52 research outputs found

    Are there memory effects on greenhouse gas emissions (CO2_{2}, N2_{2}O and CH4_{4}) following grassland restoration?

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    A 5-year greenhouse gas (GHG) exchange study of the three major gas species (CO2_{2}, CH4_{4} and N2_{2}O) from an intensively managed permanent grassland in Switzerland is presented. Measurements comprise 2 years (2010 and 2011) of manual static chamber measurements of CH4_{4} and N2_{2}O, 5 years of continuous eddy covariance (EC) measurements (CO2_{2}–H2_{2}O – 2010–2014), and 3 years (2012–2014) of EC measurement of CH4_{4} and N2_{2}O. Intensive grassland management included both regular and sporadic management activities. Regular management practices encompassed mowing (three to five cuts per year) with subsequent organic fertilizer amendments and occasional grazing, whereas sporadic management activities comprised grazing or similar activities. The primary objective of our measurements was to compare pre-plowing to post-plowing GHG exchange and to identify potential memory effects of such a substantial disturbance on GHG exchange and carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) gains and losses. In order to include measurements carried out with different observation techniques, we tested two different measurement techniques jointly in 2013, namely the manual static chamber approach and the eddy covariance technique for N2_{2}O, to quantify the GHG exchange from the observed grassland site. Our results showed that there were no memory effects on N2_{2}O and CH4_{4} emissions after plowing, whereas the CO2_{2} uptake of the site considerably increased when compared to pre-restoration years. In detail, we observed large losses of CO2_{2} and N2_{2}O during the year of restoration. In contrast, the grassland acted as a carbon sink under usual management, i.e., the time periods 2010–2011 and 2013–2014. Enhanced emissions and emission peaks of N2_{2}O (defined as exceeding background emissions 0.21 ± 0.55 nmol m−2^{-2} s−1^{-1} (SE = 0.02) for at least 2 sequential days and the 7 d moving average exceeding background emissions) were observed for almost 7 continuous months after restoration as well as following organic fertilizer applications during all years. Net ecosystem exchange of CO2_{2} (NEECO2_{2}) showed a common pattern of increased uptake of CO2_{2} in spring and reduced uptake in late fall. NEECO2_{2} dropped to zero and became positive after each harvest event. Methane (CH4_{4}) exchange fluctuated around zero during all years. Overall, CH4_{4} exchange was of negligible importance for both the GHG budget and the carbon budget of the site. Our results stress the inclusion of grassland restoration events when providing cumulative sums of C sequestration potential and/or global warming potential (GWP). Consequently, this study further highlights the need for continuous long-term GHG exchange observations as well as for the implementation of our findings into biogeochemical process models to track potential GHG mitigation objectives as well as to predict future GHG emission scenarios reliably

    Large inter-annual variation in carbon sink strength of a permanent grassland over 16 years: Impacts of management practices and climate

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    Permanent grasslands cover one third of the European agricultural area and are known to store large amounts of carbon (C) in their soils. However, long-term assessments of their C sink strength are still scarce. Thus, we investigated the C budget of an intensively managed, permanent grassland in Switzerland over 16 years, compared the results to changes in soil C stocks, and determined the most important drivers of the net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE). Combining NEE fluxes with C imports and C exports, we quantified the grassland C budget, i.e., net biome production (NBP). We observed a large inter-annual variation in NBP, with 9 of the 16 years indicating a C sink, and 7 years indicating a C source. On average, the grassland was a small C sink to C neutral, with a NBP of -70±106 g C m−2^{−2} yr−1^{−1} (mean±95% confidence interval). Mean NEE fluxes were -284±115 g C m−2^{−2} yr−1^{−1}, C exports via harvest 335±73 g C m−2^{−2} yr−1^{−1}, and organic C imports via slurry -121±43 g C m−2^{−2} yr−1^{−1}. Soil C stocks from 0 to 0.7 m did not change significantly (decrease of 27.5 g C m−2^{−2} yr−1^{−1} over 13 years). Inter-annual variation in NBP was affected by management practices and environmental conditions. In the last five years, NBP was positive (C source), most likely due to decreasing C imports in combination with extreme weather conditions. Our study demonstrated the importance of covering multiple years with different management events when assessing the C sink strength of a site. Maintaining even a small grassland C sink in the future will be challenging and will require continuous organic C imports

    Glutamatergic and Resting-State Functional Connectivity Correlates of Severity in Major Depression – The Role of Pregenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Anterior Insula

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    Glutamatergic mechanisms and resting-state functional connectivity alterations have been recently described as factors contributing to major depressive disorder (MDD). Furthermore, the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (pgACC) seems to play an important role for major depressive symptoms such as anhedonia and impaired emotion processing. We investigated 22 MDD patients and 22 healthy subjects using a combined magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) approach. Severity of depression was rated using the 21-item Hamilton depression scale (HAMD) and patients were divided into severely and mildly depressed subgroups according to HAMD scores. Because of their hypothesized role in depression we investigated the functional connectivity between pgACC and left anterior insular cortex (AI). The sum of Glutamate and Glutamine (Glx) in the pgACC, but not in left AI, predicted the resting-state functional connectivity between the two regions exclusively in depressed patients. Furthermore, functional connectivity between these regions was significantly altered in the subgroup of severely depressed patients (HAMD > 15) compared to healthy subjects and mildly depressed patients. Similarly the Glx ratios, relative to Creatine, in the pgACC were lowest in severely depressed patients. These findings support the involvement of glutamatergic mechanisms in severe MDD which are related to the functional connectivity between pgACC and AI and depression severity

    Multimodel Evaluation of Nitrous Oxide Emissions From an Intensively Managed Grassland

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    Process‐based models are useful for assessing the impact of changing management practices and climate on yields and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural systems such as grasslands. They can be used to construct national GHG inventories using a Tier 3 approach. However, accurate simulations of nitrous oxide (N2_{2}O) fluxes remain challenging. Models are limited by our understanding of soil‐plant‐microbe interactions and the impact of uncertainty in measured input parameters on simulated outputs. To improve model performance, thorough evaluations against in situ measurements are needed. Experimental data of N2_{2}O emissions under two management practices (control with typical fertilization versus increased clover and no fertilization) were acquired in a Swiss field experiment. We conducted a multimodel evaluation with three commonly used biogeochemical models (DayCent in two variants, PaSim, APSIM in two variants) comparing four years of data. DayCent was the most accurate model for simulating N2_{2}O fluxes on annual timescales, while APSIM was most accurate for daily N2_{2}O fluxes. The multimodel ensemble average reduced the error in estimated annual fluxes by 41% compared to an estimate using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)‐derived method for the Swiss agricultural GHG inventory (IPCC‐Swiss), but individual models were not systematically more accurate than IPCC‐Swiss. The model ensemble overestimated the N2_{2}O mitigation effect of the clover‐based treatment (measured: 39–45%; ensemble: 52–57%) but was more accurate than IPCC‐Swiss (IPCC‐Swiss: 72–81%). These results suggest that multimodel ensembles are valuable for estimating the impact of climate and management on N2_{2}O emissions

    Evaluating the Potential of Legumes to Mitigate N2O Emissions From Permanent Grassland Using Process-Based Models

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    Funding Information: This modeling study was a joint effort of the Models4Pastures project within the framework of FACCE-JPI. Lutz Merbold and Kathrin Fuchs acknowledge funding received for the Swiss contribution to Models4Pastures (FACCE-JPI project, SNSF funded contract: 40FA40_154245/1) and for the Doc. Mobility fellowship (SNSF funded project: P1EZP2_172121). Lutz Merbold further acknowledges the support received for CGIAR Fund Council, Australia (ACIAR), Irish Aid, the European Union, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, UK, USAID, and Thailand for funding to the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) as well as for the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock. The NZ contributors acknowledge funding from the New Zealand Government Ministry of Primary Industries to support the aims of the Livestock Research Group of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and from AgResearch's Strategic Science Investment Fund (the Forages for Reduced Nitrate Leaching (FRNL) research program). The UK partners acknowledge funding by DEFRA and the RCUK projects: N-Circle (BB/N013484/1), UGRASS (NE/M016900/1), and GREENHOUSE (NE/K002589/1). R.M. Rees and C.F.E. Topp also received funding from the Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme. Lorenzo Brilli, Camilla Dibari, and Marco Bindi received funding from the Italian Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies (MiPAAF). The FR partners acknowledge funding from CN-MIP project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR-13-JFAC-0001) and from ADEME (no. 12-60-C0023). Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL Funding Information: This modeling study was a joint effort of the Models4Pastures project within the framework of FACCE‐JPI. Lutz Merbold and Kathrin Fuchs acknowledge funding received for the Swiss contribution to Models4Pastures (FACCE‐JPI project, SNSF funded contract: 40FA40_154245/1) and for the Doc. Mobility fellowship (SNSF funded project: P1EZP2_172121). Lutz Merbold further acknowledges the support received for CGIAR Fund Council, Australia (ACIAR), Irish Aid, the European Union, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, UK, USAID, and Thailand for funding to the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) as well as for the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock. The NZ contributors acknowledge funding from the New Zealand Government Ministry of Primary Industries to support the aims of the Livestock Research Group of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and from AgResearch's Strategic Science Investment Fund (the Forages for Reduced Nitrate Leaching (FRNL) research program). The UK partners acknowledge funding by DEFRA and the RCUK projects: N‐Circle (BB/N013484/1), UGRASS (NE/M016900/1), and GREENHOUSE (NE/K002589/1). R.M. Rees and C.F.E. Topp also received funding from the Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme. Lorenzo Brilli, Camilla Dibari, and Marco Bindi received funding from the Italian Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies (MiPAAF). The FR partners acknowledge funding from CN‐MIP project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR‐13‐JFAC‐0001) and from ADEME (no. 12‐60‐C0023). Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL Publisher Copyright: ©2020. The Authors. Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEALPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Evaluating the Potential of Legumes to Mitigate N2_{2}O Emissions From Permanent Grassland Using Process-Based Models

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    A potential strategy for mitigating nitrous oxide (N2_{2}O) emissions from permanent grasslands is the partial substitution of fertilizer nitrogen (Nfert_{fert}) with symbiotically fixed nitrogen (Nsymb_{symb}) from legumes. The input of Nsymb_{symb} reduces the energy costs of producing fertilizer and provides a supply of nitrogen (N) for plants that is more synchronous to plant demand than occasional fertilizer applications. Legumes have been promoted as a potential N2_{2}O mitigation strategy for grasslands, but evidence to support their efficacy is limited, partly due to the difficulty in conducting experiments across the large range of potential combinations of legume proportions and fertilizer N inputs. These experimental constraints can be overcome by biogeochemical models that can vary legume‐fertilizer combinations and subsequently aid the design of targeted experiments. Using two variants each of two biogeochemical models (APSIM and DayCent), we tested the N2_{2}O mitigation potential and productivity of full factorial combinations of legume proportions and fertilizer rates for five temperate grassland sites across the globe. Both models showed that replacing fertilizer with legumes reduced N2_{2}O emissions without reducing productivity across a broad range of legume‐fertilizer combinations. Although the models were consistent with the relative changes of N2_{2}O emissions compared to the baseline scenario (200 kg N ha−1^{-1} yr−1^{-1}; no legumes), they predicted different levels of absolute N2_{2}O emissions and thus also of absolute N2_{2}O emission reductions; both were greater in DayCent than in APSIM. We recommend confirming these results with experimental studies assessing the effect of clover proportions in the range 30–50% and ≀150 kg N ha−1^{-1} yr−1^{-1} input as these were identified as best‐bet climate smart agricultural practices

    Ways to Develop Specialists in Engineering Activities: Professional Development and Retraining

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    This article discusses ways to develop an engineer in the form of professional development and retraining courses. The relevance of this topic is due to the lack of students' and professionals' awareness of the importance of further engineering education, the lack of interest in getting additional paid education, and the bad quality of additional education in Russia

    Self-Evaluation OSCE Chairmanship

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    Management matters: testing a mitigation strategy for nitrous oxide emissions using legumes on intensively managed grassland

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    Replacing fertiliser nitrogen with biologically fixed nitrogen (BFN) through legumes has been suggested as a strategy for nitrous oxide (N2O) mitigation from intensively managed grasslands. While current literature provides evidence for an N2O emission reduction effect due to reduced fertiliser input, little is known about the effect of increased legume proportions potentially offsetting these reductions, i.e. by increased N2O emissions from plant residues and root exudates. In order to assess the overall effect of this mitigation strategy on permanent grassland, we performed an in situ experiment and quantified net N2O fluxes and biomass yields in two differently managed grass–clover mixtures. We measured N2O fluxes in an unfertilised parcel with high clover proportions vs. an organically fertilised control parcel with low clover proportions using the eddy covariance (EC) technique over 2 years. Furthermore, we related the measured N2O fluxes to management and environmental drivers. To assess the effect of the mitigation strategy, we measured biomass yields and quantified biologically fixed nitrogen using the 15N natural abundance method. The amount of BFN was similar in both parcels in 2015 (control: 55±5kgNha−1yr−1; clover parcel: 72±5kgNha−1yr−1) due to similar clover proportions (control: 15% and clover parcel: 21%), whereas in 2016 BFN was substantially higher in the clover parcel compared to the much lower control (control: 14±2kgNha−1yr−1 with 4% clover in DM; clover parcel: 130±8kgNha−1yr−1 and 44% clover). The mitigation management effectively reduced N2O emissions by 54% and 39% in 2015 and 2016, respectively, corresponding to 1.0 and 1.6tha−1yr−1CO2 equivalents. These reductions in N2O emissions can be attributed to the absence of fertilisation on the clover parcel. Differences in clover proportions during periods with no recent management showed no measurable effect on N2O emissions, indicating that the decomposition of plant residues and rhizodeposition did not compensate for the effect of fertiliser reduction on N2O emissions. Annual biomass yields were similar under mitigation management, resulting in a reduction of N2O emission intensities from 0.42gN2O-Nkg−1DM (control) to 0.28gN2O-Nkg−1DM (clover parcel) over the 2-year observation period. We conclude that N2O emissions from fertilised grasslands can be effectively reduced without losses in yield by increasing the clover proportion and reducing fertilisation.ISSN:1726-4170ISSN:1726-417
