14 research outputs found

    Stages of investment climate management in the economy of Ukraine

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    Improving the investment climate in Ukraine is impossible without effective regulation of investment activities in the region. The lack of a balanced regional policy will lead to significant disparities in the country's economy. In this regard, the key problem of state regional policy should be the development of measures to manage the investment attractiveness of the region

    Bioeconomy: a new perspective for a sustainable and smart future

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    Bioeconomy is a tool for achieving the goals of sustainable development. About 22 percent of the total market size of the bioeconomy has been estimated to come from food and feed loss and waste. Food loss and waste is equivalent to about 1.6 billion tonnes of food yearly, and it is expected to grow to 2.1 billion tonnes by 2030. However, biomass coming from food loss and waste can still be used in a productive and regenerative way. For example composting, which supports soil health, helps optimize the value of discarded food and other forms of biomass over time, leading to the notion of a “circular bioeconomy”, where biological materials are repurposed, reused, recycled and renewed. The bioeconomy is not only about biomass, it also promotes bio-based processes and tools carried out by and with the help of micro-organisms, animal and plant cells and their components. These processes and tools include breeding, bioinformatics, technologies and methods for data analysis and production processes for industrial biotechnology. Biotechnology includes traditional, low-tech approaches, such as microbial fermentation, to more advanced technology-driven approaches such as bionics, artificial intelligence, and carbon capture. Examples include: fermentation, where micro-organisms convert sugars from plants, animals or residues into alcohol or acid for the production of food additives, bioethanol, biopharma, or bioproducts, such as biofertilizer. For instance, today, 100 percent of vitamin B2 on the global market is produced by fermentation using industrial biotechnology; carbon capture, where micro-organisms such as microalgae capture carbon emissions from farms, landfills or heavy industry, and convert atmospheric carbon into valuable materials; digital sciences and data analysis tools, which can optimize and upscale all these applications – e.g. biotechnology is used for plant and animal disease diagnosis, cell culture, bio-based sensors and for the characterization and conservation of genetic resources for food and agriculture

    Regional problems of economic development

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    The key role in the development of the regional economy is played by the ratio between consumption and accumulation, which is one of the most important general economic proportions of social reproduction. Consequently, the main theoretical premise in solving the problem of social reproduction is the possibility and necessity of combining taking into account the features of the first and second approaches, or imparting the main (dominant) one of them

    Features of business financing by venture funds in Ukraine

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    Activation of innovative activity requires effective use of the country's investment potential, development of a system of state financial support for innovative investment activity. It is important to determine the directions of development of the venture financing system, taking into account the leading experience of countries with developed and transformational economies; mutual coordination of the goals of state administration aimed at the development and implementation of new technologies with the goals of investors interested in investment efficiency

    Management of personnel in the tourism and hotel and restaurant business of the hospitality industry

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    The importance and role of tourism in our time for the development of the economy of states, meeting the needs of the individual, the mutual enrichment of social ties between countries cannot be overestimated. A feature of the current stage of development of domestic tourism is the focus on expanding inbound tourism and the domestic market of tourist services

    Coaching in solving socio-psychological problems of higher education students

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    In a typical economic model of higher education, it is assumed that students know how to behave. We assume that they know how to learn, how to set priorities and how to plan. However, given what we know about the pace of stable levels of education in higher education, this is an assumption that should be questioned. In all sectors of higher education, more needs to be done to increase students' persistence in learning. Foreign literature and research in economics, education, and sociology suggest that student coaching may be a way to help students succeed in higher education

    Formation of professional competencies of the future hospital specialist

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    The situation on the market of hospitality enterprises today is not easy, entrepreneurs note increased competition, lack of customers due to a decrease in the level of income of the population, an increase in prices for suppliers of products and services. It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a high level of service. Naturally, the question arises of what to do in order to remain competitive, what to do in this regard. There are two main ways – increasing the turnover and reducing the cost of the business

    Social responsibility of business in the labor market of Ukraine

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    The mission of the state as a subject of the labor market lies in creating the conditions for establishing partnerships between employers and employees. It is implemented through two activities. The first involves a variety of public and awareness-raising activities for the mass audience. The second area unites personalized work methods when it comes to employment of citizens

    Features of the quality training of specialists under the conditions of marital state

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    The role of regulatory policy in the modern economic development of Ukraine

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    The current state of the economy of Ukraine is accompanied by an acute economic crisis. The development of the Ukrainian economy in recent years shows unstable dynamics, which confirms the different adaptation of its industries to the challenges of today, and has the consequence of reducing the level of investment-innovation activity and competitiveness