66 research outputs found
Endocrine diseases as causes of secondary hyperlipidemia
Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of increased morbidity and mortality in developed and developing countries. One of the most important risk factors responsible for atherosclerosis and subsequent cardiovascular diseases is hyperlipidaemia. Currently, hyperlipidaemias are divided into several clinical entities. The greatest risk is associated with hypercholesterolaemia. As a result, modern guidelines for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis focus predominantly on the reduction of LDL-cholesterol. Hypertriglyceridaemia and atherogenic dyslipidaemia, which are responsible for a less significant increase in the cardiovascular risk, are nowadays secondary targets of the treatment.
During the work-up for hyperlipidaemia one of the essential actions is the exclusion of secondary causes of the lipid abnormalities. Those include, among others, endocrine diseases, diabetes, drugs, nephrotic syndrome, and pregnancy. Data regarding the impact of endocrine disease and diabetes on the lipid profile are scattered. In this review, the authors aimed to perform a thorough analysis of the available publications regarding the topic and the preparation of a comprehensive review dealing with the incidence, clinical features, and the therapy of hyperlipidaemias in patients with endocrine disease.
Lethargic patient with hepatocirrhosis — more than meets the eye
Not required for Clinical Vignette
CD4+ cells in autoimmune thyroid disease
The phenomenon of autoimmunity develops as a result of the triggering factor released by damaged cells. This leads to an infiltration of CD4+ cells involved in stimulating the effector cells cytotoxicity and stimulating the humoral response. One of the most common autoimmune disorders are autoimmune thyroid diseases, including Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves's diseases. Helper T lymphocytes, which are divided into Th1, Th2, Tregs, and the relatively new groups Th17, Th22, and Th9, are involved in the pathogenesis of AITD. CD4+ cell subtypes mature and differentiate by specific transcription factors and in a specific interleukin environment. Not only are Th1 and Th2 cells involved in the development of AITD, but also Th17, Th22, and Th9 lymphocytes and their correlation to Tregs lymphocytes. The plasticity of the CD4+ cells is very important, affecting the balance between these cells, as well the factors modulating their phenotypic variability. Patients with AITD have an increased percentage of Th17, Th22, and Th9 cells as well as defective function of Tregs lymphocytes. The balance between Th17 cells (and also other cytotoxic T cells) and Treg cells is also very important. Understanding the role of CD4 cells in the pathogenesis of AITD may be important not only for the development of the knowledge, but also for determining therapeutic targets.
Cardiovascular Diseases—A Focus on Atherosclerosis, Its Prophylaxis, Complications and Recent Advancements in Therapies
Long-term consequences of atherosclerosis remain the major culprit of mortality in developed and developing countries [...
The possibilities of using some alternative methods in physiotherapy.
Celem niniejszej pracy był opis wybranych metod alternatywnych oraz analiza opinii zebranych wśród studentów na temat stosowania metod niekonwencjonalnych w fizjoterapii.Osoby badane i metody: Badaniami objęto 51 osób będących studentami II roku studiów magisterskich Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Do badania została wykorzystana autorska ankieta, która miała na celu znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytania:•Jaki jest stan wiedzy studentów na temat metod alternatywnych?•Czy i jakie metody alternatywne stosowali bezpośrednio na sobie?•Jak oceniają skuteczność metod, z których korzystali osobiście?Wyniki: Okazało się, że stan wiedzy studentów na temat metod alternatywnych jest zadowalający. Ponadto stwierdzono, że studenci wyrażają pozytywną opinię na temat skuteczności metod alternatywnych a część z nich zamierza wykorzystać je w przyszłej pracy zawodowej.Wnioski: Przegląd literatury jak i badania własne wskazują na przydatność zastosowania metod alternatywnych w fizjoterapii. Wciąż jednak trwają badania nad ich skutecznością. Wyniki uzyskane w niniejszej pracy mogą dostarczyć informacji dla opracowania nowoczesnego programu rehabilitacji z możliwością wykorzystania rozmaitych metod alternatywnych w terapii z pacjentem.The purpose of this study was to describe some alternative methods and to ask whether, in the view of my fellow students, such alternative methods could be used in physiotherapy.Subjects and methods: The study featured 51 people who are second-year graduate students of Jagiellonian University. The study used the author's survey, which aimed to find answers to questions:•What is the state of students' knowledge about alternative methods?•Have they applied alternative methods to themselves and, if so, which?•How are these methods evaluated/appraised by students?Results: It was found that students had a satisfactory knowledge of alternative methods. Furthermore, the students exhibited a positive opinion on the effectiveness of alternative methods and some of them show a desire to use them in future work.Conclusion: A literature review and personal investigations show the suitability of the use of alternative methods in physiotherapy. However, there is still a lack of documented research in relation to their effectivenes. The results obtained in this study may provide information to create modern rehabilitation programs with the possibility of using different alternative methods in therapies with patients
Significance of Selected antioxidant enzymeS in canceR cell pRogReS Sion
Antioxidantenzymes(AOEs),includingsuperoxidedismutaseisoenzymes(SOD), catalase(CAT),glutathioneperoxidase(GSH-Px)alongwithglutathionereductase (GR),reducedglutathione(GSH)andglutathionetransferase(GST),arethought tobenecessaryforlifeprocessesinalloxygen-metabolizingcellsbyremovingreactiveoxygenspecies(ROS).ThebiologicalsignificanceofAOEsintransformedcells isstillunclear,buttheircapacitytosurvivemaybeaffectedbychangesincellular processessuchasproliferation,invasiveness,migration,apoptosisanddrugresistance.Thisreviewsummarizesthesignificanceofantioxidantenzymesincancer cellprogressionmainlyinanin vitrocontext
Modifiable and Non-Modifiable Risk Factors for the Development of Non-Hereditary Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer is becoming an increasing healthcare concern. Though it is a 14th most common cancer worldwide, its incidence is steadily rising. Results of currently available therapies are still not satisfactory. Therefore, great attention should be put on the identification and reduction of risk factors for pancreatic cancer. A thorough up-to-date review of available data on the impact of well-established and novel risk factors of pancreatic cancer development have been performed. Several risk factors associated with lifestyle have significant impact on the risk of pancreatic cancer (i.e., smoking, obesity, alcohol consumption). Physicians should also be aware of the novel findings suggesting increasing role of microbiome, including viral and bacterial infections, in the development of pancreatic cancer. A growing body of evidence suggest also an increased risk during certain occupational exposures. In general, lifestyle seems to be a major contributor in the development of pancreatic cancer. Special attention should be given to individuals with a vicious cluster consisting of metabolic syndrome, tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption. Physicians should urge patients to comply to healthy diet, cessation of smoking and moderation of alcohol consumption, which may halve pancreatic cancer incidence. Further studies are warranted to explore the potential use of therapeutic approach on novel risk factors (e.g., microbiome)
Z Erasmusem do bibliotek europejskich. Z doświadczeń Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
W artykule przedstawiony został program Erasmus oraz możliwości, jakie oferuje studentom jak i bibliotekarzom. Opisane zostały przykłady wyjazdów pracowników Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego do państw europejskich takich jak Portugalia i Hiszpania. Artykuł stanowi charakterystykę programu, opartą o doświadczenia i relacje, jak i statystykę prowadzoną przez Bibliotekę Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
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