18 research outputs found

    2,4-Diaminothieno[3,2-d]pyrimidines, a new class of anthelmintic with activity against adult and egg stages of whipworm

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    The human whipworm Trichuris trichiura is a parasite that infects around 500 million people globally, with consequences including damage to physical growth and educational performance. Current drugs such as mebendazole have a notable lack of efficacy against whipworm, compared to other soil-transmitted helminths. Mass drug administration programs are therefore unlikely to achieve eradication and new treatments for trichuriasis are desperately needed. All current drug control strategies focus on post-infection eradication, targeting the parasite in vivo. Here we propose developing novel anthelmintics which target the egg stage of the parasite in the soil as an adjunct environmental strategy. As evidence in support of such an approach we describe the actions of a new class of anthelmintic compounds, the 2,4-diaminothieno[3,2-d]pyrimidines (DATPs). This compound class has found broad utility in medicinal chemistry, but has not previously been described as having anthelmintic activity. Importantly, these compounds show efficacy against not only the adult parasite, but also both the embryonated and unembryonated egg stages and thereby may enable a break in the parasite lifecycle

    Preprint: 2,4-Diaminothieno[3,2-d]pyrimidines, a new class of anthelmintic with activity against adult and egg stages of whipworm

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    The human whipworm Trichuris trichiura is a parasite that infects around 500 million people globally, with consequences including damage to physical growth and educational performance. Current drugs such as mebendazole have a notable lack of efficacy against whipworm, compared to other soil-transmitted helminths. Mass drug administration programs are therefore unlikely to achieve eradication and new treatments for trichuriasis are desperately needed. All current drug control strategies focus on post-infection eradication, targeting the parasite in vivo. Here we propose developing novel anthelmintics which target the egg stage of the parasite in the soil as an adjunct environmental strategy. As evidence in support of such an approach we describe the actions of a new class of anthelmintic compounds, the 2,4-diaminothieno[3,2-d]pyrimidines (DATPs). This compound class has found broad utility in medicinal chemistry, but has not previously been described as having anthelmintic activity. Importantly, these compounds show efficacy against not only the adult parasite, but also both the embryonated and unembryonated egg stages and thereby may enable a break in the parasite lifecycle

    Dihydrobenz[e][1,4]oxazepin-2(3H)-ones, a new anthelmintic chemotype immobilising whipworm and reducing infectivity in vivo

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    Trichuris trichiura is a human parasitic whipworm infecting around 500 million people globally, damaging the physical growth and educational performance of those infected. Current drug treatment options are limited and lack efficacy against the worm, preventing an eradication programme. It is therefore important to develop new treatments for trichuriasis. Using Trichuris muris, an established model for T. trichiura, we screened a library of 480 novel drug-like small molecules for compounds causing paralysis of the ex vivo adult parasite. We identified a class of dihydrobenz[e][1,4]oxazepin-2(3H)-one compounds with anthelmintic activity against T. muris. Further screening of structurally related compounds and resynthesis of the most potent molecules led to the identification of 20 active dihydrobenzoxazepinones, a class of molecule not previously implicated in nematode control. The most active immobilise adult T. muris with EC50 values around 25-50μM, comparable to the existing anthelmintic levamisole. The best compounds from this chemotype show low cytotoxicity against murine gut epithelial cells, demonstrating selectivity for the parasite. Developing a novel oral pharmaceutical treatment for a neglected disease and deploying it via mass drug administration is challenging. Interestingly, the dihydrobenzoxazepinone OX02983 reduces the ability of embryonated T. muris eggs to establish infection in the mouse host in vivo. Complementing the potential development of dihydrobenzoxazepinones as an oral anthelmintic, this supports an alternative strategy of developing a therapeutic that acts in the environment, perhaps via a spray, to interrupt the parasite lifecycle. Together these results show that the dihydrobenzoxazepinones are a new class of anthelmintic, active against both egg and adult stages of Trichuris parasites. They demonstrate encouraging selectivity for the parasite, and importantly show considerable scope for further optimisation to improve potency and pharmacokinetic properties with the aim of developing a clinical agent

    2,4-Diaminothieno[3,2 d]pyrimidines, a new class of anthelmintic with activity against adult and egg stages of whipworm

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    The human whipworm Trichuris trichiura is a parasite that infects around 500 million people globally, with consequences including damage to physical growth and educational performance. Current drugs such as mebendazole have a notable lack of efficacy against whipworm, compared to other soil-transmitted helminths. Mass drug administration programs are therefore unlikely to achieve eradication and new treatments for trichuriasis are desperately needed. All current drug control strategies focus on post-infection eradication, targeting the parasite in vivo. Here we propose developing novel anthelmintics which target the egg stage of the parasite in the soil as an adjunct environmental strategy. As evidence in support of such an approach we describe the actions of a new class of anthelmintic compounds, the 2,4-diaminothieno[3,2-d]pyrimidines (DATPs). This compound class has found broad utility in medicinal chemistry, but has not previously been described as having anthelmintic activity. Importantly, these compounds show efficacy against not only the adult parasite, but also both the embryonated and unembryonated egg stages and thereby may enable a break in the parasite lifecycle

    <i>T</i>. <i>muris</i> eggs treated with dihydrobenzoxazepinone OX02983 are less infective <i>in vivo</i>.

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    <p>(A) Experimental scheme: embryonated eggs were soaked in compound, and then used to infect mice by oral gavage. At day 15 post-infection, mice were culled and worm burden assessed. (B) Treatment with OX02983 reduced the ability of embryonated eggs to establish infection <i>in vivo</i>. Blue bar indicates median worm burden. A one-way ANOVA (worms ~ treatment) showed a significant difference between treatment groups (F(3,48) = 8.3, P< 0.0005). Differences between groups were determined using a post-hoc Tukey HSD test (** = P<0.005, *** = P<0.0001). n = 14 (DMSO), 16 (water), 10 (OX02983), 12 (OX03153). (C) Dihydrobenzoxazepinones do not act by blocking embryonation. Eggs were incubated with 100μM compounds or DMSO-alone control for 56 days. Embryonation was then quantified. No significant differences between groups were detected: one-way ANOVA (embryonation ~ treatment, F(2,12) = 0.60, P = 0.57). Blue bar indicates median percentage embryonation.</p

    Structures of active dihydrobenzoxazepinones that were resynthesized, with selected calculated properties.

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    <p>RMM: relative molecular mass. #HBA: number of hydrogen bond acceptors. #HBD: number of hydrogen bond donors. tPSA: topological polar surface area. (Calculated using DataWarrior [<a href="http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0005359#pntd.0005359.ref028" target="_blank">28</a>]).</p

    Identification of a diaminothienopyrimidine series from an <i>ex vivo T</i>. <i>muris</i> motility screen.

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    <p><b>(a)</b> Structure of the hit compound, which was given the identifier <b>OX02926</b>. <b>(b)</b> Hit expansion by testing of structurally-related compounds using library material, assay concentration 100<b>μ</b>M. Significance was determined by a two-sided Mann-Whitney test compared to DMSO-only controls, adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni method (for test compounds n = 5, each replicate on different assay plates, each point indicates one assay well). Blue bar indicates mean movement score. <b>(c)</b> Structures and identifiers of additional active compounds from this class. <b>(d)</b> Structures and PubChem CID accession numbers for the two compounds that were not significantly active in this assay.</p

    Resynthesized dihydrobenzoxazepinones show dose-dependent attenuation of <i>ex vivo T</i>. <i>muris</i> adult motility.

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    <p>Single adult worms were incubated for 24 hours in wells containing media plus compound. Motility was quantified using an automated phenotyping platform. EC<sub>50</sub> ± standard error shown in parentheses. n = 5, except OX03144 where n = 10. Curve fitted using the four parameter log-logistic model.</p

    Schematic showing possible treatment strategies: post-infection treatment and breaking the <i>Trichuris</i> life cycle in the environment.

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    <p><i>Trichuris</i> infection could be prevented by using novel drugs to 1) target the prevention of egg embryonation in the external environment, 2) reduce the infectivity of embryonated eggs prior to ingestion, or 3) treat existing infections <i>in vivo</i> while worms are at larval and adult stages.</p

    Summary of the cytotoxicity in a mouse epithelial cell line of the DATP series.

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    <p>Mouse CMT-93 rectal epithelial cells were used for this assay. Maximum tested concentration was 100 μM. <i>n =</i> 8, error range (in parentheses) shows 95% confidence interval. EC<sub>50</sub> values in the adult <i>Trichuris</i> paralysis assay are shown for comparison.</p