8 research outputs found

    Invisible women: barriers for women professionals in the water, energy, food, and environment sectors in Nepal

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    Despite evidence of women’s roles and expertise in the management of water, energy, food, and the environment (WEFE), the WEFE literature is almost silent on gender issues. In the context of climate change, achieving more inclusive management of natural resources is vital; yet women continue to be underrepresented as professionals in WEFE sectors, and largely absent in leadership positions. Using Nepal as a case study, this paper explores the enduring barriers to their exclusion, and entry points for greater equity among professionals in these sectors. To do so, we draw on key informant interviews with 34 male and 31 women professionals from government, civil society, non-governmental organizations and consultants, as well as a roundtable discussion with 20 women professionals specifically focused on gender barriers in these sectors in Nepal. Drawing on Gaventa (2006)’s power cube, this paper examines how power dynamics within and between the public and the private spheres create a web of barriers that conflate to sideline women professionals. While women have reached the “closed space” as defined by Gaventa (i.e., are recruited to professional positions in WEFE sectors), different sources of “hidden” and “invisible” power at play in the public and private spheres continue to limit their participation, influence and decision-making. We argue that the continued marginalization of women professionals calls for a focus on understanding the power and intersectionality dynamics that sustain exclusion. This focus is critical for the development of strategies to increase the voice and leadership of women professionals in WEFE decision-making

    Scoping study: Capacities and needs for strengthening water-energy-food-environment (WEFE) nexus approaches in Nepal

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    This report presents the results of a scoping study conducted between April and June 2022 in Nepal as part of the CGIAR NEXUS Gains Initiative. The study aims to inform and offer a baseline for the development of a water - energy - food - environment (WEFE) nexus capacity strengthening strategy for the Initiative in Nepal, which will serve as a hub for NEXUS Gains capacity strengthening activities in the sub-region. The study sheds light on the current status of capacities to develop and implement nexus solutions among key Nepali actors in the water, energy, forestry, biodiversity and agriculture sectors, and on the enabling environment for pursuing such integrated solutions. The assessment draws attention to equity and inclusion as critical dimensions of WEFE nexus approaches, and identifies constraints and strategies to strengthen the capacities, leadership, and influence of women WEFE actors

    Developing Capacity for Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus Actors, Including Emerging Women Leaders: Foundations of the WEFE Nexus Leadership Program in Nepal

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    CGIAR’s NEXUS Gains Initiative aims to realize gains across water, energy, food, and ecosystems (with a focus on forests and biodiversity) in selected transboundary river basins by leading global nexus thinking and providing tools, guidelines, training and facilitation for analysis, and research for development. Work Package 5 of NEXUS Gains specifically aims to develop the capacity of WEFE actors. A core component of the capacity strengthening program is a leadership development package tailored to WEFE nexus leaders, with emphasis on emerging women leaders. Against this backdrop, this concept note outlines the planned co-development and implementation of the WEFE Nexus Leadership Program targeted at women and men professionals who are emerging WEFE sector leaders in Nepal

    Histoire forestière de l’Indochine (1850-1954). Perspectives de recherche

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    The impact of French forest management in Indochina, both from the ecological and from the socio-economic point of view, remains a hitherto unexplored aspect of the colonial history of the peninsula. The present article is a synthesis based on a first reading of the official sources available in France and in Vietnam, and provides an overview of the evolution of forest management in the colony from 1850 to 1954. It deals with French forest legislation and policy, the effects of which are illustrated by a synthetic analysis of Indochinese forest economy during the period under study. It also concerns the place which was allowed to man (forest peoples of the hills, rice-growers of the plains) in the management of the environment, and the ecological impact of this new policy.L’impact de la gestion forestière française en Indochine, tant du point de vue économique et social que du point de vue écologique, est un aspect encore inexploré de l'histoire coloniale de la péninsule. Cet article, qui fait la synthèse d'une première lecture des sources officielles conservées en France et au Vietnam, retrace les grandes lignes de l'évolution de l'aménagement forestier dans la colonie de 1850 à 1954. Il traite de la législation et de la politique forestières françaises, dont les effets sont illustrés par une analyse synthétique de l'économie forestière de la péninsule pendant la période considérée. Il concerne également la place qui était faite à l'homme (forestiers des montagnes, riziculteurs des plaines) dans la gestion du milieu, et aux impacts écologiques de cette nouvelle politique.Buchy Marlène. Histoire forestière de l’Indochine (1850-1954). Perspectives de recherche. In: Colonisations et environnement. Paris : Société française d'histoire d'outre-mer, 1993. pp. 219-249. (Bibliothèque d'histoire d'outre-mer. Études, 13

    Histoire forestière de l'Indochine (1850-1954). Perspectives de recherche

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    The impact of French forest management in Indochina, both from the ecological and from the socio-economic point of view, remains a hitherto unexplored aspect of the colonial history of the peninsula. The present article is a synthesis based on a first reading of the official sources available in France and in Vietnam, and provides an overview of the evolution of forest management in the colony from 1850 to 1954. It deals with French forest legislation and policy, the effects of which are illustrated by a synthetic analysis of Indochinese forest economy during the period under study. It also concerns the place which was allowed to man (forest peoples of the hills, rice-growers of the plains) in the management of the environment, and the ecological impact of this new policy.L'impact de la gestion forestière française en Indochine, tant du point de vue économique et social que du point de vue écologique, est un aspect encore inexploré de l'histoire coloniale de la péninsule. Cet article, qui fait la synthèse d'une première lecture des sources officielles conservées en France et au Vietnam, retrace les grandes lignes de l'évolution de l'aménagement forestier dans la colonie de 1850 à 1954. Il traite de la législation et de la politique forestières françaises, dont les effets sont illustrés par une analyse synthétique de l'économie forestière de la péninsule pendant la période considérée. Il concerne également la place qui était faite à l'homme (forestiers des montagnes, riziculteurs des plaines) dans la gestion du milieu, et aux impacts écologiques de cette nouvelle politique.Buchy Marlène. Histoire forestière de l'Indochine (1850-1954). Perspectives de recherche. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 80, n°299, 2e trimestre 1993. pp. 219-249

    Genre, mouvements populaires urbains et environnement

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    Le désordre urbain et les défis environnementaux que nous connaissons ne sont pas perçus ni vécus pareillement aux Suds et aux Nords, par les femmes et les hommes, par les puissants et les exclus. Les mouvements populaires urbains et de lutte pour l'environnement participent de la réflexion sur les changements de paradigme de développement qui sont urgents et nécessaires. La perspective de genre donne des clés de lecture pour comprendre comment les asymétries féminin-masculin structurent la perception et l’organisation concrète de la vie sociale. La forte présence des femmes dans les organisations urbaines et de lutte pour l’environnement est généralement peu ou pas reconnue. Ce livre explore certains mouvements populaires urbains, qui participent au travail de prise de conscience et de revendications de droits et qui permettent ainsi d'envisager des alternatives sur des territoires de vie, sans plus attendre