52 research outputs found

    Prospek Kacang Hijau pada Musim Kemarau di Jawa Tengah

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    Mungbean (Vigna radiata) are resistant to drought and the price relatively high and stable compared than other legumes. In Demak district, mungbeans grown in the dry season after rice in heavy soil (Vertisol), without tillage, wihtout weeding and irrigation. The main problem on mungbean cultivation are drought and pest attacks.The intensity of pest attacks can be suppressed by pesticides. While drought can be avoided by planting 3–5 days after the rice harvested. Planting intimely way, the use of early maturity varieties and uniform maturity of pod (Vima 1) accompanied by an intensive pest control in the Tempuran and Megonten village Demak district can provide high yields, ranging from 1.72 to 1.92 t/ ha. The cost of production is needed between Rp 2.926.000 – Rp3.167.000/ha, can provide benefits ranging between Rp 7.669.000 million – Rp 8.594.000/ha and B/C ratio from 2.42 to 2.90. The application of introduction technology using Vima 1 variety that farmers do a positive impact on benefits which reached Rp 12.210.814,- (B/C ratio3,22), so its worth in the region has developed just as in the areas of agroecology Demak. The use of variety Vima 1 for 2 years after the technology display has covering 2000 ha in the Demak district, in order to accelerate the adoption of the technology it need to be disseminated effectively assembled this technology through the display of this technology insome areas that has the same condition. Local Government and relevant agencies should be involvedso that effective dissemination of technology

    Enzim Laccase Dari Edible Mushroom Untuk Pemutihan Pati Sagu Ramah Lingkungan

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    Sagu pada umumnya berwarna kecoklatan dan bau kurang sedap. Kelemahan ini dapat diperbaiki dengan penambahan enzim Laccase dalam produksi pati sagu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan enzm Laccase dari edible mushroom. Bahan yang digunakan adalah jamur Plurotus ostreatus, Agaricus bisporus dan Rhyzopus oligosporus yang diperoleh dari pasar dan bahan kimia media. Metoda yang digunakan adalah melalui fermentasi cair menggunakan skala flask. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa Pleurotus ostreatus pada uji agar cawan petri membentuk zona ring merah kecoklatan yang tebal menunjukan kemampuan oxidase senyawa guaicol dan syringaldazine. Uji fermentasi cair skala flaks 500 mL kultur jamur Pleurotus ostreatus, Agaricus bisporus, Rhyzopus oligosporus selama 21 hari. Hasil Laccase yang diproduksi oleh Pleurotus ostreatus mempunyai aktivitas tertinggi yaitu mencapai 774 U/L pada analisa spektrofotometer menggunakan substrat ABTS. Sementara itu, Agaricus bisporus dan Rhyzopus oligosporus mencapai puncak produksi laccase masing-masing 484 U/L dan 480 U/L

    Morphological Characteristics, Productivity and Quality of Three Napier Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum Schum) Cultivars Harvested at Different Age

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    The research was conducted to determine the morphological characteristics, productivity andquality of Napier grass cultivars Taiwan, King and Mott harvested at 8 and 13 after planting. Effect ofcultivar and harvest arranged in a nested design (3x2). The variables were observed consisting ofmorphological characteristics, dry matter production and forage quality. The results showed that themorphological characteristics, leaf stem ratio, fiber content, crude protein content and in vitro dry matterdigestibility of Napier grass Taiwan and King cultivar were not different, but both morphologicalcharacteristics, fiber content was higher (P <0.05) compared to Mott cultivar, whereas leaf stem ratio,crude protein content and in vitro dry matter digestibility Mott cultivar was higher (P <0.05) comparedto Taiwan and King cultivars. In general, an increase in plant height and fiber content at the age of 13weeks, whereas crude protein content and in vitro dry matter digestibility decreased. It was concludedthat the highest dry matter production found in Taiwan and the King cultivars, whereas highest qualityfound in Mott cultivar. Dry matter production was highest harvested at 13 weeks, whereas the highestquality harvested at 8 weeks after planting for all cultivars tested

    Total Karbohidrat Nonstruktural Pada Pangkal Batang Dan Akar Tanaman Rumput Gajah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat pertumbuhan dan regrowth terhadap total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) yang terakumulasi dalam pangkal batang dan akar rumput gajah. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan tersarang dimana faktor regrowth (R) tersarang pada faktor tingkat pertumbuhan (P). Faktor tingkat pertumbuhan terdiri atas tingkat vegetatif (P1) dan tingkat reproduktif (P2). Faktor regrowth terdiri atas R0 (regrowth 0 hari), R4 (regrowth 4 hari), R8 (regrowth 8 hari) dan R12 (regrowth 12 hari). Peubah yang diamati adalah produksi bahan kering (BK) dan TNC yang terakumulasi dalam pangkal batang dan akar rumput gajah. Data dianalisis dengan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, produksi BK dan TNC yang terakumulasi pada pangkal batang dan akar pada tingkat pertumbuhan reproduktif sangat nyata (P<0,01) lebih tinggi dibanding dengan tingkat pertumbuhan vegetatif. Produksi BK dan TNC yang terakumulasi dalam pangkal batang dan akar pada tingkat pertumbuhan vegetatif dan reproduktif masing-masing pada regrowth R0, menurun tidak nyata pada R4 dan nyata pada R8, kemudian meningkat tidak nyata pada R12. Disimpulkan, bahwa ada perbedaan produksi BK dan TNC yang terakumulasi pada tingkat vegatatif dan reproduktif dalam pangkal batang dan akar rumput gajah. Produksi BK dan TNC yang terakumulasi dalam pangkal batang dan akar lebih tinggi pada tingkat reproduktif dibanding dengan tingkat vegetatif. Produksi BK dan TNC yang terakumulasi dalam pangkal batang dan akar menurun pada hari ke 0 hingga hari kedelapan, kemudian meningkat pada hari kedua belas untuk tingkat pertumbuhan vegetatif dan reproduktif

    Biophysical and Economic Evaluation of Hedgerow Intercropping Using SCUAF in Lampung, Indonesia

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    IndonesianStudi ini mengungkap dampak jangka panjang (20 tahun) tiga sistem USAha tani dengan menggunakan pendekatan model bioekonomik, yang disebut Model Soil Change Under Agro Forestry (SCUAF). Teknik konservasi introduksi USAha tani tanaman lorong Flemingia dibandingkan dengan dua jenis sistem USAha tani tradisional yaitu perladangan berpindah dengan masa bera tiga tahun dan sistem USAha tani tanaman pangan sepanjang tahun. Tingkat erosi dan kesuburan lahan menurun secara drastis pada sistem USAha tani tradisional, khususnya pada sistem USAha tani tanaman pangan sepanjang tahun. Dalam 20 tahun, sistem USAha tani tradisional ini kehilangan volume lahan hampir 20 kali, dan unsur hara (soil nutrient) mendekati tiga kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan teknologi konservasi tanaman lorong. Produktivitas tanaman menurun pada ketiga sistem USAha tani, tetapi penurunan cukup tajam (81%) terdapat pada sistem USAha tani tanaman pangan sepanjang tahun dan hanya 30 persen pada sistem USAha tani tanaman lorong. Sistem perladangan berpindah memiliki Net Precent Value (NPV) paling rendah. Dalam jangka panjang, teknologi konservasi tanaman lorong mampu memberikan keuntungan finansial yang tertinggi dan dapat menjamin keberlanjutan USAha tani. Namun demikian, teknologi introduksi ini membutuhkan dukungan modal yang relatif besar pada tahap awal, sehingga dalam implementasinya perlu didukung dengan kebijaksanaan perkreditan di samping kepastian status penguasaan lahan.EnglishThis study reveals long term (20 years) impact of three farming systems using an approach of bio-economic model called Soil Change Under Agro Forestry (SCUAF). An introduced conservation technique of Flemingia inter-cropping system was compared to two traditional farming systems i.e. shifting cultivation with three years fallow and a long year food crop farming system. Soil erosion rate and land fertility decreased drastically on land used for traditional farming system especially for that of the long year food crop farming system. In 20 years, the traditional farming system lost soil volume almost 20 times and soil nutrient for almost three times compared to that of hedgerow inter-cropping farming system technique. Plant productivity for all techniques decreased, however, the long year food crop farming system experienced the most (81 %) compared to hedgerow inter-cropping using SCUAF (30% ). Net Present Value (NPV) for shifting cultivation was the lowest. In a long term, the hedgerow inter-cropping using SCUAF gives the highest financial profit and assures farming sustainability. However, this introduced technology requires relatively high capital support at the initiation phase so that it needs PRIVATE credit policy support besides land holding status certainty

    Total Non-structural Carbohydrate (Tnc) of Three Cultivars of Napier Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum) at Vegetative and Reproductive Phase

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    An experiment was conducted to determine Total Non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) of threecultivars of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) harvested at vegetative and reproductive phases. Thecultivars tested were Taiwan (Gt), King (Gk) and Mott (Gm) and arranged in a 3 x 2 of treatments withfour replicates following nested design. The results showed that the highest sugar content (P<0.01) wasfound in Gt cultivar and the lowest was in Gm cultivar. The highest starch content (P<0.01) was found inGk cultivar and the lowest was in Gt cultivar. TNC content of Gt and Gk cultivars were not significantlydifferent, but both were significantly higher (P<0.01) compared with the Gm cultivar. It can beconcluded, that there were differences in TNC between cultivars, however, the TNC content in Gkcultivar was not different with Gt cultivar, while Gm cultivar have the lowest (P<0.01) TNC content. Atreproductive phase all cultivars have higher (P<0.01) TNC and starch content than at vegetative phas

    Photosynthesis and Yields of Grasses Grown in Saline Condition

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    The aim of this study was to know effects of saline condition to crop physiology, growth andforages yield. A factorial completed random design was used in this study. The first factor was type ofgrass, these were king grass (Pennisetum hybrid), napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum), panicum grass(Panicum maximum), setaria grass (Setaria sphacelata) and star grass (Cynodon plectostachyus). Thesecond factor was salt solution (NaCl) with concentration 0, 100, 200 and 300 mM. Parameters of thisexperiment were the percentage of chlorophyll, rate of photosynthesis, number of tiller, biomass and drymatter yield. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and followed by Duncan\u27s multiple range testwhen there were significant effects of the treatment. Panicum grass had the highest chlorophyll content(1.85 mg/g of leaf). Photosynthesis rate of setaria grass was the lowest. The increasing of NaClconcentration up to 300 mM NaCl reduced chlorophyll content, rate of photosynthesis, tiller number,biomass yield and dry matter yield. Responses of leaf area, biomass and dry matter yield to salinitywere linear for king, napier, panicum and setaria grasses. In tar grass, the response of leaf area andbiomass ware linear, but those of dry matter yield was quadratic. The response of tiller number tosalinity was linear for all species
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