25 research outputs found

    Discounting and Patience in Optimal Stopping and Control Problems

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    This paper establishes that the optimal stopping time of virtually any optimal stopping problem is increasing in "patience," understood as a particular partial order on discount rate functions. With Markov dynamics, the result holds in a continuation- domain sense even if stopping is combined with an optimal control problem. Under intuitive additional assumptions, we obtain comparative statics on both the optimal control and optimal stopping time for one-dimensional diusions. We provide a simple example where, without these assumptions, increased patience can precipitate stopping. We also show that, with optimal stopping and control, a project's expected value is decreasing in the interest rate, generalizing analogous results in a deterministic context. All our results are robust to the presence of a salvage value. As an application we show that the internal rate of return of any endogenously-interrupted project is essentially unique, even if the project also involves a management problem until its interruption. We also apply our results to the theory of optimal growth and capital deepening and to optimal bankruptcy decisions.capital growth, comparative statics, discounting, internal rate of return, optimal control, optimal stopping, patience, present value, project valuation

    Comparative Statics, Informativeness, and the Interval Dominance Order

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    We identify a natural way of ordering functions, which we call the interval dominance order and develop a theory of monotone comparative statics based on this order. This way of ordering functions is weaker then the standard one based on the single crossing property (Milgrom and Shannon, 1994) and so our results apply in some settings where the single crossing property does not hold. For example, they are useful when examining the comparative statics of optimal stopping time problems. We also show that certain basic results in statistical decision theory which are important in economics – specifically, the complete class theorem of Karlin and Rubin (1956) and the results connected with Lehmann’s (1988) concept of informativeness – generalize to payoff functions obeying the interval dominance order.single crossing property, interval dominance order, supermodularity, comparative statics, optimal stopping time, complete class theorem, statistical decision theory, informativeness

    Monotone Comparative Statics: Geometric Approach

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    We consider the comparative statics of solutions to parameterized optimization problems. A geometric method is developed for finding a vector field that, at each point in the parameter space, indicates a direction in which monotone comparative statics obtains. Given such a vector field, we provide sufficient conditions under which the problem can be reparameterized on the parameter space (or a subset thereof) in a way that guarantees monotone comparative statics. A key feature of our method is that it does not require the feasible set to be a lattice and works in the absence of the standard quasi-supermodularity and single-crossing assumptions on the objective function. We illustrate our approach with a variety of applications

    Additive Envelopes of Continuous Functions

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    We present an iterative method for constructing additive envelopes of continuous functions on a compact set, with contact at a specified point. For elements of a class of submodular functions we provide closed-form expressions for such additive envelopes