77 research outputs found

    К расчету неустановившихся режимов в цепи с синусоидальными э. д. с.

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    LIBS (Laser-induced breakdown spectrometry) ist eine Methode mit einem breiten Anwendungspotenzial für Analysenaufgaben wie Prozesskontrolle und Qualitätssicherung. Ein Anwendungsbereich in der Stahlindustrie ist der Hochofen, wo zum ersten Mal Online und In-situ eine kontinuierliche Überwachung von Kreislaufstoffen im Gichtgas ermöglicht wurde. Der Zugang zum Gichtgasrohr erfolgt über eine Sonde, die räumlich aufgelöste Messungen ermöglicht und der Umgebung angepasst wurde: mittlere Temperatur von 120 Grad C, Gasgeschwindigkeiten von 10-20 m/s, Staubdichten von 8 g/m3 bei einem CO-Anteil von 24 Prozent im Gichtgas. Durch Modulation der Laserpulse wurden erstmalig Doppelpulse im Nanosekundenbereich eingesetzt, die das Signal-zu-Untergrund-Verhältnis der Spektrallinien erheblich verbessern und so erst Messungen bei den vorliegenden Gasdrücken um 3.4 bar ermöglichen

    Understanding Long COVID; Mitochondrial Health and Adaptation—Old Pathways, New Problems

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    Many people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 suffer long-term symptoms, such as “brain fog”, fatigue and clotting problems. Explanations for “long COVID” include immune imbalance, incomplete viral clearance and potentially, mitochondrial dysfunction. As conditions with suboptimal mitochondrial function are associated with initial severity of the disease, their prior health could be key in resistance to long COVID and recovery. The SARs virus redirects host metabolism towards replication; in response, the host can metabolically react to control the virus. Resolution is normally achieved after viral clearance as the initial stress activates a hormetic negative feedback mechanism. It is therefore possible that, in some individuals with prior sub-optimal mitochondrial function, the virus can “tip” the host into a chronic inflammatory cycle. This might explain the main symptoms, including platelet dysfunction. Long COVID could thus be described as a virally induced chronic and self-perpetuating metabolically imbalanced non-resolving state characterised by mitochondrial dysfunction, where reactive oxygen species continually drive inflammation and a shift towards glycolysis. This would suggest that a sufferer’s metabolism needs to be “tipped” back using a stimulus, such as physical activity, calorie restriction, or chemical compounds that mimic these by enhancing mitochondrial function, perhaps in combination with inhibitors that quell the inflammatory response

    Разработка конструкции установки для приготовления консервационных составов в условиях ООО "Чумыш" Новокузнецкого района, Кемеровской области

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    Объектом исследования является конструкция установки для приготовления консервационных составов. Цель работы – повышение эффективности антикоррозионной защиты сельскохозяйственных машин, в период длительного хранения, путём разработки конструкция установки для приготовления консервационных составов. В процессе исследования проводились технологические и конструкторские расчеты. В результате исследования проанализированы технологии приготовления консервационных составов, на основе принципов ресурсосбережения. Предложена конструкция установки для приготовления консервационной смеси из отработанных моторных масел, которая позволяет использовать отработанные масла и продукты их осветления как консервационные материалы и снизить затраты на приобретение серийных защитных материалов.The object of research is the design of the installation for the preparation of preservative compositions. The work purpose – increase of efficiency of corrosion protection of agricultural machinery, the storage, through the development of an installation design for the preparation of preservative compositions. In the process of research was conducted technological and design calculations. The study analyzed the technology of preparation of preservative compositions based on resource-saving principles. The proposed design of the installation for preparing preservative mixture of used motor oils, which allows the use of waste oils and products of their clarification of how conservation materials and reduce the cost of acquiring a serial of protective materials

    Computational genes: a tool for molecular diagnosis and therapy of aberrant mutational phenotype

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A finite state machine manipulating information-carrying DNA strands can be used to perform autonomous molecular-scale computations at the cellular level.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose a new finite state machine able to detect and correct aberrant molecular phenotype given by mutated genetic transcripts. The aberrant mutations trigger a cascade reaction: specific molecular markers as input are released and induce a spontaneous self-assembly of a wild type protein or peptide, while the mutational disease phenotype is silenced. We experimentally demostrated in <it>in vitro </it>translation system that a viable protein can be autonomously assembled.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our work demostrates the basic principles of computational genes and particularly, their potential to detect mutations, and as a response thereafter administer an output that suppresses the aberrant disease phenotype and/or restores the lost physiological function.</p

    The reductive glycine pathway allows autotrophic growth of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans

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    Supplementary informationis available for this paper athttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-18906-7Six CO2 fixation pathways are known to operate in photoautotrophic and chemoautotrophic microorganisms. Here, we describe chemolithoautotrophic growth of the sulphate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (strain G11) with hydrogen and sulphate as energy substrates. Genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses reveal that D. desulfuricans assimilates CO2 via the reductive glycine pathway, a seventh CO2 fixation pathway. In this pathway, CO2 is first reduced to formate, which is reduced and condensed with a second CO2 to generate glycine. Glycine is further reduced in D. desulfuricans by glycine reductase to acetyl-P, and then to acetyl-CoA, which is condensed with another CO2 to form pyruvate. Ammonia is involved in the operation of the pathway, which is reflected in the dependence of the autotrophic growth rate on the ammonia concentration. Our study demonstrates microbial autotrophic growth fully supported by this highly ATP-efficient CO2 fixation pathway.We acknowledge Änne-Michaelis and William Newell for assistance with the LC-MS forthe metabolomics experiments and Daniel Amador-Noguez for access to the LC-MS usedfor13C intracellular metabolomic analysis. We thank Ines Cardoso Pereira and John vander Oost for critically reading the manuscript. This research was funded by the Neth-erlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) through SIAM Gravitation Grant024.002.002 and the Innovation Program Microbiology (WUR), NJC acknowledgesfunding from NWO through a Rubicon Grant (019.163LW.035) and a Veni Grant(VI.Veni.192.156).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Laser-Emissionsspektrometrie für die Partikelanalyse von Prozessgasen bei der Roheisenerzeugung

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    The industrial use of laser emission spectrometry for particle analysis in gas at overpressure is a metrological challenge due to a reduction of analytical sensitivity caused by a top gas pressure of up to four bar. In the scope of this work it is shown that an increase of the gas pressure affects the electron pressure as well as the electron density due to collison and relaxation processes. Plasma properties are changed which lead to a decrease of line intensity, line broadening and to a decrease of signal-to-backround ratio. Consequently the gas pressure has an impact on the plasma dynamics and must be considered as a relevant parameter for the analysis of gas and particles in gas. Model calculations proof that the observed change of the emission line profil can by described by Stark-Effekt-braodening and Stark-Effekt-shift using a plasma model with core- and shell- specific electron temperatures. Double pulses with interpulse separation in the ns region are used to increase the line intensity of the LIBS spectra and to avoid the impact of overpressure on the emission line profil, thus leading to an enhanced signal-to-backround ratio of the spectral emission lines. Based on the laboratory results a laser set-up for field tests in steel industry was developed and tested on-site for muli-element analysis at different European blast furnaces. Signal-to-background ratio was optimised by double pulse excitation to allow the analysis of low-concentrated cirulting elements in top gas covering a few ppm. Line broadening and spectral shift is in a way reduced which makes a re-profilation of the laser-based set-up due to variations in top gas pressure no longer necessary. A simultaneous and continous on-line monitoring of the circulating elements Na, K, Zn und Pb was demonstrated successfully by performing daily measurements at a maximum duration of up to 10 hours