resolution through mediation according to Islamic law and implementation of mediation in settlement court cases in Religious Courts Bandung Class I A. This research base on the policy rules by mediation in the  Religious Courts;  (a)  the  benefits to  be  gained if mediation used as a means in the  settlement  of  disputes,  namely  the  mediation process  could overcome  the  problem  of  accumulation of  matter,  the  mediation process is viewed as a means of dispute resolution that is faster and cheaper than the litigation process, enforcement of mediation can expand access for all parties to gain a sense  of  justice,  (b)  provision their peace  efforts in legislation.  (c) Indonesian society is a society that likes peace. The Implementation of the mediation process done with two ways, namely mediation initial litigation, and over litigation


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the leadership style of the Head of the Regional Office of Religion in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province in improving the quality of employee performance. It is expected that the results of this study will find new concepts about policy implementation in the effort to develop Public Administration, particularly in the quality of public services. The results of this study can be used as reference material and also as input for related parties related to research contributions in the Regional Office of Religion. Referring to the purpose of this study which is to find out and analyze the leadership style of the Head of the Religion Regional Office of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province in improving the quality of employee performance, the method used in this study is a descriptive research method or qualitative research design with a case study model. The analysis used in this study is to look at the approach of leadership style theory according to Priansa, autocratic leadership style, Democratic leadership style, and Laissez Faire leadership style. In carrying out his leadership as Head of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province Regional Religious Office, he was more inclined to use the Autocratic leadership style and the Democratic leadership style. While the leadership style of Laissez Faire, was not used because it was not appropriate for the leadership pattern used by the Head of the Religious Region Office of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT   This study discusses the Political Dynamics of the Presidential nomination process in the 2024 election through social media.. This study aims to find out how the political dynamics are in the presidential nomination process in the 2024 election. The objects in this study are politicalactors who have been busy talking about participating in the Presidential election in 2024 these actorsare Ganjar Pranowo, Prabowo Subinato, Anies Baswedan, Sandiaga Uno, Agus Yudhoyono, Erick Thohir, Airlangga Hartarto and Puan Maharani. The theory used in this research is the theory of Political Actor Action because this theory can analyze actions and actions that occur in political dynamics in the process of nominating the President in the 2024 election through social media. This type of research is exploratory and qualitative approach. The data in this study is by analyzing social media posts for every action or action of political actors and political parties in the presidential nomination process.The results of the study show that the political dynamics in the process of nominating the President for the 2024 election is caused by indicators of actions and actions to achieve the desired goals ahead of the upcoming elections. First, political dynamics in the context of political parties and second, political dynamics in the context of figures of political actors.  ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Dinamika Politik terhadap proses pencalonan Presiden pada pemilu tahun 2024 melalui media sosial. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Dinamika Politik dalam proses pencalonan Presiden pada pemilu tahun 2024. Objek pada penelitian merupakan aktor-aktor politik yang telah diramai dibicarakan akan ikut pada pemilihan Presiden ditahun 2024 aktor-aktor tersebut ialah Ganjar Pranowo, Prabowo Subianto, Anies Baswedan, Sandiaga Uno, Agus Yudhoyono, Erick Thohir, Airlangga Hartarto dan Puan Maharani. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu teori Tindakan Aktor Politik dikarenakan pada teori ini dapat menganalisa tindakan maupun aksi yang terjadi pada dinamika politik dalam proses pencalonan Presiden pada pemilihan tahun 2024 melalui media sosial. Tipe penelitian ini adalah eksploratif dan pendekatan kualitatif. Data pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan menganalisa postingan media sosial setiap tindakan maupun aksi aktor-aktor politik dan Partai Politik dalam proses pencalonan presiden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dinamika politik dalam proses pencalonan Presiden pada pemilu di tahun 2024, disebabkan adanya indikator pada tindakan mapun aksi untuk mendapatkan tujuan yang diinginkan jelang pemilihan mendatang. Pertama Dinamika politik dalam konteks Partai Politik dan kedua, Dinamika politik dalam konteks figur aktor-aktor politik


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    ABSTRACT This research examines Political satire in a Democracy Perspective (Case Study of the Lapor Pak Trans 7 Program). This study aims to find out how political satire on the Lapor Pak program is from a democratic perspective. With this type of qualitative research using a descriptive analysis approach with data sources obtained through draft regulations, books, journals, media, online news, and others. The results of this study are that there are several political satires in several episodes in the Lapor Pak program. And in the Lapor Pak program there are patterns and forms of political satire, namely feedback patterns carried out by the players to bring up political satire which is packaged in a comedic manner so that it provokes laughter from the audience and through this satire the community likes the Lapor Pak program because the community feels represented to convey What do people want to convey but the community cannot convey it. And political satire in the Lapor Pak program is a form of a democratic country and is part of democracy itself, namely freedom of expression and opinion. And included in positive propaganda which reminds officials that they have to do their job properly. Keywords:media,comedy,satire,democracy  Penelitian ini meneliti satire Politik Dalam Perspektif Demokrasi  (Studi Kasus Program Lapor Pak Trans 7). penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Bagaimana sindiran politik pada program Lapor Pak dalam perspektif demokrasi. Dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskriptif dengan sumber data diperoleh melalui draf peraturan, buku, jurnal, media, berita online, dan lain-lain. Hasil penelitian ini adalah beberapa satire politik terdapat pada beberapa episode yang ada pada program Lapor Pak . Dan dalam program Lapor Pak terdapat pola dan bentuk satire politik yaitu pola umpan balik yang di lakukan oleh para pemain untuk memunculkan satire politik yang di kemas secara komedi sehingga memancing gelak tawa penonton dan melalui satire tersebut masyarakat menyukai acara Lapor Pak karena masyarakat merasa terwakili untuk menyampaikan apa ingin masyarakat sampaikan akan tetapi masyarakat tidak dapat menyampaikannya. Dan satire politik pada program Lapor Pak tersebut merupakan suatu bentuk dari negara yang demokrasi dan merupakan bagian dari demokrasi itu sendiri yaitu kebebsan berekspresi dan berpendapat. Dan  termasuk dalam propaganda positif dimana mengingatkan para pejabat bahwa mereka harus melakukan pekerjaan mereka dengan semestinya. Kata Kunci :media,komedi, sindiran,demokrasi      &nbsp

    Gagasan Feminisme dalam Surat-Surat R.A Kartini

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    Abstrack This research discusses the idea of feminism in the letters of R.A Kartini.. The purpose of this research is to dig up information about how Kartini's feminism ideas are. The theory used in this study is the theory of liberal feminism which focuses on the importance of women's education. This type of research is library research, while the type of research is exploratory with a qualitative approach. The data collection technique is done by doing an in-depth reading and exploring Kartini's letters that have been recorded. The main sources of this research are Kartini's letters, in total 87 letters in the book after rain comes sunshine compiled by Armijn Pane. The results of this study indicate that. Kartini's letters contained the idea of Kartini's distinctive feminism which contained the struggle for women's rights. Kartini's idea emerged because of 4 factors, namely feudal culture, life experience, education and association. Keynote: Political Ideology, Feminism, R.A Kartini.Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas Gagasan Feminisme Dalam Surat-Surat R.A Kartini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah Untuk mengetahui Gagasan Feminisme dalam Surat-surat R.A Kartini. Teori yang digunakan penelitian ini ialah teori feminisme liberal yang menitikberatkan pada pentingnya pendidikan kaum perempuan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan, sedangkan tipe penelitian yang digunakan ialah eksploratif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan pembacaan mendalam dan mengeskplor surat-surat Kartini yang telah dibukukan. Sumber utama penelitian ini yaitu surat-surat Kartini yang berjumlah 87 surat di dalam buku Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang yang disuusn oleh Armijn Pane. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwasanya didalam surat-surat Kartini tersebut terdapat gagasan feminsime khas dari Kartini yang berisikan perjuangan hak-hak kaum perempuan. Gagagsan Kartini muncul karena 4 faktor yaitu budaya feodal dan patriartki, pengalaman hidup, pendidikan dan pergaulan Kartini dengan bangsa Eropa. Keynote: Idea, Feminism, R.A Kartini

    Sarkasme Politik dalam Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia

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    ABSTRACK This research is entitled Political Sarcasm Against President Joko Widodo Period 2019 – 2024 on Twitter in a Human Rights Perspective. Freedom of expression is placed as a form of freedom in seeking information and then discussing whether to support or criticize it as a process to remove our misconceptions about facts and values. The use of sarcasm is considered as one of freedom of expression. In fact, the use of sarcasm on Twitter in criticizing Joko Widodo's government resulted in intervention and even imprisonment. This study aims to find out how political sarcasm is used against President Joko Widodo for the 2019 – 2024 period on Twitter from a human rights perspective. The theory used is the theory of freedom of expression according to Joel Feinberg which in his view states that there are limits to freedom of expression. The results of this study discuss tweets from various accounts on Twitter that wrote and uploaded sarcasm towards President Joko Widodo in the 2019-2024 period. . The use of sarcasm was in an effort to criticize President Joko Widodo. There are sarcasm that are harsh and unpleasant to hear so that there are expressions of sarcasm on Twitter which end up in court because the tweets cause insults to individuals and religious groups. The use of sarcasm can be trapped by violations of the Articles of the ITE Law and can go beyond the limits of freedom of expression according to Joel Feinberg.    This research is entitled Political Sarcasm Against President Joko Widodo Period 2019 – 2024 on Twitter in a Human Rights Perspective. Freedom of expression is placed as a form of freedom in seeking information and then discussing whether to support or criticize it as a process to remove our misconceptions about facts and values. The use of sarcasm is considered as one of freedom of expression. In fact, the use of sarcasm on Twitter in criticizing Joko Widodo's government resulted in intervention and even imprisonment. This study aims to find out how political sarcasm is used against President Joko Widodo for the 2019 – 2024 period on Twitter from a human rights perspective. The theory used is the theory of freedom of expression according to Joel Feinberg which in his view states that there are limits to freedom of expression. The use of sarcasm was in an effort to criticize President Joko Widodo. There are sarcasm that are harsh and unpleasant to hear so that there are expressions of sarcasm on Twitter which end up in court because the tweets cause insults to individuals and religious groups. The use of sarcasm can be trapped by violations of the Articles of the ITE Law and can go beyond the limits of freedom of expression according to Joel Feinberg.  Keywords: Political Sarcasm, Political Sarcasm, President Joko Widodo, Human Rights, Freedom of Expression