3 research outputs found

    The Hmong Experience In School

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    Classrooms today are an incredibly diverse portrait of the emerging ethnicities that occupy the United States. Teachers are challenged with adapting these newly emerging communities of students. Understanding new cultures that occupy classrooms give teachers the opportunity to see students through a lens that allows them to access how to better serve their students. The research question in this study was, what is the Hmong experience in school? The motivating factor in this capstone was that while there is vast research for many minority populations and schools in the United States, there is little research for the Hmong population. This study looked specifically at experiences of Hmong families of a third grade classroom. The author surveyed the families of a third grade classroom from a K-8 Hmong-focused charter school and found that the while the individual perspective of every family varied greatly, there was a distinct connection with the importance of the Hmong culture in their child’s education

    A Portraiture of Two Tribal College Leaders

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    This study explored the lives and self-perceived impacts of two Tribal college presidents in a northwest state of the United States. This qualitative inquiry employed portraiture in which the researcher created a diverse range of stories curated through interviews, observations of participants, and artifacts to formulate a story of each participant’s life. This study shared the unique stories of each Tribal college leader. Their stories were captured through questions about their perspectives and how they felt that they had contributed to their respective colleges. In addition to how they had contributed culturally, follow-up questions addressed how they had attributed to pedagogy and curriculum in cultural ways. This study shed light on the impacts that Tribal colleges have had on the communities that they served as well as the unique opportunities that they provided for American Indian students

    Student Carer Experiences of Higher Education and Support: A Scoping Review

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    Student carers are students who provide unpaid support to an individual who could not manage without their care. A scoping review was undertaken to determine the themes and concepts which underpin student carers’ experiences within higher education, examine student carers’ experiences of support, and identify any gaps in the literature. A comprehensive literature search was conducted between February and May 2020. The search yielded 2,484 items, of which 14 articles were included in the review. Data from each article were extracted, charted, and analysed using a thematic analysis. The articles revealed that caring responsibilities can have a negative impact on student carers physical and mental health, university performance, and financial status. Both formal and informal sources of support were referenced. Further, it was noted that universities had rigid rules and policies which did not suit the flexible needs of student carers. A paucity of research examined the impact studying had on student’s ability to provide care. Finally, issues relating to research design were observed, and a lack of demographic information, or detail on the caring duties performed was found. A more robust evidence base is required to facilitate the development of interventions to support student carers in education