4 research outputs found

    Using Excel and VBA for Excel to Learn Numerical Methods

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    Spreadsheets, by virtue of being distributed with office suites, are availablein most computers, and can be used efficiently in the solution of numericalmethods. In this paper we present calculations for numerical methods,specifically, solution to equations, using one of the most popular spreadsheetsoftware currently available, namely, Microsoft Office's EXCEL. Spreadsheet calculations can be performed by simply using formulas in the spreadsheetcells, or by creating programs (subroutine programs, or SUBs, and FUNCTION programs) using a programming language accessible through the spreadsheet interface. EXCEL uses exclusively a language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).Microsoft Excel is a excellent tool for students to learn numerical methods.It makes easy to construct illustrative examples, to experiment with them,and to plot results in graphical forms. The paper outlines the reasons forchoosing Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for Excel. Certain topics ofinterest with regard to VBA for Excel are explored, and sample programs are included Some illustrative examples are presented to demonstrate the use of Goal Seek and Solver features as a powerful tool for solving of some problems inhydro engineering

    The Analysis and the Design of the Reinforced Concrete Elements and the Algorithm in the Calculation of these Elements under the Shear Forces

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    During the process of the design for the reinforced concrete elements besides the calculation of the bending moment, another important calculation is the one made for these elements when they are under the shear forces. This calculation is made in the ultimate limit state, SLU. This paper will present all theoretical bases and algorithm calculations of reinforced concrete elements under the shear forces, based on the European rules (Eurocodes) and mainly EC2 and EC8. The study of reinforced concrete elements under the shear forces is complex process. It cannot be sufficient the analysis of one section in the study of reinforced concrete elements, in the contrary of what happens usually. The analysis of the reinforced concrete structures under the shear forces should be made by analyzing all its elements entirely. The behaviour of the reinforced concrete elements in its plastic phase is complicated and it directly affects in the size of the bearing capacity of element in the shear forces. In the size of the bearing capacity of element in the shear forces also the quantity of the longitudinal reinforcement, the quantity of transversal reinforcement, the type and the position of forces, the form of the transversal section, etc. The effect of the transversal (shear) forces is important in studying the behaviour of the element. The analysis is made by approximating the element with a truss, where the tension elements of this truss are represented by the reinforcement and the pressed elements are represented by the press concrete. The factors that mostly affect the capacity of the reinforced concrete element shear process are the longitudinal quantity of reinforcement, the size of gravel and the transversal size of the element. In this paper will be presented several numerical examples and the algorithm for calculating the concrete elements from shear forces


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    The ever increasing use of ICT in higher education institutions is a part of the social and economic changes affecting all countries and regions. Governments and companies see universities as the engines of these changes, and ICT as a tool for knowledge dissemination anywhere and anytime. A better integration of ICT in the education environment would not only help students and teachers, but would also contribute to the development of international networks of educational institutions. The paper evaluates the use of ICT in the educational process in higher education in Albania and the challenges that these institutions face in the process of integrating ICT into teaching practice in order to develop the whole country. The proposed conclusions and recommendations make a valid topic for further research.Sve zastupljenija primjena ICT u visokoškolskim ustanovama dio je društvenih i gospodarskih promjena koje zahvaćaju sve države i regije. Vlada i tvrtke doživljavaju sveučilišta kao pokretače tih promjena, a ICT kao prikladno sredstvo širenja znanja uvijek i svugdje. Uvođenje ICT u obrazovni kontekst pomoglo bi, ne samo nastavnicima i studentima da proširuju svoje znanje, već bi također doprinjelo umrežavanju obrazovnih institucija na međunarodnoj razini. U radu se vrjednuje upotreba ICT u sveučilišnoj nastavi u Albaniji, kao i problemi s kojima se institucije susreću u svome nastojanju da integriraju ICT u škole, što bi trebalo dovesti do napretka u razvoju čitave države.Die zunehmende Nutzung von ICT im Bereich der Hochschulbildung ist ein Teil der gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen, die alle Länder und Regionen umfassen. Die Regierung und Unternehmen nehmen die Universitäten als Antreiber solcher Veränderungen wahr und die ICT als ein geeignetes Vehikel für die Wissensverbreitung jederzeit und überall. Die Einführung von ICT im pädagogischen Kontext würde nicht nur den Lehrern und den Studenten bei ihrer Wissenserweiterung helfen, sondern es würde auch zur Vernetzung von Bildungseinrichtungen auf internationaler Ebene beitragen. Im Beitrag wird der Einsatz von ICT im Hochschulunterricht in Albanien bewertet, sowie die Probleme, mit denen die Institutionen bei ihren Bemühungen um die Integration von ICT in den Schulen konfrontiert werden, was wiederum zum Fortschritt in der Entwicklung des ganzen Landes führen sollte