101 research outputs found

    El model hospitalari del Col¡legi oficial de metges de Barcelona

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    Eponímia mèdica catalana (II)

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    Donant voltes al copagament en sanitat

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    La manca de professionals de la salut a Catalunya

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    Nota biogrĂ fica del Doctor Ramon San Ricart (Vic, 1882 - Barcelona, 1955). Un metge injustament oblidat

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    Ramón San Ricart podria haver estat ser considerat una de les “patums” de la cirurgia ortopèdica espanyola, a l’alçada d’altres coetanis com Francesc Jimeno Vidal (1) i Josep Trueta Raspall (2) considerats com a pioners de l’especialitat a Espanya. Però, per raons poc justificades, ha estat postergat a l’oblit des de la seva mort el 1955. Potser, aquest fet s’ha d’atribuir a haver estat un cirurgià que no va fer escola i, per tant, no va tenir deixebles que mantinguessin el seu record. Tampoc va fer vida acadèmica perquè no va estar a cap càtedra ni a cap servei d’un hospital universitari tret del seu període de formació. Potser, també, aquest oblit es deu al fet que fa la Guerra Civil al bàndol “nacional” i, un cop acabada l’escomesa, continua essent metge militar, circumstància que probablement no se li ha perdonat

    Sorption of perfluoroalkyl substances in sewage sludge

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    The sorption behaviour of three perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS)) was studied in sewage sludge samples. Sorption isotherms were obtained by varying initial concentrations of PFOS, PFOA and PFBS. The maximum values of the sorption solid-liquid distribution coefficients (Kd,max) varied by almost two orders of magnitude among the target PFASs: 140-281 mL g−1 for PFOS, 30-54 mL g−1 for PFOA and 9-18 mL g−1 for PFBS. Freundlich and linear fittings were appropriate for describing the sorption behaviour of PFASs in the sludge samples, and the derived KF and Kd,linear parameters correlated well. The hydrophobicity of the PFASs was the key parameter that influenced their sorption in sewage sludge. Sorption parameters and log(KOW) were correlated, and for PFOS (the most hydrophobic compound), pH and Ca + Mg status of the sludge controlled the variation in the sorption parameter values. Sorption reversibility was also tested from desorption isotherms, which were also linear. Desorption parameters were systematically higher than the corresponding sorption parameters (up to sixfold higher), thus indicating a significant degree of irreversible sorption, which decreased in the sequence PFOS > PFOA > PFB

    Declining hepatitis A seroprevalence in adults in Catalonia (Spain): a population-based study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One of the main uses of seroprevalence studies it to evaluate vaccination programmes. In 1998, a programme of universal vaccination of preadolescents in schools with the hepatitis A vaccine was begun in Catalonia. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis A virus infection (HAV) in a sample of the adult population of Catalonia in 2002 and to evaluate the changes with respect to a survey carried out in 1996.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The prevalence of HAV antibodies was determined by a third generation competitive immunometric assay in a representative sample of 1292 people aged >15 years. The association between the prevalence and different sociodemographic variables was determined by multiple logistic regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The standardized global prevalence of HAV antibodies in 2002 was 68.2%, increased with age (p < 0.0001) and was associated with being born outside Catalonia (OR: 1.75; 95% CI 1.11–2.76) and lower social class (OR: 1.14; 95% CI 1.05–1.25). Compared with the last survey carried out in 1996 the standardized global prevalence was lower (68.2% vs 77.8%; p < 0.0001) as was the prevalence in people under 45 years.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of the hepatitis A virus is decreasing in the adult population of Catalonia, especially in the younger age groups. The programme of vaccination of adolescents begun in 1998 to control the disease can provide indirect protection to the unvaccinated population.</p

    From Soyuz-docking manoeuvres to microalgae cultivation: hands-on training for Master's students

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    A strong connection between research and teaching at a university is crucial to offer students a unique opportunity to put in practice the concepts taught in theoretical lectures. At the University of Stuttgart, several hands-on training courses have been offered for eight years within the module “Selected hands-on training for space”. Those are adapted to the current research at the Institute of Space Systems. During one semester, students participate in two of the offered courses and are evaluated through an exam or a report. Three ECTS for the space specialization in the aerospace engineering Master are granted after successful completion. The limited places offered are usually filled up in matter of hours and the students’ feedback has been very positive every year. The module includes up to five different courses, depending on the semester. The Life Support Systems seminar is focused on the cultivation of microalgae, linked to the institute’s ISS Experiment photobioreactor PBR@LSR. After learning the basic life support system concepts, the students build and conduct their own microalgae photobioreactor experiment. In the Missions Analysis practical seminar, based on the work of several PhD candidates, the participants learn and put in practice aspects of mission planning with the help of the Astos Solutions software as well as the SPICE toolkit. During the Rendezvous and Docking practical training, students learn about the operation and handling of a spacecraft. Besides theoretical lectures, guided sessions in the simulator allow to put into practice the handling of common complex procedures, audio-visual perception and motor skills. This seminar is linked to the research carried out in the SIMSKILL experiment. In the Earth Remote Sensing seminar, students learn how to handle payload data for Earth observation and their scientific evaluation. The Flying Laptop, a satellite fully built at the institute and launched in 2017, is used for this course. Finally, the research carried out in the field of electrolysers and fuel cells for space applications at the institute prompted the establishment of a training course. After deepening their knowledge on both electrolysers and fuel cells, the students prepare, carry out and evaluate various experiments. This paper presents the different training courses from our institute and their link to the current research
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