6 research outputs found

    Parametrized Post-Newtonian Orbital Effects in Extrasolar Planets

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    Perturbative Post-Newtonian variations of the standard osculating orbital elements are obtained by using the two-body equations of motion in the Parameterized Post-Newtonian theoretical framework. The results obtained are applied to the Einstein and. Brans - Dicke theories. As a results, the semi-major axis and eccentricity exhibit periodic variation, but no secular changes.. The longitude of periastron and mean longitude at epoch experience both secular and periodic shifts. The Post-Newtonian effects are calculated and discussed for six extrasolar planets.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophys. Space Sc

    Why Naturalisation?

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    This article focuses on the linkage between institutional and normative dimensions of 'Europeanisation' and examines the UK Government White Paper, entitled 'Secure Borders, Safe Haven' (Home Office, 2002). The article reviews the migration policy under the Blair government. It argues that all existing forms of definitions derived from naturalisation remain too national-statist orientated and therefore are limited in addressing the new challenges which are needed to transcend the nationality model of citizenship. The author suggests, based on the examination of naturalisation laws throughout the EU generally and particularly in Britain, an automatic civic registration, conditioned on domicile and the absence of criminal convictions only. The article illustrates how naturalisation laws, however evolutionary, place too much emphasis on social cohesion which they equate with belonging and citizenship - thus overlooking the fact that sense of belonging develops with inclusion in society rather than by declarations or language proficiency tests

    Animal Studies and Ancient Judaism

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