1,103 research outputs found

    Pairwise Discriminative Speaker Verification in the I-Vector Space

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    This work presents a new and efficient approach to discriminative speaker verification in the i-vector space. We illustrate the development of a linear discriminative classifier that is trained to discriminate between the hypothesis that a pair of feature vectors in a trial belong to the same speaker or to different speakers. This approach is alternative to the usual discriminative setup that discriminates between a speaker and all the other speakers. We use a discriminative classifier based on a Support Vector Machine (SVM) that is trained to estimate the parameters of a symmetric quadratic function approximating a log-likelihood ratio score without explicit modeling of the i-vector distributions as in the generative Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA) models. Training these models is feasible because it is not necessary to expand the i-vector pairs, which would be expensive or even impossible even for medium sized training sets. The results of experiments performed on the tel-tel extended core condition of the NIST 2010 Speaker Recognition Evaluation are competitive with the ones obtained by generative models, in terms of normalized Detection Cost Function and Equal Error Rate. Moreover, we show that it is possible to train a gender- independent discriminative model that achieves state-of-the-art accuracy, comparable to the one of a gender-dependent system, saving memory and execution time both in training and in testin

    Alfalfa Yields from Mixtures of Dormant and Non-dormant Varieties

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    During the establishment year, alfalfa seedings typically yield only 40-60% of fully established stands. All alfalfa varieties grown in Iowa are classified as dormant or moderately dormant, a characteristic that is important for winter survival. However, as plants become dormant in late summer, their yield declines. Alfalfa varieties from the southwestern United States are non-dormant and continue to grow until the autumn freeze, but tend to die over winter. The objective of this experiment was to determine if including a proportion of non-dormant seed at planting could improve establishment year yield without affecting successive year yields or forage quality. The rationale for this experiment is that more plants are present in the first year of a stand than in successive years when individual plants grow larger as their crowns expand. Because of normal plant loss, we reasoned that death of non-dormant plants after the first winter might not adversely affect the yields of the remaining stand

    Effects of RAF inhibitors on PI3K/AKT signalling depend on mutational status of the RAS/RAF signalling axis

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    Targeted therapies within the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK signalling axis become increasingly popular, yet cross-talk and feedbacks in the signalling network lead to unexpected effects. Here we look systematically into how inhibiting RAF and MEK with clinically relevant inhibitors result in changes in PI3K/AKT activation. We measure the signalling response using a bead-based ELISA, and use a panel of three cell lines, and isogenic cell lines that express mutant forms of the oncogenes KRAS and BRAF to interrogate the effects of the MEK and RAF inhibitors on signalling. We find that treatment with the RAF inhibitors have opposing effects on AKT phosphorylation depending on the mutational status of two important oncogenes, KRAS and BRAF. If these two genes are in wildtype configuration, RAF inhibitors reduce AKT phosphorylation. In contrast, if BRAF or KRAS are mutant, RAF inhibitors will leave AKT phosphorylation unaffected or lead to an increase of AKT phosphorylation. Down-regulation of phospho-AKT by RAF inhibitors also extends to downstream transcription factors, and correlates with apoptosis induction. Our results show that oncogenes rewire signalling such that targeted therapies can have opposing effects on parallel pathways, which depend on the mutational status of the cell

    Breather decay into a vortex/anti-vortex pair in a Josephson Ladder

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    We present experimental evidence for a new behavior which involves discrete breathers and vortices in a Josephson Ladder. Breathers can be visualized as the creation and subsequent annihilation of vortex/anti-vortex pairs. An externally applied magnetic field breaks the vortex/anti-vortex symmetry and causes the breather to split apart. The motion of the vortex or anti-vortex creates multi-site breathers, which are always to one side or the other of the original breather depending on the sign of the applied field. This asymmetry in applied field is experimentally observed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    A Shift Symmetry in the Higgs Sector: Experimental Hints and Stringy Realizations

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    We interpret reported hints of a Standard Model Higgs boson at ~ 125 GeV in terms of high-scale supersymmetry breaking with a shift symmetry in the Higgs sector. More specifically, the Higgs mass range suggested by recent LHC data extrapolates, within the (non-supersymmetric) Standard Model, to a vanishing quartic Higgs coupling at a UV scale between 10^6 and 10^18 GeV. Such a small value of lambda can be understood in terms of models with high-scale SUSY breaking if the Kahler potential possesses a shift symmetry, i.e., if it depends on H_u and H_d only in the combination (H_u+\bar{H}_d). This symmetry is known to arise rather naturally in certain heterotic compactifications. We suggest that such a structure of the Higgs Kahler potential is common in a wider class of string constructions, including intersecting D7- and D6-brane models and their extensions to F-theory or M-theory. The latest LHC data may thus be interpreted as hinting to a particular class of compactifications which possess this shift symmetry.Comment: v2: References added. v3: References added, published versio

    3+1 dimensional Yang-Mills theory as a local theory of evolution of metrics on 3 manifolds

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    An explicit canonical transformation is constructed to relate the physical subspace of Yang-Mills theory to the phase space of the ADM variables of general relativity. This maps 3+1 dimensional Yang-Mills theory to local evolution of metrics on 3 manifolds.Comment: 7 pages, revte

    Revegetation of Fluvial Mine Tailing Deposits: The Use of Five Riparian Shrub Species

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    Fluvial deposition of mine tailings has caused extensive damage to riparian ecosystems throughout the West. Willows are often used for revegetation of fluvial mine tailing deposits but some species accumulate toxic concentrations of metals in leaves and stems. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the value of thinleaf alder [Alnus incana (L.) Moench spp. tinuifolia (Nutt.) Breitung], water birch (Betula occidentalis Hook.), red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea L. spp. sericea), and shrubby cinquefoil [Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rybd.] compared to Geyer willow (Salix geyeriana Andersson) for revegetation of fluvial tailing deposits along the Upper Arkansas River. Bare root shrubs were grown in tailings amended with lime and composted biosolids. Tailings were collected from three acidic and metal contaminated deposits along the Arkansas River south of Leadville, Colorado. All shrubs survived the two month experiment. Averaged across source deposits, total biomass during the experiment increased for alder, birch, dogwood, cinquefoil, and willow by 831, 689, 579, 525, and 683%, respectively. All species concentrated Pb and Zn belowground. Dogwood assimilated little Zn (44.0 mg kg-1) into its leaves and stems, but showed signs of nutrient deficiency which could have been induced by metal stress. Alder and cinquefoil partitioned Pb aboveground, 30.3 and 26.1 mg kg-1, respectively, which is unusual, but concentrations were below toxicity thresholds for humans and animals. All species evaluated did not exhibit greater growth when compared to Geyer willow, but the other four riparian species had metal partitioning characteristics valuable for managers planning for in situ restoration of mine tailing deposits

    Gab2 deficiency prevents Flt3-ITD driven acute myeloid leukemia in vivo

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    Internal tandem duplications (ITD) of the FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) predict poor prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and often co-exist with inactivating DNMT3A mutations. In vitro studies implicated Grb2-associated binder 2 (GAB2) as FLT3-ITD effector. Utilizing a Flt3-ITD knock-in, Dnmt3a haploinsufficient mouse model, we demonstrate that Gab2 is essential for the development of Flt3-ITD driven AML in vivo, as Gab2 deficient mice displayed prolonged survival, presented with attenuated liver and spleen pathology and reduced blast counts. Furthermore, leukemic bone marrow from Gab2 deficient mice exhibited reduced colony-forming unit capacity and increased FLT3 inhibitor sensitivity. Using transcriptomics, we identify the genes encoding for Axl and the Ret co-receptor Gfra2 as targets of the Flt3-ITD/Gab2/Stat5 axis. We propose a pathomechanism in which Gab2 increases signaling of these receptors by inducing their expression and by serving as downstream effector. Thereby, Gab2 promotes AML aggressiveness and drug resistance as it incorporates these receptor tyrosine kinases into the Flt3-ITD signaling network. Consequently, our data identify GAB2 as a promising biomarker and therapeutic target in human AML

    Meta-stable SUSY Breaking Model in Supergravity

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    We analyze a supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking model proposed by Intriligator, Seiberg and Shih in a supergravity (SUGRA) framework. This is a simple and natural setup which demands neither extra superpotential interactions nor an additional gauge symmetry. In the SUGRA setup, the U(1)R symmetry is explicitly broken by the constant term in the superpotential, and pseudo-moduli field naturally takes non-zero vacuum expectation value through a vanishing cosmological constant condition. Sfermions tend to be heavier than gauginos, and the strong-coupling scale is determined once a ratio of sfermion to gaugino masses is fixed.Comment: 13 page
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