15 research outputs found

    Odrednice pozicioniranja brenda u visokom obrazovanju ā€“ Å”to najviÅ”e utječe na zadovoljstvo studenata?

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    Brands have become an important factor in the survival of organizations in modern society. They are present in all spheres of life: economic, social, educational, cultural, sports, etc. Powerful brands are the result of thoughtful and imaginative planning. Brand positioning has a strategic importance for a company, because it represents the process of creating an impression in consumersā€™ minds in a way that the consumer connects the brand with something specific and desirable, which distinguishes one brand from others. Brands have a financial value as they create an image of the values themselves in the minds and hearts of consumers. A brand can make consumers believe in its usefulness, exclusivity and superiority, and it also creates emotional attachment. There are numerous factors that influence the position of a brand in the consumerā€™s mind. University students are considered consumers, too. The aim of this paper is to research studentsā€™ satisfaction with faculties by using the parameters that are considered to be relevant. In this process, we will apply the factor analysis and, instead of focusing our attention on a large number of initially determined factors, thanks to the process of their reduction, we will create the conditions that will allow us to design a strategy for the optimization of the selected factors. Using this method, we will mark the factors that explain the researched phenomenon, i.e. the factors that can explain the largest part of its overall variability.Brendovi su postali važan čimbenik za opstanak organizacija u modernome druÅ”tvu. Prisutni su u svim domenama života: ekonomskoj, druÅ”tvenoj, obrazovnoj, kulturnoj, sportskoj, itd. Jaki brendovi rezultat su pažljivog i kreativnog planiranja. Pozicioniranje brenda od strateÅ”ke je važnosti za kompaniju, jer ono predstavlja način na koji se na potroÅ”ača ostavlja dubok dojam pa on povezuje brend s nečim određenim i poželjnim, a upravo to jedan brend čini drugačijim od ostalih. Brendovi imaju financijsku vrijednost jer stvaraju sliku o samoj vrijednosti u mislima i srcima potroÅ”ača. Brend može uvjeriti potroÅ”ača da mu je potreban, koristan i da je ekskluzivan i bolji od ostalih, a također gradi i emocionalnu privrženost. Postoje brojni čimbenici koji utječu na poziciju brenda u mislima potroÅ”ača. Studenti se također ubrajaju u potroÅ”ače. Cilj je ovoga rada s pomoću bitnih parametara ispitati u kojoj su mjeri studenti zadovoljni odabranim fakultetima. U tom smo procesu primijenili faktorsku analizu i, umjesto usmjeravanja pažnje na velik broj prije utvrđenih čimbenika, zahvaljujući njihovu smanjenom broju, stvorit ćemo uvjete koji će nam omogućiti izradu strategije za optimiziranje odabranih čimbenika. S pomoću te metode moći ćemo odrediti čimbenike koji objaÅ”njavaju ispitivani fenomen, tj. čimbenike koji mogu objasniti najveći dio njegove ukupne varijabilnosti

    Strategic planning of sustainable development of agriculture of Lajkovac Municipality

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    The paper explores the agricultural potential of the municipality for Lajkovac and accordingly defines the development priorities and strategic measures of sustainable development in this area. The purpose of the research is to examine the real possibilities for the development of agriculture and rural areas of the Municipality. Consequently, the analysis focuses on: the structure of the economy of the Municipality, the importance and role of agriculture and agro-industry in the municipal economy and the development priorities and strategic measures in the agriculture of the municipality. The research's results show that the Municipality of Lajkovac has favorable factor conditions for the development of agriculture. With regard to the development of Lajkovac agriculture in the coming period, it will be important to develop the processing sector, that is, capacity building, especially in the small and medium enterprises in agriculture (SMEA) sector, in the field of processing meat, milk, fruit and vegetables

    Analysis of the attitudes of the population on the need for animal insurance

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    Agriculture in the Republic of Serbia is a sector of economy that is vital for the overall social and economic development of the country. The position of the agrarian sector in Serbia is specific, since, besides the economic importance, there is also a special social and ecological significance, and agriculture contributes to the national wealth with significant participation in the creation of GDP. Animal insurance involves a large number of risks and is classified as risk insurance. It belongs to the group of short-term insurance or insurance for up to one year, and even shorter. The subject of insurance is the animal itself, and not just certain parts of the animal's body or manufactures that can be obtained from it. The subject of this research is to examine the attitudes of the respondents regarding the necessity of animal insurance and the problems that arise in this case

    Brand positioning on the market

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    Brand positioning is a process of creating an impression about a certain brand in the consumers' minds. By doing that, consumers are able to connect a certain brand with something specific and desirable, which distinguishes it from other products on the market. Recognizable and famous brands inspire trust among consumers. Brand positioning requires identification of the target market, identification and analysis of competition, as well as optimal points of similarity and diversity in comparison with other brands. In order to develop the most appropriate positioning strategy, it is necessary to identify the unique characteristics of a brand and determine what distinguishes it from the competition. Positioning represents a process of shaping the company's offer and reputation in order to take a special place in consumers' minds (target market) and to maximize the potential benefits for the company in this way. Brand mantra is an important tool for brand positioning. The improvement of market value can be achieved through emotional consumer-oriented actions, which are becoming an increasingly important method of connecting with customers and differentiating from the competition. In addition to standard models, many new, modern and alternative approaches exist today and are used to position a brand

    Knowledge and Innovation Transfer in Agribusiness

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    Today, more than ever, development of agriculture leans on science research results and their practical application. Research in the field of agriculture are conducted by large network of public institutions, institutes and universities are mostly directed toward improvement of production. Economical research, at the level of husbandry, market analysis, or analysis and estimations of economic policy is poorly developed. Profitability of agriculture and food industry should be improved and supported by adequate research and application of gained results. Experience acquired in research and education systems of post-communist countries can help these countries change their economy towards knowledge, innovations and new technologies. But, in spite of great number of research workers and successful education system inherited from the communist period, it would be difficult for countries that were part of East Block to turn these potential advantages into commercially successful innovations unless universities and research institutions cooperate closely with private sector, what implies restructuring research system towards adjustment to agro-economy needs. For development of science, staff education and organization of professional-advising department, it is necessary to provide suitable legal basis, especially Law on professional-advising department, quality control and etc. Today, more than ever, development of agriculture leans on science research results and their practice application. Researches in the field of agriculture are conducted by large network of public institutions, institutes and universities and are mostly directed toward improvement of production. Network economy is a new enterprise organizational-process model, which is developed owing to new constituent elements. It significantly changes performances of international trade and competition in general. According to that, there are some models of networking contribute to widening of innovations and improvement of competitiveness of agro sector of Serbia. Part of the monograph written by Branko Mihailović is from 1 to 187 page, and part of the monograph written by Tomislav Brzaković is from 188 to 326 page. The monograph represents a part of the research at the project III - 46006 ā€“ Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the Republic of Serbia strategic goals' realization within the Danube region, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

    Compulsory and private pension insurance: The analysis of users' attitudes

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    The aging of population and the problem of unemployment are the two main causes of difficulties for the pension systems of many countries - both the developed ones and those that have finished or are currently in the process of transition. Problems related to the operation of pension systems, including some serious crises of pension systems, call for some major reforms. In this respect, Serbia is no different from other countries. In most countries and especially in "countries in transition", the pension insurance systems are in crisis and they are trying to establish a model of sustainable functionality with reforms. In the period from 2001 to 2014, Serbia was reforming the pension system in order to deal with numerous problems such as: high deficit, debt, the employed to retired population ratio, negative demography, etc. In this paper we have presented our research results with the aim to evaluate the opinions of Serbia's citizens about the existent compulsory pensions insurance funds and the trust in private insurance funds, as well as the opinions about the need for additional reforms of the system. The "H0" Hypothesis has been proven to be correct: The citizens are not satisfied with the existing state of the pension insurance funds. They are conĀ­cerned that the pension fund is empty and that it cannot guaranty reliable penĀ­sions. This means that reforms carried out until the present moment are simply not sufficient and they need to be continued

    Global Marketing Environment and Tourism

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    In this paper we have researched global marketing environment and trends in tourism sector. Development of tourist markets is closely linked to future improvement of globalization process. Therefore, explanation of one phenomenon is followed by the explanation of the other. National economies are more and more dependent on global economy and this is major characteristic of the globalization. Countries of the world are linked with each other in wide network of economic, social and political connections. In these conditions, international tourism has a special importance because of multiplicative effects of foreign touristsā€™ spending

    The Interface between the Brand of Higher Education and the Influencing Factors

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    The world is changing faster than ever before. Continuous changes are also affecting the higher education sector. The number of programs on offer is growing, attraction strategies are changing, and the branding and positioning of higher education institutions are gaining significance. The growing influence of social networks on personal choice cannot be ignored. Of the worldā€™s population, 57% uses social networks and spends an average of 2.5 h a day on them. The most popular social network, Facebook, has up to 2.9 billion active users every month. Therefore, the questions arise as to which factors influence one or another consumer choice, how social networks contribute to brand awareness, and what impact brand has on the higher education sector. After systematic and comparative analysis of concepts published in the scientific literature, the analysis of brand, brand promotion concepts, and factors that increase brand awareness is performed. This study seeks to determine whether and to what extent individual factors influencing student motivation and social networking influence the distinctiveness of a higher education institution brand and how factors influencing student motivation and social networking affect the distinctiveness of higher education institutionsā€™ brands in general. The results of this study can help higher education institutions to develop their own plans, strategies, and good practices. Research methods: systematic and comparative analysis of concepts and methods published in the scientific literature, mathematical and statistical methods, statistical processing, and expert survey

    Strategic Planning of Sustainable Development of Agriculture of Lajkovac Municipality

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    The paper explores the agricultural potential of the municipality for Lajkovac and accordingly defines the development priorities and strategic measures of sustainable development in this area. The purpose of the research is to examine the real possibilities for the development of agriculture and rural areas of the Municipality. Consequently, the analysis focuses on: the structure of the economy of the Municipality, the importance and role of agriculture and agro-industry in the municipal economy and the development priorities and strategic measures in the agriculture of the municipality. The researchā€™s results show that the Municipality of Lajkovac has favorable factor conditions for the development of agriculture. With regard to the development of Lajkovac agriculture in the coming period, it will be important to develop the processing sector, that is, capacity building, especially in the small and medium enterprises in agriculture (SMEA) sector, in the field of processing meat, milk, fruit and vegetables