37 research outputs found

    Human impact on the evolution of a landslide lake : case study : lake Pucołowski Stawek in the Gorce Mts.

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    Activity of selected plant extracts against honey bee pathogen Paenibacillus larvae

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    International audienceAbstractThe present study focuses on the antibacterial activity of selected plant extracts against Paenibacillus larvae, the causal agent of American foulbrood disease of honey bees. A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method was used to analyze six diethyl ether extracts of two white birch species, black poplar and common aspen buds, as well as n-hexane, diethyl ether, and methanol extracts of young twigs from downy and silver birches. Among the identified extract constituents were flavonoids, phenylpropenoids, triterpenoids, and glucosides. In spite of significant differences in qualitative and quantitative composition, all tested in vitro extracts demonstrated high anti-P. larvae activity at minimal inhibitory concentration levels between < 1.0 and 125 μg/mL. To examine the cause of such disparity, the anti-P. larvae activity of some individual constituents naturally present in plant extract compounds was determined. A higher susceptibility of P. larvae (ERIC I) to relatively poorly polar triterpenoid levels compared to polar compounds, flavonoids, and glucosides was demonstrated

    Dated landslides in the Gorce Mts. (Polish Outer Carpathians) : preliminary results

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    Preliminary results of dating landslides in the Gorce Mts. (Polish Outer Carpathians) are given, where ages of landslide activity have been poorly constrained. Four landslide zones with minerogenic mires (fens) were selected in order to determine the age of landslide movements, with depositional sequences of six fens being investigated by boreholes. Conventional radiocarbon dating of wood samples from mineral sediments sealing the landslide depressions was carried out to establish the age of landslide formation or rejuvenation. Loss on ignition analyses were obtained at 2.5 cm intervals along the cores to indicate possible delivery of allochthonous material into the peat bogs. Landslide formation in the Gorce Mts. corresponds to phases of mass movement hitherto identified in the Polish Outer Carpathians. Increased mass movements activity in the Gorce Mts. relate to cold and humid periods of the Holocene which occurred: ~11.1 ka cal BP, 8.6-8.0 cal BP; 6.5-5.9 ka cal BP, 4.8-4.5 cal BP, 3.3-2.5 cal BP and 1.75-1.35 cal BP. Loss on ignition analyses revealed changes in sedimentation in the landslide mires such as formation of mineral and illuvial horizons in peat sequences, and mineral covers overlying fens, associated with humid climatic phases of the Holocene

    Unregistered business activity and the shadow economy

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    Praca przedstawia powody podjęcia przez obywateli działalności nierejestrowanej oraz jej wpływ na szarą strefę oraz legalną działalność gospodarczą.The paper presents the reasons for taking unregistered activity by citizens and its impact on the gray economy and legal business activity

    Android application "chairman"

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    Aplikacja mobilna stworzona przy użyciu biblioteki React Native, przeznaczona na system operacyjny Android. Umożliwia zarządzenie harmonogramem konferencji. Zawiera również stronę internetową, która wykorzystuje bibliotekę React. Pozwala ona wyświetlić harmonogram konferencji dodanej przez aplikację mobilną.Mobile application developed using React Native library. Intended for Android operating system. Enables it's users to manage a conference schedule. It also includes a website, that was created using React library. Website lets visitors to see conference schedule added via mobile application

    Functioning of the public procurement system for classic procurement

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    Praca zawiera opis systemu zamówień publicznych dla zamówień klasycznych o wartości poniżej progów unijnych. Wskazuje ona również problemy, z którymi muszą uporać się zarówno zamawiający jak i wykonawcy oraz nowe rozwiązania wprowadzone ustawą z 11 września 2019 roku.The paper describes the public procurement system for classic contracts with a value below the EU thresholds. It also indicates the problems that both contracting authorities and contractors must deal with, as well as new solutions introduced by the Act of September 11, 2019

    Functioning of landslide lakes in Gorce Mountains

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    W okresie od 23.03 do 23.12 2012 r. badano funkcjonowanie jezior osuwiskowych Zawadowskiego i Iwankowskiego w Gorcach. Badania te objęły charakterystykę hydrologiczną tych zbiorników, polegającą na porównaniu wahań stanów wody w obu zbiornikach z średnimi dziennymi temperaturami oraz sumami opadów atmosferycznych. W okresie wilgotnym zagłębienia te funkcjonują jako jeziora zaś w suchym jako torfowiska. Jeziora te zasilane są głównie przez wody roztopowe oraz opady deszczu. Wahania poziomu wód w jeziorach i w torfowiskach uwarunkowane są przez temperaturę oraz opady atmosferyczne. Różnice reakcji obu zbiorników na czynniki meteorologiczne uwarunkowane są charakterystyką obszarów zasilania oraz osadami akumulowanymi w ich obrębie.In the period from 23 of March to 23 of December 2012 took place the research of the functioning of Zawadowskie and Iwankowskie landslide lakes in Gorce Mountains. The studies included the hydrological characteristics of these reservoirs, consisting of comparing the fluctuations of water levels in both reservoirs with average daily temperatures and total precipitation. In the wet period, the reservoirs functioning as lakes and in a dry period they functioning as peat bogs. The lakes are supplied mostly by meltwater and precipitation. Fluctuations of water level in lakes and peat bogs are determined by temperature and precipitation. The different reactions of both reservoirs for the meteorological conditions are determined by the supply area and accumulated sediments

    Neotectonic activity of Lubań Range (Gorce Mts.) based on morphometric indices

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    The aim of this paper is to use a relative tectonic index (Iat) in order to evaluate tectonic activity in the intermediate mountain area of the Lubań Range. To estimate the tectonic activity in the study area, we analyzed 6 DEM derived geomorphic indices for 66 basins: the stream-gradient index (SL), asymmetry factor (Af), basin shape ratio (Bs), hypsometric integral (Hi), valley floor width-valley height ratio (Vf) and mountain-front sinuosity (Smf). These parameters were combined to obtain the relative tectonic activity index (Iat). According to Iat values, ca. 25% of the Lubań Range was classified as areas of relatively high tectonic activity and ca. 72% as moderately tectonically active. The Iat values suggest a higher relative tectonic activity in the western part of the range, since some morphometric indices, like HI and SL, indicate a higher rate of tectonic uplift along the Dunajec Fault and normalfaults on the northern slopes of the Lubań Range. The rate of the tectonic uplift obtained from the Iat values is similar to that derivedfrom river incision. Morphometric analysis as well as field evidence of active tectonics, such as triangularfacets, suggest a high rate of tectonic uplift along the northern margins of the range and probably along the eastern slopes of the Lubań Range. The high relative tectonic activity on the southern slopes in the western part of the Lubań Range is probably related to active subsidence of the Nowy Targ Basi

    Landslide lakes

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