3,582 research outputs found

    Transpersonal Education: An Educational Approach for the Twenty-First Century?

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    Maslow was instrumental to the development of both humanistic and transpersonal psychology advocating that humanistic psychology should be subsumed by transpersonal psychology [1]. However the transpersonal has remained a lucid term with over-simplified definitions relating to spirituality [2-5], although three encompassing themes have been identified: beyond-ego psychology, integrative psychology and transformative psychology [6]. Although transpersonal psychology has been applied to a number of fields, (e.g. counselling, coaching, psychotherapy), there has been a paucity of research in relation to mainstream education. This paper initially introduces and discusses transpersonal psychology and how it differs to humanistic and positive psychology, before hermeneutically analysing previous research on transpersonal education, to propose a transpersonal education for the twenty-first century

    Quality teaching in rural Sub-Saharan Africa: Different perspectives, values and capabilities

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    Over the last decade vast sums have been invested in Sub-Saharan Africa to enhance teacher quality. Yet improvements in quality – when interpreted as enhanced pupil attainment – are disappointing. This paper shows how Amartya Sen’s capability approach can help answer the call for a renewed focus on, and reconceptualisation of, quality teaching by considering the pursuit of valued goals in teachers’ work. It is increasingly understood that what teachers do, matters. Drawing on a recently completed PhD, this paper examines the professional capabilities of two women teachers from a rural Nigerian school. These teachers provide a focus for exploring the relationship between official representations of teachers’ work and the professional lives teachers create and experience. Official perspectives were extrapolated from policy documents around teachers’ work, teachers’ perspectives were drawn from an ethnography of rural teachers’ lives carried out between 2007 and 2011. A list of professional capabilities was developed from each perspective to represent what was valued in teachers’ work, and the study developed an analytical framework for evaluating teachers’ professional capability from each perspective. This paper draws out some highlights of this analysis and proposes a new cyclical model of professional capability for quality teaching

    The Tryal Between J.G. Biker, Plaintiff; and M. Morley, Doctor of Phyfic, Defendant; for Criminal Conversation with the Plaintiff’s Wife; on Tuefday the 30th of June at Guildhall, London

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    An account of a civil suit, including witness testimony, of charges of assault and criminal conversation against the defendant for having unlawful martial relations with the plaintiff’s wife. The evidence presented during the trial suggests witness tampering took place on the part of the plaintiff, which resulted in a verdict for the defendant. Printed for J. Huggonson in Sword and Buckler Court, Ludgate-Hill. 1741

    CSR, local content and taking control: do shifts in rhetoric echo shifts in power from the centre to the periphery?

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    In the current climate of increasing rhetoric around protectionism, nationalism and border security versus free movement, transnational corporations are having to negotiate some particularly tricky issues. One of these is the increasing prevalence of local content regulations which are impinging more and more upon the ways those corporations operate, including having an impact upon the scope and nature of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development activities. In this chapter I examine the historical, political and economic context of local content policies, exploring their roots in conflict and the contemporary, contested discourses that lie behind the development of different local content requirements. As local content requirements have become increasingly adopted by countries in the developing world they have displaced activities more generally associated with corporate social responsibility, a move which is synchronous with claims that CSR is a neo-colonial means by which the developed world attempts to continue to exert power over its erstwhile colonies. I explore how this has worked in different contexts, highlighting the rhetorical nature of policy setting, reflecting power struggles on the international stage rather than meaningful or sustainable developments in terms of national or local economies

    Dual Credit Programs: Does the State of Illinois Provide Programs that are Efficacious for All Stakeholders?

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    As dual credit courses have become more and more popular, both in the country as a whole, and in the state of Illinois, many students are taking advantage of the benefits that these courses can provide. The problem that this study focused on was whether or not the state of Illinois is doing all it can to ensure all students are able to benefit. The High School Longitudinal Study (2009) was a national study that provided valuable information on the academic environment in high schools at that time. One of the areas the study looked at was dual credit programs. In 2021, the Illinois Board of Higher Education released its 2020 state report on dual credit education. This study looked at the 2020 statistics and compared them with the data from 2009 in order to see if Illinois had used that wealth of information to improve its dual credit programs or not. Critical Race Theory (CRT) was the lens through which the data was compared. CRT, the very controversial theory being discussed across the country these days, identifies circumstances in which those in power legitimize ways in which minority citizens get treated unfairly in the United States. This study found that while the state of Illinois has made some positive changes to its dual credit programs, in far too many cases, ingrained racism in the education system is still influencing how programs are run. This is not an isolated problem in education. However, in this case educators must not turn a blind eye as many have done in the past. Every student deserves to benefit from saving money, finishing college sooner, and simply being better prepared to enter college, and any other benefit dual credit courses can offer. Schools must find ways to better market these classes to all students. They must focus on methods to help students who are taking the classes succeed, and they must work more closer with higher education institutions in order to provide an easy to follow map for all students to follow
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