17 research outputs found

    Parallel Behaviour – Primary Evidence of an Agreement

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    AbstractThe distinction between legitimate oligopoly and cartels is tackled by each competition authority. A parallel behaviour in an oligopolistic market might be seen as an anchor for competition's effectiveness, given that companies are required to respond to the decisions of other competitors, trying to keep a realistic and competitive position to ensure welfare. Cartels offer an opposite perspective of what competition really means. Apart from the observation of the econometrical model presented in the article, the final assessment should consider the particularities of the legal and economic environment, to conclude on the existence of a cartel based on reasonable grounds

    Боль в суставах у детей

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    USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Departamentul PediatrieArthralgia, or joint pain, is the subjective experience of pain referable to a bony articulation. Arthritis represents the infl ammation of a joint, characterized by redness, warmth, swelling, tenderness, pain with motion, and can be accompanied by loss of function. The aim of the research was to evaluate the characteristics of articular pain of different etiology in children. Joint pain can be referred both to rheumatic and non-rheumatic diseases. In Acute rheumatic fever arthritis is the most common symptom and typically involves large joints. Migratory joint disease is classic and arthritis rarely lasts for more than one week. In Juvenile idiopathic arthritis articular pain can be absent or mild in comparison to the infl ammation degree. Arthralgia is typically stronger in the mornings, and can limit movement in the joint. Ankylosing spondylitis is characterized by lumbar back pain, prolonged morning stiffness that improves with exercise and arthritis of one or more peripheral joints. In reactive arthritis, arthritis is acute, asymmetrical, predominantly of large joints of lower-limbs. In systemic lupus erythematosus joints may be rigid and painful and can present classical signs of infl ammation, arthritis being typically symmetrical. Non-rheumatic causes of joint pain–including sprains and strains, patello-femoral pain syndrome, – are more common than rheumatic causes. In hypermobility syndrome arthralgia may be present in only 1 or 2 sites, with hypermobility only in the joints that are painful. Diskitis, septic arthritis, and malignancy are other causes of arthralgia in children. Many inherited disorders with non-articular manifestations (hemophilia, sickle cell disease) may also present with arthritis or periarticular pain. All diagnostic techniques of underlying causes of arthralgia improve the therapeutic approach of both joint pain and arthritis. Treatment has the main goal of preserving a high level of physical and social functioning, and it comprises both specific and non-specific ways.Артралгия, или боль в суставах, является субъективным опытом боли, которая относится к суставам. Артрит представляет собой воспаление сустава, характеризующееся покраснением, температурой, отёком, болью при движении, и может сопровождаться потерей функции. Целью исследования было оценить характеристики суставных болей различной этиологии у детей. Боли в суставах могут быть отнесены как к ревматическим, так и к неревматическим заболеваниям. При острой ревматической лихорадке артрит является наиболее распространённым симптомом и обычно затрагивает крупные суставы. Мигрирующий характер заболевания суставов является классическим, и артрит редко длится более одной недели. При Ювенильном Идиопатическом Артрите суставная боль может отсутствовать или быть незначительной по сравнению со степенью воспаления. Артралгия, как правило, сильнее по утрам, и может ограничивать движения в суставе. Болезнь Бехтерева характеризуется поясничной болью, длительной утренней скованностью, которая уменьшается при движении, артритом поражаются один или более периферических суставов. Реактивные артриты: артрит острый, асимметричный, преимущественно крупных суставов нижних конечностей. Системная Красная Волчанка: суставы могут быть болезненными и иметь классические признаки воспаления. Артрит обычно симметричный. Неревматические причины боли в суставах, в том числе растяжения и деформации, более распространены, чем ревматические причины. При синдроме гипермобильности артралгия может присутствовать только в 1-х или 2-х суставах. Дисцит, септический артрит, наследственные заболевания с суставными проявлениями (гемофилия, серповидно-клеточная анемия) могут также протекать с артритом или околосуставной болью. Основная цель лечения – сохранение высокого уровня физического и социального функционирования, оно включает в себя как специфические, так и неспецифические методы

    Cardiac involvement in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

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    Departamentul Pediatrie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Cardiovascular impairment in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis is one of the most important causes of morbidity of this disease, which excels in the diversity of cardiac structures involved. A study of cardiac involvement in 33 patients with a diagnosis of JIA, making use of clinical and instrumental methods, allowed to determine a polymorphism of cardiac injury. Cardiac damage manifests from functional disorders determined by pace and conduction abnormalities, to organic changes manifested by the predominance of endocardial involvement. The systemic form of the disease was identified as exceling in the cardiovascular impairment. Afectarea cardiovasculară în Artrita Idiopatică Juvenilă reprezintă una din cauzele cele mai importante a morbidităţii acestei maladii, excelând prin diversitatea structurilor cardiace implicate. Studierea implicării cardiace la 33 pacienţi cu diagnosticul de AIJ făcând uz de metode clinice şi intrumentale, a permis a determina un polimorfism de afectare. Prejudiciile se manifestă de la tulburări funcţionale determinate de modificările de ritm şi de conducere, până la modificări organice manifestate prin o predominare de afectare a endocardului. Forma sistemică a maladiei a fost identificată ca predominantă în implicarea cardiovasculară


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    Educational resilience is a complex subject, insufficiently addressed. The concept of educational resilience refers to the student's ability to overcome stressful events in an optimal way. We often observe how students with very good academic results end up developing depressive or anxious states as a result of a stressful event or as a result of a situation with a high degree of difficulty. Our study aims to highlight the following aspects: the frequency of difficult situations faced by first year students from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova and the University of Craiova, the degree of resilience approached in terms of time needed to overcome a stressful event, students' ability to recover, the level of stress perceived by students during the exam session, the possibility of the idea of interrupting studies, the degree of motivation for the chosen field of study, the availability of students to participate to a course of emotion management in stressful periods. The study was conducted using a questionnaire covering 15 questions with a simple complement on a sample of 89 students. We believe that the results obtained from this study will contribute significantly to the awareness of the importance of the phenomenon of educational resilience. The causes that often lead to academic failure or dropping out of school are directly proportional to the student's degree of resilience

    Starea sistemului de peroxidare a lipidelor după utilizarea haloterapiei în tratamentul complex al bolnavilor cu bronşită acută, cu evoluţii trenantă şi recidivantă

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    Summary. Lipids peroxidation and antioxidation protection state after halotherapy use in complex treatment of patients with protracting and relapsing acute bronchitis. Lipids peroxidation and antioxidation protection state after halotherapy use in complex treatment of patients with protracting and relapsing acute bronchitis. The method of halotherapy was applied in comprehensive rehabilitatiion program of 14 lingering and recurrence acute bronchitis patients (1st basic group), other 14 patients with the same clinical data and diagnosis (2nd control group) were treated only by pharmacological therapy. After AIBPU (number 4) are obtained: reduction of inflammatory activity, improvement of parameters of biogenous substances in the volume of exhaled air condensate, and also anti-oxidant protection activity were revealed in the 1st group. At the same time, these parameters were not changed at all in the 2nd group, or insignificant tendency towards standardization of them were detected (p<0,05 compared to 1st group).Резюме. Cостояние системы перекисного окисления липидов-антиоксидантов при комплексном лечении галотерапией больных c затяжным и рецидивирующим бронхитом. Галотерапия была включена в программу комплексного лечения 14 больных острым бронхитом с затяжным и рецидивирующим течением (1 группа). Контрольная (2) группа состояла из идентичных больных, которые получали только общепринятое медикаментозное лечение. Ис- ходные исследования показали нарушения метаболической функции легких с повышением концентрации биоактивных веществ в конденсате объема выдыхаемого воздуха, активацию процессов пероксидации липидов и снижение антиоксидантной активности. После курса галотерапии в 1 группе были достигнуты: уменьшение воспалительной активности (p<0,05), нормализация показателей концентрации биоактивных веществ в конденсате объема выдыхаемого воздуха (p<0,05) и нормализация процессов пероксидации липидов и антиоксидантной активности (p<0,01, сравнительно с исходными данными). В то же время, у больных 2 группы первоначальные нарушения оставались на прежнем уровне или отмечалась незначительная тенденция к нормализации показателей (p<0,05 в сравнении с результатами полученными в 1 группе)

    Psychosocial Integration of Foreign Students Within the Faculty of Dental Medicine in Craiova

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    Intercultural education in the Romanian space is an insufficiently addressed topic. Against the background of the significant increase in foreign students who choose to study at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Craiova, as well as the implementation of study programs in English which in turn have attracted many students from both European and non-EU countries we decided to develop a study aimed at the socio-cultural integration capacity of students at the Faculty of Dental Medicine in Craiova with a teaching program in English. The general objectives of the study aim at the following aspects: the degree of social integration of students; degree of satisfaction of educational needs; the effectiveness of the feedback system; problems encountered throughout the years of study: conflicts, discrimination phenomena, etc.the quality of courses and internships compared to their countries of origin. The target group of the study is represented by the students of Dental Medicine from Craiova, within the teaching program in English, study years I-III. The students who participated in this study come from both EU and non-EU member states. The total number of students enrolled in this study program is 93, and in our study a total of 71 respondents gave their informed consent to complete the distributed questionnaire.</p

    Statistical Study: Vaccination Against HPV Among Dental Students in Romania

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    Vaccination against Human Papilloma Virus continues to remain a highly complex public health issue, as there are many countries or regions that show increasing reluctance. Romania is among the countries that do not provide HPV vaccine in the national vaccination scheme, but offers the opportunity to young girls between 11 and 18 years of age to benefit from free vaccination. It is the responsibility of health professionals in all health sectors to inform themselves correctly, but also to instruct patients in a prophylactic approach against infection with both HPV and other types of microorganisms. Accurate information and a thorough knowledge of the prophylactic means are achieved from the years of study.Our study focuses on the following aspects: the degree of vaccination among dental students, the willingness of students to get vaccinated if they have not done it so far, the degree of information about Human Papilloma Virus infection, including ways of transmission and methods of diagnosing the infection, the perception of students on how this topic has been promoted, the sources of information they access in order to obtain information about Human Papilloma Virus.</p


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    The case study presented in this paper analyses the mobile market in Romania compared to that corresponding to the other European Union Member States. Mobile phone has appeared in various periods in the European Union countries and had a different development dynamics. Although there are a number of community regulations in the field of the EU telecommunications to which all the Member States are supposed to comply, there are many differences in the development of this sector at EU level. For this reason, the present study is conducted in several European Union Member States.Although the Connected Continent Package adopted by the European Commission does not involve the regulation issues, it provides a series of incentives for increasing investments as well as consumer protection. The present paper brings into focus the last legislative developments, coupled with the current economic context specific to Romanian mobile market