455 research outputs found

    How Do Maternal Subclinical Symptoms Influence Infant Motor Development during the First Year of Life?

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    An unavoidable reciprocal influence characterizes the mother-child dyad. Within this relationship, the presence of depression, somatization, hostility, paranoid ideation, and interpersonal sensitivity symptoms at a subclinical level and their possible input on infant motor competences has not been yet considered. Bearing in mind that motor abilities represent not only an indicator of the infant\u2019s health-status, but also the principal field to infer his/her needs, feelings and intentions, in this study the quality of infants\u2019 movements were assessed and analyzed in relationship with the maternal attitudes. The aim of this research was to investigate if/how maternal symptomatology may pilot infant\u2019s motor development during his/her first year of life by observing the characteristics of motor development in infants aged 0\u201311 months. Participants included 123 mothers and their infants (0\u201311 months-old). Mothers\u2019 symptomatology was screened with the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R), while infants were tested with the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale-Second Edition. All dyads belonged to a non-clinical population, however, on the basis of SCL-90-R scores, the mothers\u2019 sample was divided into two groups: normative and subclinical. Descriptive, t-test, correlational analysis between PDMS-2 scores and SCL-90-R results are reported, as well as regression models results. Both positive and negative correlations were found between maternal perceived symptomatology, Somatization (SOM), Interpersonal Sensitivity (IS), Depression (DEP), Hostility (HOS), and Paranoid Ideation (PAR) and infants\u2019 motor abilities. These results were further verified by applying regression models to predict the infant\u2019s motor outcomes on the basis of babies\u2019 age and maternal status. The presence of positive symptoms in the SCL-90-R questionnaire (subclinical group) predicted good visual-motor integration and stationary competences in the babies. In particular, depressive and hostility feelings in mothers seemed to induce an infant motor behavior characterized by a major control of the environmental space. When mothers perceived a higher level of hostility and somatization, their babies showed difficulties in sharing action space, such as required in the development of stationary positions and grasping abilities. In a completely different way, when infants can rely on a mother with low-perceived symptoms (normative group) his/her motor performances develop with a higher degree of freedom/independence. These findings suggest, for the first time, that even in a non- clinical sample, mother\u2019s perceived-symptoms can produce important consequences not in infant motor development as a whole, but in some specific areas, contributing to shape the infant\u2019s motor ability and his/her capability to act in the world

    Uma análise da organização curricular de Língua Portuguesa na transição do 5º para o 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental do município de Colombo para o ensino estadual do Paraná

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    Orientadora : Suzete P. BornattoMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Especialização em Organização do Trabalho PedagógicoInclui referênciasResumo : A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral fazer uma análise da organização curricular de língua portuguesa na transição do 5º para o 6º ano do ensino fundamental do município de Colombo para o ensino estadual do Paraná. Foram objetivos específicos da pesquisa identificar e analisar as principais dificuldades apontadas por professores na organização curricular de língua portuguesa na transição do 5º ano de três escolas da rede municipal de Colombo para o 6º ano de um colégio da rede estadual do Paraná. Procurei apontar as semelhanças e diferenças entre os currículos de língua portuguesa prescritos para o 5º e para o 6º ano; verificar de que forma os professores organizam ou participam da organização do currículo de língua portuguesa de 5º e 6º ano nos âmbitos municipal e estadual; investigar se os professores têm algum tipo de formação continuada específica em língua portuguesa, tanto no Município quanto no Estado; verificar como são realizados os planos de trabalho docentes de língua portuguesa de 5º e 6º ano; verificar junto aos docentes como e com que frequência utilizam livro didático nas três escolas municipais e na estadual; analisar alguns cadernos dos alunos para comparar com a proposta curricular; estabelecer um material de referência para docentes de ambas as séries, a fim de favorecer um planejamento compartilhado que propicie maior tranquilidade a alunos e professores, e melhores resultados de aprendizagem. Após toda a análise realizada, o resultado da pesquisa apresentou que nos currículos em si não existem grandes diferenças, mas sim a maneira que cada mantenedora organiza os conteúdos, a existência de um desconhecimento por parte dos professores quanto ao currículo que seus alunos terão ou tiveram no processo de aprendizagem da língua no período de transição, que a prática docente e a concepção existente, ainda são algo distinto, isto observado através dos cadernos. As dificuldades na transição estão além do currículo, outros fatores interferem, sendo este período um desafio na educação.Abstract : The present research has as general objective to make an analysis of the organization of the Portuguese language curriculums in the transition from the 5th to the 6th year of elementary education in the city of Colombo for the state education of Parana. Specific objectives of the research were to identify and analyze the main difficulties pointed out by teachers in the official Portuguese language organization in the transition from the 5th year of three schools in the city of Colombo to the 6th year of a college in the state network of Paraná. I will try to point out the similarities and differences between the Portugueselanguage curriculum prescribed for the 5th and 6th grades; to verify how the teachers organize or participate in the organization of the Portuguese language curriculum of 5th and 6th grade in the areas of the city or state; to investigate whether teachers have some type of specific continuing education in Portuguese, both in the city and in the State; to verify how the work plans of Portuguese teachers of fifth and sixth year are realized; check with teachers how and how often they use textbooks in the three city and state schools; analyze some students' notebooks to compare with the official proposal; establish reference research for teachers of both grades in order to provide shared planning that provides greater peace of mind for students and teachers and better learning outcomes. After all the analysis carried out, the research results showed that in the curriculum itself there are not big differences, but rather the way that each maintainer organizes the contents, the existence of a lack of knowledge on the part of the teachers as to the curriculum that their students will have or had in the process of learning the language in the transition period, that the teaching practice and the existing conception, are still something different, this observed through the notebooks. Difficulties in transition are beyond curriculum, other factors affect, this period being a challenge in education

    Effects of Non-uniform Blockage Ratio and Obstacle Spacing on Flame Propagration in Premixed H2/O2 mixtures

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    PresentationMost of the current research in flame propagation and deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT), including large and small-scale experiments, have analyzed the influence of obstacles uniformly distributed on the explosion severity. These uniform conditions are characterized by constant obstacle spacing, shape and blockage ratio (BR), and may not represent very well the layout of actual industrial facilities. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of varied BR in the peak overpressure and flame acceleration. A systematic analysis was conducted by varying layout parameters on a regular basis to examine what conditions favor the highest overpressure and minimal run-up distance when DDT is observed. Experiments were performed in a closed pipe with 38 mm internal diameter and an overall length to diameter ratio (L/D) equal to 73. The arrangement between two obstacles in the test vessel was varied in terms of blockage ratio (increasing, decreasing and equal) and obstacle distance (1D, 2D, and 3D). From the conditions tested, the increasing blockage ratio has a more significant impact on the overall maximum pressure and the DDT run-up distance


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    Palavras-chave: Direitos humanos; Ditadura; Memória; Mulher; Justiça de transição.Palabras clave: Derechos humanos; Dictadura; Memoria; Mujer; Justicia transicional

    Analysis of Reliability Mapping in Refining Industry: Identification of Critical Regions and Interventions in Complex Production Systems

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    PresentationThe article aims demonstrate the importance of reliability mapping for decrease risks of shutdown and accident in critical activities. For mapping is needed to know the operational context, considering culture and deviations that between with other factors will be occasion total failure. The analyses of sociotechnical reliability need of mapping of human, operational, process and equipment reliability to occur, besides considering the system complexity and the social attractiveness, for that this way be possible the elaboration of efficient barriers. The reliability mapping demands tools in the area of social and human risk analysis, analysis of the task with the evaluation of the environment of the activities, project of work, analysis of human factors, identification of work behaviour for cultural transformation, leadership style for process safety, culture of guilt and fair culture, dynamic risk management, energy reliability and good energy practices. The Socio Technical Reliability Analyses – STRA is a more complete tool for the analyse of systems and decrease of risks. With this mapping, it is possible to identify the industrial areas that have the greatest influence on the losses occurred in the industrial context, after that it is possible use the information for make an using fault tree analyses & decision diagram. That provides for the manager makes decisions with a solid knowledge base. The methodology aims through application of tool, demonstrate the use in analyses of parameters and construction of sociotechnical reliability mapping, identifying the tasks, equipment and process that cause shutdown. After reliability assessment, it continued with barriers analysis using fault tree analyses & decision diagram tool. The conclusion is about understand different cause considering STRA and demonstrate the decision-making processes importance to take corrective and preventive actions

    Analysis of the Low Perception of Risk: Causes, Consequences, and Barriers

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    PresentationThe principles of risk, danger, and sociability depend on cognitive limitations and the social work environment. Subjects are linked in binaries or multiples where they can establish causal relationships or influences that lead to informal rules of behavior in the workplace. A group that understands what positively influences the organizational goal of avoiding accidents and losing energy will know the importance of keeping the fundamentals of work alive. Understanding the principles is the basis for research into safe, alert, and resilient behavior. From the characterization of the principles adopted in the form of relationships, from the established standards of good practices, they present hypotheses about safe behavior. The hypotheses may indicate gaps in the difference between what is expected for a risk activity (good practices) and what is detected from the observation scenarios of this industrial routine. In the cognitive analysis based on the models that indicate perception, attention, and memory are initial stages for the construction of the mental scheme of execution of preformatted procedures or elaboration of procedures in unusual situations. A comparative analysis for a group indicates which aspects considered as priorities for decision and common sense allow a more complex preparation that requires a new concept. In the job search are the physical, cognitive (information flow and type of communication) and organizational situations that can cause human error and equipment failure. Working criteria can decrease or increase human error. This work aims to test the principles and indicate the hypotheses through the analysis of scenarios and confirm the relationships of the lack of perception of risk, with the analysis of the work station indicating which factors of performance that influence the human error. When designing interventions, it is important to suggest the influence of competence level and quality of communication tools in a stressful environment with specific leadership. Interventions depend on the type of human error, therefore, on the application of intellectual capital, operational groups for situations under stress, change of habits and educational campaigns

    Probabilistic Risk Assessment Tool Applied in Facility Layout Optimization

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    The severity of several chemical incidents occurred in the recent past has been attributed to improper layout arrangement or proximity of a chemical facility to a densely populated area although this is not a new problem. To address this problem, researchers have been considering not just economic efficacy but also safety features in layout optimization. Therefore, there is still a need for a comprehensive risk assessment methodology in combination with the layout optimization formulation. Moreover, risk probability distributions should be employed to enhance understanding of overall risks and to support decision making during the design phase. The objective of this study is to incorporate a probabilistic risk assessment into the design optimization formulation. The methodology was divided in three main parts. First, a risk assessment program has been developed in MATLAB to estimate risks associated with human life losses and structural damage in a chemical plant. Analytical models for fire and explosion scenarios and toxic chemical releases were included in the program. Monte Carlo simulation was then employed to propagate uncertainties attributed to environemtal conditions and release paramenters. The proposed program generates risk maps and risk distributions at a particular point of interest in a timely manner. Second, domino effect concepts have been included in the resulting program to obtain minimal separation distances between process units necessary to prevent escalation events. These distances vary according the targeted unit type, escalation vector (overpressure or fire impigement) and the risk acceptability criteria. In the last stage, risk maps and safety distances are included in a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) for layout optimization. The objective function is set to minimize the total capital cost associated with structural damage risk, fatality risk, pipeline interconnection, and protective devices. Individual risk criteria was applied as an additional constraint for high occupancy buildings, meaning that the overall risk for buildings such as control room or lab may not exceed this criterion. The proposed methodology has been demonstrated through a case study. It enhanced flexibility during the layout arrangement allowing the user not just include site-specific data but also the risk acceptance criteria, which reflects the company’s safety culture

    Da rookie à capitolina: novas narrativas para garotas adolescentes em revistas independentes online

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    Trata das revistas femininas, mídia independente, internet e feminismo. Usando como objeto de estudo as revistas independentes online para garotas adolescentes Rookie (2011) e Capitolina (2014), busca-se entender como as narrativas das revistas tradicionais para o público feminino adolescente estavam ultrapassadas para algumas jovens, que, aproveitando da facilidade que a internet permite na criação de conteúdo, decidiram dar início às próprias revistas. Além de mostrar como Rookie e Capitolina surgem para suprir a falta de representatividade na mídia tradicional, esta pesquisa também pretende expor como elas buscam representar as garotas adolescentes e as diferenças nos discursos dessas publicações em relação às outras revistas para o mesmo público

    The diffusion of Performance and Image Enhancing Drugs (PIEDs) on the internet : The abuse of the cognitive enhancer Piracetam

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Substance Use & Miuse on December 2014, available online at: https://doi.org/10.3109/10826084.2014.912232Introduction: Performance and image-enhancing drugs (PIEDs), also known as “lifestyle drugs,” are increasingly sold on the Internet to enhance cognitive as well as sexual, muscular, attentive, and other natural capacities. Our analysis focuses on the misuse of the cognitive enhancer piracetam. Methods: A literature review was carried out in PsychInfo and Pubmed database. Considering the absence of peer-reviewed data, review of additional sources of unstructured information from the Internet was carried out between February 2012 and July 2013. Additional searches were conducted using the Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN), a secure Internet-based early warning system developed by Health Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO), which monitors media reports in six languages, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. Results: Piracetam is sold via illicit online pharmacies with no need of prescription at low prices. Buyers, mainly healthy individuals, purchase the product to enhance study- and work-related performances as well as for recreational purposes. Its nonmedical use is often associated with the occurrence of side effects such as hallucinations, psychomotor agitation, dysphoria, tiredness, dizziness, memory loss, headache, and severe diarrhoea; moreover, several users declared to have neither felt any cognitive improvement nor psychedelic effects. Conclusions: This is a new and fast-growing trend of abuse that needs to be extensively monitored and studied also by using near real-time and unstructured sources of information such as Internet news and online reports in order to acquire rapid knowledge and understanding. Products sold online might be counterfeits and this enhances related health risksPeer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Componentes dos sistemas de informação nas empresas

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    Orientador: Vicente PachecoMonografia (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em ControladoriaResumo: Atualmente a informação tem um valor altamente estratégico, para isso, pôde conceder grande poder para quem a possui, seja pessoa ou empresa. lsto porque ela está presente em todas as atividades que envolvem pessoas, processos, sistemas, recursos financeiros, tecnologias entre outros. Por isso, todos os anos, as empresas investem quantias consideráveis de suas receitas em Sistemas de lnformação (SI), visando, entre outros objetivos, adequarem-se as necessidades do mercado e tornarem-se mais competitivas. Pequenas modificações na arquitetura de Sl, aparentemente simples num primeiro momento, podem acarretar em grandes desembolsos, isto porque, um Sl não é composto apenas por omputadores ou softwares, mas por uma complexa estrutura, envolvendo pessoas, processos e tecnologias. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar e resumir, na forma de um modelo, esta estrutura, possibilitando a identificação das interdependências existentes entre os diferentes elementos que compõe a estrutura de tecnologia da informação, demonstrando, ainda, noções sobre a amplitude da gestão operacional da tecnologia da informação. Este estudo também trata da importância da aplicação de um processo de gestão científica na área de tecnologia da informação das empresas, envolvendo planejamento, organização, direção, controle e gestão de pessoal, visando garantir o domínio e o uso estratégico desta ferramenta. O foco deste trabalho estará mais para gestão da informática e menos para gestão da informaçã