16 research outputs found


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    Demographically, Garut District is vulnerable to the occurrence of natural disasters due to the predominantly mountainous region. Disaster mitigation is the first step of prevention. Disaster mitigation conducted in Garut District was forming a disaster response village by using three aspects namely planning, institutional-level village and strengthening the community capacity as an effort to build a community resistance and responsive to the disaster. Institutional established in the village is useful to organize citizens to improve the awareness and social sense. While capacity building is a form of village, training resources to become volunteers whose focus is on entrepreneurship and disaster. The purpose of this research is to discover how disaster mitigation is based on community institutions in disaster-prone areas in Garut Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach by conducting sampling in three Disaster-resilient Villages, namely Pasawahan, Rancabango, and Karyamekar. This research uses observations, interviews and literature studies with analysis tools to see the village’s institutional in conducting disaster mitigation management with such aspects: 1) planning; 2) institutional; and 3) capacity building. The results show that disaster response training is not delivered optimally to citizens, and is still limited to volunteers established in each RT/RW. Therefore, the village government should increase the participation of citizens through training in all groups by planning and maximizing the disaster-resilient village with the institutional and capacity development both disaster volunteers and communities to reduce the loss of disaster and encourage villagers to conduct a green activity and maintain the environment to remain beautiful


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    This research was done because the public demands a very large in the provision of services which provide information in accordance with the needs of the community. To answer this need the government to use information and communication technology called e-Government. E-Kelurahan is one kind of electronic services (e-Service) in the field of public service Bandung city. This study uses qualitative design wich focus on the problem how to implementing e-Service at the e-Kelurahan program funds what kind of obstacle. The results of this study show that the implementation of e-Service via e-Kelurahan has not been successful. This is evidenced by the existence of barriers that hinder the effectiveness and efficiency of e-Village program. Bandung City Government is expected to soon be providing professional executive personnel or by the holding of training for regional aggency of using the application in order to more effectively and efficiently


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    Child sexual abuse is one of the forms of crimes against children that call for serious attention of the government. Indonesian Commission for Child Protection (KPAI)’s 2011-2016 years data shows that the number of child sexual abuse victims has been fluctuating year by year. The objectives of the present research were to evaluate the output of the implementation of government policies on handling child sexual abuses during 2011-2014, and to develop an alternative model of child sexual abuse handling policy suitable to apply in Indonesia. The research used a descriptive qualitative approach with a data collection technique of documentation and a descriptive data analysis. The research findings revealed that the policies currently pursued were generally ineffective both in prevention and in law enforcement against the offenders. Therefore, a model of child sexual abuse handling policy in Indonesia by a systems approach can be made as an alternative model of policies in dealing with the problem


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    This paper aims to examine the cause of public engagement ineffectiveness in the policy of arrangement and empowerment for street vendors in Garut Kota subdistrict. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that public engagement in this policy has not been effective, because it has not been related to: 1) Context and Settings; 2) Sponsors, Conveners, and Their Motivations for Direct Public Engagement; 3) Process Design; and 4) Outcomes. Regarding Context and Settings, there are no specific rules for public engagement. Public engagement has become a formality to fulfill the principles of democratic governance, but most of the local government decisions and actions that are considered crucial in this policy do not represent street vendors desire. Regarding Sponsors, Conveners, and Their Motivations for Direct Public Engagement, public engagement in the policy does not have sponsors yet in its sustainability, as for those who are organizers of public engagement in this policy based on the Regent’s Decree, especially in the fields that give positions to street vendors to be engaged as implementing elements. Some information, related to Process Design and Outcomes, is challenging to obtain. In substance, the author does not find information that is genuinely relevant to the aspects contained therein. The author recommends that a comprehensive review be carried out to formulate the Implementation Guidelines and Technical Guidelines based on the elements set out in the framework of direct public engagement as a guideline for conducting public engagement

    Perencanaan Program Optimalisasi Pendapatan Asli Daerah pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Badan Keuangan Kota Bukittinggi

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    This research on the planning of the Local Revenue (PAD) Optimization Program at Financial Agency of Bukittinggi City was motivated by the failure to achieve one of the performance indicator targets of the PAD Optimization Program in 2020, precisely when the Covid-19 pandemic began to hit Bukittinggi City. The pandemic that has occurred has prompted the government to implement several policies such as the policy of limiting community activities, Refocusing Policy and Budget Reallocation which have an impact on the sluggish community economy which is marked by a significant decrease in PAD compared to previous years. The decrease in PAD has an impact on not achieving the PAD Optimization Program targets. With these problems, this study seeks to find out, understand and analyze the PAD Optimization Program planning carried out by the Financial Agency of Bukittinggi City, especially during the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic. This study uses the theory of the program planning process according to Pawlak and Vinter in 2004 with qualitative research methods. There were 4 informants in this study, namely, Head of Revenue, Head of Subdivision of Determination, Head of Subdivision of Planning and Finance of the Financial Agency of Bukittinggi, and Head of Research and Development of the Research and Development Planning Agency (Bapelitbang) of Bukittinggi City. Data was collected by means of observation, interviews, and literature study. The data analysis technique in this study was carried out through 3 stages, namely, the data reduction stage, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that overall, the planning of the PAD Optimization Program has not been carried out properly by the Financial Agency of Bukittinggi City, because there were still two planning stages that are not in accordance with the program planning theory proposed by Pawlak and Vinter. Penelitian mengenai perencanaan Program Optimalisasi Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) di Badan Keuangan Kota Bukittinggi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tidak tercapainya salah satu target indikator kinerja dari Program Optimalisasi PAD pada tahun 2020 lalu, tepatnya ketika Pandemi Covid-19 mulai melanda Kota Bukittinggi. Pandemi yang terjadi mendorong pemerintah untuk menerapkan beberapa kebijakan seperti kebijakan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat, Kebijakan Refocusing dan Realokasi Anggaran yang berdampak pada lesunya perekonomian masyarakat yang ditandai dengan penurunan PAD yang cukup signifikan jika dibandingkan dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Penurunan PAD tersebut berimbas pada tidak tercapainya sasaran Program Optimalisasi PAD. Dengan adanya permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengetahui, memahami dan menganalisis perencanaan Program Optimalisasi PAD yang dilakukan oleh Badan Keuangan Kota Bukittinggi terutama pada masa Pandemi Covid-19 tahun 2020 lalu. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori proses perencanaan program menurut Pawlak dan Vinter tahun 2004 dengan metode penelitian kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 4 orang yaitu, Kepala Bidang Pendapatan, Kasubbid Penetapan, Kasubbag Perencanaan dan Keuangan Badan Keuangan Kota Bukittinggi, serta Kepala Bidang Penelitian dan Pengembangan Badan Perencanaan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Bapelitbang) Kota Bukittinggi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini dilakukan melalui 3 tahap yaitu, tahap reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan, perencanaan Program Optimalisasi PAD belum dilakukan dengan baik oleh Badan Keuangan Kota Bukittinggi, karena masih terdapat dua tahap perencanaan yang belum sesuai dengan teori perencanaan program yang dikemukakan oleh Pawlak dan Vinter


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    This study explains about the City of Bandung in its governance, making policy innovations in the form of an e-Monevlap system (Electronic Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting) against the background of the low realization of budget absorption in order to accelerate regional development in the City of Bandung which is carried out by the Program, Design and Quality Development Section of the Secretariat Bandung. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the implementation of e-Monevlap Policy Innovations (Electronic Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting in the Design and Quality Development Program Section of the Bandung City Regional Secretariat. The research method used is a qualitative approach. The technique of determining informants uses Purposive Techniques. Researchers use guidance theory A Framework for Analyzing the Implementation of Innovation by Steelman (2010). The results show that the agency has not paid attention to several component factors in implementing e-Monevlap policy innovations, especially on individual factors, structure and culture.From the individual factors in this study the problems that occur caused by the human resources of 74 regional apparatuses in the city of Bandung which have not been maximized in carrying out reporting on budget realization as well as the physical progress of the implementation of each program and activity. From structural factors, it is hampered by policy makers and In this case, the Design and Development Quality Program Division ignores SOPs in the implementation of e-Monevlap and there are no special rules governing the implementation of e-Monevlap, so that this causes e-Monevlap to not be optimal in its implementation. And from the cultural aspect, what is discussed in this factor is the framing component where the policy innovation of the e-Monevlap system cannot solve existing problems, as researchers found that e-Monevlap has not been able to convey to its object, namely the Bandung City regional apparatus, so this implementation still not optimal. Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang Kota Bandung dalam tata kelola pemerintahan nya membuat Inovasi kebijakan berupa sistem e-Monevlap (Elektronik Monitoring Evaluasi dan Pelaporan) di latarbelakangi rendahnya realiasi penyerapan anggaran guna  percepatan pembangunan daerah di Kota Bandung yang dilaksanakan oleh Bagian Program, Desain dan Kualitas Pembangunan Sekretariat Kota Bandung. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pelaksanaan Inovasi Kebijakan e-Monevlap (Elektronik Monitoring Evaluasi dan Pelaporan di Bagian Program Desain dan Kualitas Pembangunan Sekretariat Daerah Kota Bandung.  Metode Penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik penentuan informan menggunakan Teknik Purposive. Peneliti menggunakan guidance theory A Framework for Analyzing the Implementation of Innovation oleh Steelman (2010). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instansi belum memperhatikan beberapa komponen faktor dalam melaksanakan inovasi kebijakan e-Monevlap khususnya pada factor individual, struktur dan budaya. Dari factor individual dalam penelitian ini permasalahan yang terjadi disebabkan oleh SDM dari 74 OPD di Kota Bandung yang belum maksimal dalam melaksanakan pelaporan realisasi anggaran serta progress fisik pelaksanaan setiap program dan kegiatan. Dari faktor struktur terhambat disebabkan oleh pembuat kebijakan dalam hal ini Bagian Program Desain dan Kualitas Pembangunan mengabaikan SOP dalam pelaksanaan e-Monevlap juga tidak adanya aturan khusus yang mengatur pada pelaksanaan e-Monevlap, sehingga hal tersebut menyebabkan e-Monevlap belum optimal dalam pelaksanaannya. Dan dari aspek budaya, yang dibahasa dalam faktor ini adalah komponen framing dimana inovasi kebijakan sistem e-Monevlap ini tidak dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada, seperti yang peneliti temukan e-Monevlap belum mampu tersampaikan pada objek nya yakni OPD Kota Bandung, sehingga pelaksanaan ini masih belum optimal

    Efektivitas Program Layanan Transjakarta Cares Bagi Penyandang Disabilitas di DKI Jakarta

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    This study was conducted to identify the effectiveness of the Transjakarta Cares service program for persons with disabilities in DKI Jakarta to be able to determine the extent to which the Transjakarta Cares service program is able to provide the needs according to the wishes of persons with disabilities. In this study, the author uses the theory issued by Edy Sutrisno which measures the effectiveness of the program with five aspects, namely understanding the program, being on target, being on time, achieving goals, and real change. Then the researchers in this study used qualitative methods to be able to explain in detail the effectiveness of the Transjakarta Cares service program. According the results of the research that researchers have done, it can be seen that the Transjakarta Cares service program for persons with disabilities in DKI Jakarta has not been effective. This is reviewed through five aspects that are considered to have not been able to be fulfilled to the maximum. From the aspect of understanding the program, it can be assessed that not all parties have a good understanding of the Transjakarta Cares program, the timely aspect that has not been carried out according to the procedure, and the aspect of achieving the goals that have not been achieved. Because of this, the Transjakarta Cares service program is considered ineffective and requires program evaluation to be able to improve the service program provided to persons with disabilities. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi terkait dengan efektivitas dari program layanan Transjakarta Cares bagi penyandang disabilitas di DKI Jakarta untuk dapat mengetahui sejauh mana program layanan Transjakarta Cares mampu memberikan kebutuhan yang sesuai dengan keinginan dari penyandang disabilitas. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teori yang dikeluarkan oleh Edy Sutrisno yang mengukur efektivitas program dengan lima aspek yaitu pemahaman program, tepat sasaran, tepat waktu, tercapainya tujuan, dan perubahan nyata. Kemudian peneliti dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk dapat menjelaskan secara rinci terkait efektivitas dari program layanan Transjakarta Cares. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah peneliti lakukan dapat diketahui bahwasanya program layanan Transjakarta Cares bagi penyandang disabilitas di DKI Jakarta belum efektif. Hal ini ditinjau melalui lima aspek yang dinilai belum mampu terpenuhi dengan maksimal. Dari aspek pemahaman program yang dapat dinilai belum semua pihak memhami dengan baik program Transjakarta Cares, aspek tepat waktu yang belum sesuai prosedur, serta aspek tercapainya tujuan yang belum tercapai. Oleh karena ini hal ini membuat program layanan Transjakarta Cares dinilai belum efektif dan membutuhkan evaluasi program untuk dapat meningkatkan program layanan yang diberikan kepada penyandang disabilitas


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    This research is motivated by the lack of discipline and public compliance in reporting and paying taxes. The Bandung City Government itself has a fairly large land and building tax arrears. In addition, the Bandung City Regional Revenue Agency in implementing the land and building tax policy is faced with the Covid-19 pandemic which has implications for a decline in economic growth. The purpose of this study is to explain how the implementation of land and building tax policies in the city of Bandung in the midst of inflation due to the disaster outbreak by using the theory of the Policy Implementation Model from Van Meter and Van Horn including the objectives and basic measures of the policy, resources, characteristics of implementing agents, communication between the organization and its implementation activities, the attitudes or dispositions of the implementers, and the economic and political environment. The research method used by the author is a qualitative research. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of land and building tax policies in the city of Bandung during the Covid-19 pandemic has moderate or not optimal performance. Human resources for implementing policies are still lacking and insufficient, besides that there is still a lack of willingness of employees to improve their education to a higher level. In addition, the implementation of the land and building tax policy is hampered by the problem of validating taxpayer data, which is why many taxpayers are late and do not even pay their tax debts at all. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya kedisiplinan dan kepatuhan masyarakat dalam melaporkan dan membayar pajak terutangnya. Pemerintah Kota Bandung sendiri memiliki tunggakan piutang pajak bumi dan bangunan yang cukup besar. Selain itu, Badan Pendaptan Daerah Kota Bandung dalam melaksanakan kebijakan pajak bumi dan bangunan dihadapkan pada pandemic Covid-19 yang berimplikasi pada penurunan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pajak bumi dan bangunan di Kota Bandung di tengah adanya inflasi akibat wabah bencana dengan menggunakan teori Model Implementasi Kebijakan dari Van Meter dan Van Horn meliputi diantaranya tujuan dan ukuran dasar kebijakan, sumber daya, karakteristik agen pelaksana, komunikasi antara organanisasi dan aktivitas pelaksanaan, sikap atau kecendrungan (disposition) para pelaksana, dan lingkungan ekonomi dan politik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan, bahwa implementasi kebijakan pajak bumi dan bangunan di Kota Bandung pada masa pandemic Covid-19 berkinerja sedang atau belum optimal. Sumber daya manusia pelaksana kebijakan masih kurang dan belum mencukupi, disamping itu masih kurangnya kemauan pegawai untuk meningkatkan pendidikannya kejenjang yang lebih tinggi. Selain itu, implementasi kebijakan pajak bumi dan bangunan terhambat oleh masalah validitas data wajib pajak yang mana dari masalah tersebut banyak wajib pajak yang telat bahkan tidak membayar utang pajaknya sama sekali


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    ABSTRACTThis research explains the collaborative process in the development of the Pongkor Geopark in Bogor Regency. The story of the Geopark area is motivated by the need to improve the local economy sustainably without losing the function of the area. Developing the Pongkor Geopark area involves several stakeholders consisting of government, business, academia, and community. Realizing the Pongkor Geopark as a sustainable and competitive tourism destination, which contributes greatly to economic development, requires optimal and synergic collaboration among stakeholders. However, the natural condition is that the collaborative process was still out of expectation. This study uses a qualitative method that aims to analyze the collaborative process in developing the Pongkor Geopark through 5 (five) aspects of the collaborative process from Ansell and Gash (2008). The results showed that the collaborative process that was not optimal was caused by the lack of synergy between collaborative stakeholders. The implementation has not considered essential aspects, namely communication that has not been established between stakeholders, low trust, shared understanding and commitment, and the absence of perceived outcomes. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menjelaskan tentang proses kolaborastif dalam pengembangan Geopark Pongkor di Kabupaten Bogor. Pengembangan kawasan geopark tersebut dilatarbelakangi dari adanya kebutuhan untuk meningkatkan ekonomi lokal secara berkelanjutan tanpa menghilangkan fungsi wilayah. Pelaksanaan pengembangan Geopark Pongkor melibatkan pemangku kepentingan yang terdiri dari stakeholder pemerintah, bisnis, akademisi, dan masyarakat/komunitas. Untuk mewujudkan Geopark Pongkor sebagai destinasi pariwisata yang berkelanjutan dan berdaya saing, serta berkontribusi besar dalam pembangunan ekonomi diperlukan kolaborasi yang optimal dan sinergis diantara para pemangku kepentingan. Namun, dalam kenyataannya kolaborasi yang dilakukan masih belum sesuai dengan harapan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses kolaboratif dalam pengembangan Geopark Pongkor melalui 5 (lima) aspek proses kolaboratif dari Ansell dan Gash (2008). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses kolaboratif yang belum optimal disebabkan oleh belum sinergisnya stakeholder kolaborasi. Pelaksanaannya belum mengindahkan aspek-aspek penting yaitu komunikasi yang belum terjalin di antara stakeholder, rendahnya kepercayaan, pemahaman bersama, dan komitmen, serta belum adanya hasil yang dirasakan. 


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    This research is entitled "Organic Waste Management in Bandung City: A Study on the Effectiveness of the KangPisman Program in Sukamiskin Village". The author uses the theory of Program Effectiveness from Riant Nugroho which consists of the right policy dimensions, the right implementers, the right targets, the right environment and the right process. The research method is descriptive quantitative research method. From the results of the research conducted, it shows that the effectiveness of the organic waste management program in Sukamiskin Village based on the dimensions of the right policy, the right implementer, the right target, the right environment, and the right process are in the high category. These results are known based on the questionnaire distributed to the respondents, namely 100 residents of Sukamiskin Village. Although the results of the study show high effectiveness, there are still some aspects that need to be improved. Penelitian ini berjudul “Pengelolaan Sampah Organik di Kota Bandung: Suatu Studi Tentang Efektivitas Program KangPisman di Kelurahan Sukamiskin”. Penulis menggunakan teori Efektivitas Program dari Riant Nugroho yang terdiri dari dimensi tepat kebijakan, tepat pelaksana, tepat target, tepat lingkungan dan tepat proses. Metode penelitian yaitu metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas program pengelolaan sampah organik di Kelurahan Sukamiskin berdasarkan dimensi tepat kebijakan, tepat pelaksana, tepat target, tepat lingkungan, dan tepat proses berada pada kategori tinggi. Hasil ini diketahui berdasarkan angket yang dibagikan terhadap responden yaitu 100 orang warga Kelurahan Sukamiskin. Walaupun hasil penelitian menunjukkan efektivitas yang tinggi, namun masih terdapat beberapa aspek yang harus diperbaiki