9 research outputs found

    Alcohol dependence and its relation with cognitive and mental disorders in elderly

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    Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS ([email protected]) on 2016-07-19T18:34:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_BRUNO_LUIZ_GUIDOLIN_PARCIAL.pdf: 2466438 bytes, checksum: 72b981ee9f776fee3d19f527647d58be (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-19T18:34:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_BRUNO_LUIZ_GUIDOLIN_PARCIAL.pdf: 2466438 bytes, checksum: 72b981ee9f776fee3d19f527647d58be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-28Objective:To investigate the association between current alcohol dependence and alcohol dependence during life with cognitive and mental disorders in the elderly of the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods:This was a crosssectional study with application of Mini International Neuropsychiatric (M.I.N.I. Plus Brazilian version 5.0.0), Global Assessment Questionnaire for the Elderly (QAGI) and Neuropsychological do CERAD (Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease) in 580 elderly in Porto Alegre. Results: Of the 580 elderly, 24 were current dependent on alcohol (4.2%) and 85 had dependence during life (14.6%). There was a statistically significant difference (p?0,005) for sex, addiction to illegal substances, antisocial personality disorder and smoking for current alcohol dependence and alcohol dependence during life. The association between manic/hypomanic current episode and current alcohol dependence and the association between generalized anxiety disorder and alcohol dependence during life also showed statistically significant difference. Men were majority for alcohol dependence; males have 9,35 times the prevalence of current alcohol dependence and 12,81 times the prevalence of alcohol dependence during life when compared with women. Elderly diagnosed with addiction to other substances, manic/hypomanic episode, generalized anxiety disorder and smoking were more likely to have alcohol dependence compared to those who did not have such disorders. Conclusion: Cognitive disorders were not associated with alcohol dependence. Some psychiatric disorders were associated with current alcohol dependence and alcohol dependence during life, which warns about the importance of early diagnosis of these disorders in the elderly.Objetivo: Investigar a associa??o entre a depend?ncia de ?lcool atual e a depend?ncia de ?lcool na vida com os transtornos cognitivos e mentais em pacientes idosos do Munic?pio de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. M?todos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com aplica??o do Mini International Neuropsychiatric interview, M.I.N.I. Plus Brazilian version 5.0.0, do Question?rio de Avalia??o Global do Idoso (QAGI) e da Avalia??o Neuropsicol?gica do CERAD (Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer Disease) em 580 idosos de Porto Alegre. Resultados: Dos 580 idosos, 24 eram dependentes de ?lcool (4,2%) e 85 apresentaram depend?ncia durante a vida (14,6%). Houve diferen?a estatisticamente significativa (p?0,005) para sexo, depend?ncia de subst?ncias il?citas, transtorno de personalidade antissocial e tabagismo para a depend?ncia de ?lcool atual e depend?ncia de ?lcool na vida. Quando comparado epis?dio man?aco/hipoman?aco atual com a depend?ncia de ?lcool atual, e transtorno de ansiedade generalizada com depend?ncia de ?lcool na vida, houve diferen?a estatisticamente significativa. Os homens foram maioria na depend?ncia de ?lcool; o sexo masculino teve 9,35 vezes a preval?ncia de depend?ncia de ?lcool atual e 12,81 vezes a preval?ncia de depend?ncia de ?lcool na vida quando comparado com o sexo feminino. Os idosos diagnosticados com depend?ncia de outras subst?ncias, epis?dios man?aco/hipoman?acos, transtorno de ansiedade generalizada e tabagismo foram mais prop?cios a ter depend?ncia de ?lcool quando comparados ?queles que n?o apresentaram tais transtornos. Conclus?o: Os transtornos cognitivos n?o foram associados com a depend?ncia de ?lcool. Alguns transtornos psiqui?tricos, entretanto, apresentaram associa??o com a depend?ncia de ?lcool atual e na vida, o que alerta para a import?ncia de um diagn?stico ao longo da vida desses transtornos nos idosos

    Screening for symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients admitted to a university hospital with acute coronary syndrome

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    Abstract Objective: To investigate the prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients admitted for acute coronary syndrome to a university hospital and to examine associations with use of psychotropic drugs. Methods: Ninety-one patients who had had an acute coronary event were enrolled on this cross-sectional prevalence study. Characteristics of the study population and the prevalence rates of depression and anxiety in the sample were assessed using the Hospital São Lucas da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) psychiatric consultation protocol, which includes clinical and sociodemographic data, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Results: The prevalence of symptoms of anxiety was 48.4% (44 patients) and the prevalence of depressive symptoms was 26.4% (24 patients). Of these, 19 patients (20.9% of the whole sample) had scores indicative of both types of symptoms concomitantly. Considering the whole sample, just 17 patients (18.7%) were receiving treatment for anxiety or depression with benzodiazepines and/or antidepressants. Conclusions: Anxiety and depression are disorders that are more prevalent among patients with acute coronary syndrome than in the general population, but they are generally under-diagnosed and under-treated. Patients with anxiety and depression simultaneously had higher scores on the HADS for anxiety and depression and therefore require more intensive care

    Síndrome de Klippel-Trenaunay: relato de caso

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    A síndrome de Klippel-Trenaunay é caracterizada por uma tríade composta de mancha vinho do porto, veias varicosas com ou sem malformações venosas e hipertrofia óssea e dos tecidos moles, envolvendo, geralmente, apenas uma extremidade (hipercrescimento da extremidade afetada). Sua causa continua a ser pesquisada, embora existam diversas teorias. É uma síndrome sem predileção por sexo e etnia, apresentando-se mais ao nascimento, infância ou adolescência. Apresentamos o relato de um caso de um menino de oito anos com essa síndrome