26 research outputs found

    Agricultural Engineering in Transformation Countries

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    Russland und die EuropĂ€ische Union haben infolge der Kampfhandlungen in der Ukraine und der Annexion der Krim durch Russland gegenseitig Handelssanktionen bei Landwirtschaftserzeugnissen und Lebensmitteln verhĂ€ngt. Russland ist bemĂŒht, die Folgen der Sanktionen durch eine Belebung der eigenen Produktion auszugleichen. Die Ukraine kann infolge der politischen Diskrepanzen zu Russland kaum noch Produkte nach Russland verkaufen und sucht in der EU neue Handelspartner. Deutsche Hersteller können keine Lebensmittel und nur noch sehr eingeschrĂ€nkt Landtechnik nach Russland verkaufen und suchen neue AbsatzmĂ€rkte. Ein potentieller Absatzmarkt ist China. China muss seine Landwirtschaft modernisieren. Nach Vorgabe der chinesischen Regierung sollen jedoch die fĂŒr die Modernisierung erforderlichen Maschinen und GerĂ€te aus chinesischer Produktion stammen.As a result of the hostilities in the Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimea by Russia, Russia and the European Union impose bilateral trade sanctions on agricultural products and food. Russia tries to compensate the consequences of these sanctions by a stimulation of the domestic production. The Ukraine has hardly any possibilities to sell products to Russia due to discrepancies and therefore tries to find new trading partners in the EU. German producers have to look for new markets as selling food to Russia is prohibited and selling agricultural machinery is allowed in a very limited amount, only. China is a potential partner because it needs to modernise its agricultural production but by order of the Chinese government the required machines and equipment need to be made from Chinese production

    About the role of digitalization in agriculture in selected countries from Eastern Europe and Middle Asia

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    Parallel zum Zerfall des sozialistischen Wirtschaftssystems (Ende der 1980er und Beginn der 1990er Jahre) erfuhr das Konzept der „Nachhaltigen Entwicklung“ im globalen Rahmen zunehmende Beachtung. Mit der Verabschiedung der „Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele“ (SDG’s; [1]) haben sich die Mitgliedsstaaten der Vereinten Nationen auf globale Ziele verstĂ€ndigt. Der Weg der nachhaltigen Entwicklung wird nach EinschĂ€tzung der Weltbank durch die Digitalisierung massiv beschleunigt, auch, und teils im besonderen Maß, die Transformationen im Bereich der Landwirtschaft [2]. Die FAO sieht die SDG’s nur unter Nutzung der Digitalisierung als erreichbar an [3]. Ausgehend von einer Beschreibung des globalen Trends zur Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft wird die aktuelle Situation in Russland, der Ukraine, Usbekistan und Kasachstan charakterisiert und eine lĂ€nderĂŒbergreifende thematische Zusammenfassung vorgenommen.Parallel to the collapse of the socialist economic system (late 1980s and early 1990s), the concept of “sustainable development” received increasing attention in the global context. With the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs; [1]), the member states of the United Nations have agreed on global goals. According to the World Bank, the path of sustainable development is being massively accelerated by digitalization, including, and in particular, the transformations in the field of agriculture [2]. The FAO considers the SDGs to be achievable only by using digitalization [3]. Based on a description of the global trend towards digitization in agriculture, the current situation in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan is characterized and a transnational thematic summary is carried out

    Agricultural Engineering in Transformation Countries

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    In den TransformationslĂ€ndern haben sich auf der einen Seite landwirtschaftliche Großbetriebe herausgebildet, auf der anderen Seite produzieren sehr viele Klein- und Kleinstbetriebe zum Eigenverbrauch. FĂŒr deutsche Landtechnikhersteller war das Jahr 2017 ein gutes GeschĂ€ftsjahr. Weil die meisten TransformationslĂ€nder einen veralteten Maschinenpark haben, wird auch fĂŒr die kommenden Jahre ein hoher Bedarf an Neumaschinen erwartet. Politische und wirtschaftliche Regelungen in Russland und China haben das Ziel, ProduktionskapazitĂ€ten im eigenen Land aufzubauen, entweder durch landeseigene Unternehmen oder durch namenhafte auslĂ€ndische Hersteller. In den letzten Jahren sind zahlreiche neue Maschinenentwicklungen auf den Markt gekommen. LĂ€nder wie Russland und China investieren viel in neue Technologiefelder im Bereich Digitalisierung der Landwirtschaft.Large agricultural enterprises have developed in transformation countries on the one hand, while on the other, many small and micro enterprises produce for their own consumption. 2017 was a good year for German agricultural machinery manufacturers. Because most transformation countries have outdated machinery, demand for new machinery is expected to remain high in the coming years. Political and economic regulations in Russia and China aim to establish production capacities in their own countries either by state-owned companies or by well-known foreign manufacturers. In recent years, numerous new machines have come onto the market. Countries like Russia and China are investing in new technologies in the field of digitalization of agriculture

    Agricultural Engineering in Transformation Countries

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    Seit dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion wurden in den ehemaligen Sowjet-Staaten große FlĂ€chenanteile aus der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzung genommen. Ein großer Teil dieser FlĂ€chen wurde trotz guter landwirtschaftlicher Bedingungen aufgegeben. Der Importstopp der russischen Regierung auf ausgewĂ€hlte Lebensmittel im Jahr 2014 bescherte den LieferlĂ€ndern einen erheblichen RĂŒckgang an Exporten nach Russland. Der Landmaschinenmarkt in den TransformationslĂ€ndern gestaltete sich fĂŒr westliche Hersteller ĂŒberwiegend schwierig. Als Ursache dafĂŒr sind ImportbeschrĂ€nkungen, der RĂŒckgang an Subventionen und WĂ€hrungsabwertungen zu nennen.Since the collapse of the Soviet Union lager areas of agricultural land were taken out of the agricultural use in the former Soviet states. A larger portion of this area was taken out despite good agricultural conditions. The import ban on selected foods by the Russian government in 2014 caused among supplying countries in substantial decline in export to Russian. The market of agricultural machinery in the transformation countries was difficult for manufactures of western countries. This is due to import restrictions, the reduction of subsidies for the agriculture and currency depreciations

    Agricultural Engineering in Transformation Countries

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    Die landwirtschaftliche Produktion in den TransformationslÀndern ist hÀufig geprÀgt durch kleine Betriebe und einer Produktion, die auf den Eigenbedarf ausgerichtet ist. Je Hektar landwirtschaftliche NutzflÀche wird ein deutlich geringerer finanzieller Wert erwirtschaftet als in den westeuropÀischen LÀndern. In der Vergangenheit haben viele TransformationslÀnder betrÀchtlich in neue Landtechnik investiert. Ein zunehmender Teil der Landtechnik wird in den TransformationslÀndern produziert. Bei den Herstellern handelt es sich um landeseigene Firmen oder um westeuropÀische Firmen mit FertigungskapazitÀten in den TransformationslÀndern. Durch Ausstellungen, Konferenzen und Förderprogramme besteht ein reger Wissens-austausch zwischen den TransformationslÀndern und den westeuropÀischen Staaten.The agricultural production in Transformation countries is often dominated by small farms. The production of these farms is geared to their own use. The farms generate a significantly lower financial value per hectare land than in Western Europe countries. In the past, many countries have invested in new agricultural machinery. More and more of the machinery is produced in the Transformation countries. The manufacturers are local companies as well as companies from West Europe with production capacities inside the Transformation countries. There is a lively exchange of knowledge between the Transformation countries and the Western European States through exhibitions, conferences, and funding programs

    Agricultural Water Management in Brandenburg

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    The present study explores whether regional water resources can be used more efficiently by Brandenburg’s farming systems. A description of agriculture in Brandenburg today is followed by a systematic analysis of measures to raise the water efficiency. Brandenburg’s agricultural systems are divided into three sections: soil, plant production and livestock farming. Within these sections measures to increase water efficiency are listed and analysed with reference to five objective criteria for raising water use efficiency. In view of the complexity of farming systems in Brandenburg, general measures to raise water use efficiency could not be derived. Site-specific tillage practices and crop patterns adjusted to recent weather conditions may reflect the specific diversity of Brandenburg more efficiently

    Tracer gas technique, air velocity measurement and natural ventilation method for estimating ventilation rates through naturally ventilated barns

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    Naturally ventilated barns have the advantage of providing an energy-efficient and low-noise micro-environment for animals.  Such barns are very common, especially for cattle, which are a major source of ammonia and methane emissions as well as other airborne pollutants. Emission fluxes are calculated as the product of the ventilation rate (VR) and the gas concentration.  The VR of naturally ventilated barns are directly influenced by atmospheric conditions.  Therefore, the estimation of VR involves high uncertainties; furthermore, there is no reference method for VR estimation.  For these reasons, three different methods were investigated to estimate VR through naturally ventilated dairy barns: (1) the tracer gas technique, using radioactive isotope Krypton-85 (85Kr), (2) the measurement of the air velocity through the barn openings, and (3) the natural ventilation method.  The investigations were performed in two naturally ventilated dairy barns (each with a volume of 5,670 m3) during mild (T≥17℃) and cold weather (T<17℃) conditions.  The VR ranged between 48,000 and 475,000 m3/h.  There was a significant (p<0.01) correlation between all three methods for barn A (Pearson’s correlation coefficient 0.59-0.86).  For barn B only, the tracer gas and the natural ventilation method showed a significant (p=0.03) correlation (Pearson’s correlation coefficient 0.62).  The season (mild or cold) and the VR estimation method both had a significant (p<0.03) effect on the estimated VR for both barns.  The outside wind speed had a significant (p<0.005) effect on the estimated VR for barn A.  For barn B, this effect was not significant (p=0.052).  The tracer gas technique used has the advantage of measuring the tracer with high resolution in time (1 Hz) and space (18 or more measured points).Keywords: Natural ventilation, tracer gas technique, radioactive isotope 85Kr, air velocity, air exchange rate, dairy barn  &nbsp

    Can Livestock Farming Benefit from Industry 4.0 Technology? Evidence from Recent Study

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    The term ”Agriculture 4.0” emerged from the term “Industry 4.0” like amany other “4.0” terms. However, are Industry 4.0 technologies and concepts really applicable to agriculture? Are the benefits that Industry 4.0 brings to industrial use cases transferable to livestock farming? This paper tries to answer this question for the three dominant sectors of livestock farming in Central Europe and Germany: Poultry, pig fattening, and dairy farming. These sectors are analyzed along with the eight most relevant Industry 4.0 benefits. The results show that only part of the Industry 4.0 benefits are relevant for livestock farming in a similar manner as in industrial production. Due to basic differences between industrial and livestock farming use cases, some of the benefits must be adapted. The presence of individual living animals and the strong environmental impact of livestock farming affect the role of digital individualization and demand orientation. The position of livestock farming within the value chain minimizes the need for flexibilization. The introduction and adoption of Industry 4.0 concepts and technologies may contribute significantly to transforming agriculture into something that may be called Agriculture 4.0. Technologies are indispensable for this development step, but vocational education and open-mindedness of farmers towards Industry 4.0 is essential as well