37 research outputs found

    Cross-calibration survey (VISNIR)

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    Included in the summary of the VISNIR survey is (1) a statement of the preferred cross-calibration approach, as endorsed by select members of the VISNIR group, (2) two viewgraphs which summarize the wavelength and fields-of-view of the various instruments, and (3) a listing of these same data, as given by the respective calibration representatives in the survey responses. The Earth Observing System (EOS) Project is fundamentally committed to the acquisition of data which can be reduced to geophysical data products of high and known accuracy. One possible method of insuring the primary data products are of known accuracy is to use the instruments themselves against the same sources to provide an independent check that a common understanding of accuracy exists. The goal then of the radiometric 'Cross-Calibration' at the integrator facility (GE) would be to convincingly establish as late as feasible in the Integration and Test (I&T) cycle that, when stimulated with common sources, the appropriate EOS instrument measurements agree within their previously established accuracy estimates across a useful radiance range, accounting for the additional uncertainty associated with the unique properties of the test set-up itself

    Ground Facility for Vicarious Calibration of Skyborne Sensors

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    An automated ground facility, for vicarious radiometric calibration of airborne and spaceborne sensors of visible and infrared light has been established. In the term "vicarious calibration," "vicarious" is used in the sense of "in place of another," signifying "in place of laboratory calibration." Vicarious calibration involves the use of ground truth in the form of measurements by ground-viewing radiometers, a Sun-viewing photometer, and meteorological instruments positioned in a ground target area. The instrumentation at the facility includes a light-emitting-diode spectrometer (LSpec), which consists of eight tripod-mounted, ground-viewing radiometer units containing LEDs biased to operate as photodetectors (instead of light emitters) at their respective wavelengths. The LSpec provides an essentially continuous stream of measurements at eight discrete wavelengths. These are merged with spectral surface-reflectance measurements made on occasional site visits to obtain temporally continuous coverage with high spectral resolution

    Definitions in use by the visible and near-infrared, and thermal working groups

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    The Calibration Advisory Panel (CAP) is composed of calibration experts from each of the Earth Observing System (EOS) instruments, science investigation, and cross-calibration teams. These members come from a variety of institutions and backgrounds. In order to facilitate an exchange of ideas, and assure a common basis for communication, it was desirable to assemble this list of definitions. These definitions were developed for use by the visible and near-infrared working group, and the thermal infrared working group. Where necessary or appropriate, deviations from these for specific instruments or other sensor types are given in the individual calibration plans. The definitions contained in this document are derived, wherever possible, from definitions accepted by international and national metrological commissions including the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML)

    In-flight radiometric calibration of the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)

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    A reflectance-based method was used to provide an analysis of the in-flight radiometric performance of AVIRIS. Field spectral reflectance measurements of the surface and extinction measurements of the atmosphere using solar radiation were used as input to atmospheric radiative transfer calculations. Five separate codes were used in the analysis. Four include multiple scattering, and the computed radiances from these for flight conditions were in good agreement. Code-generated radiances were compared with AVIRIS-predicted radiances based on two laboratory calibrations (pre- and post-season of flight) for a uniform highly reflecting natural dry lake target. For one spectrometer (C), the pre- and post-season calibration factors were found to give identical results, and to be in agreement with the atmospheric models that include multiple scattering. This positive result validates the field and laboratory calibration technique. Results for the other spectrometers (A, B and D) were widely at variance with the models no matter which calibration factors were used. Potential causes of these discrepancies are discussed

    Intercomparison of Airborne Multi-Angle Polarimeter Observations from the Polarimeter Definition Experiment (PODEX)

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    In early 2013, three airborne polarimeters were flown on the high altitude NASA ER-2 aircraft in California for the Polarimeter Definition Experiment (PODEX). PODEX supported the pre-formulation NASA Aerosol-Cloud-Ecosystem (ACE) mission, which calls for an imaging polarimeter in polar orbit (among other instruments) for the remote sensing of aerosols, oceans and clouds. Several polarimeter concepts exist as airborne prototypes, some of which were deployed during PODEX as a capabilities test. Two of those instruments to date have successfully produced Level 1 (georegistered, calibrated radiance and polarization) data from that campaign: the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI) and the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP). We compared georegistered observations of a variety of scene types by these instruments to test if Level 1 products agree within stated uncertainties. Initial comparisons found radiometric agreement, but polarimetric biases beyond measurement uncertainties. After subsequent updates to calibration, georegistration, and the measurement uncertainty models, observations from the instruments now largely agree within stated uncertainties. However, the 470nm reflectance channels have a roughly +6% bias of AirMSPI relative to RSP, beyond expected measurement uncertainties. We also find that observations of dark (ocean) scenes, where polarimetric uncertainty is expected to be largest, do not agree within stated polarimetric uncertainties. Otherwise, AirMSPI and RSP observations are consistent within measurement uncertainty expectations, providing credibility for subsequent creation of Level 2 (geophysical product) data from these instruments, and comparison thereof. The techniques used in this work can also form a methodological basis for other intercomparisons, such as of the data gathered during the recent Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and Lidar (ACEPOL) field campaign, carried out in October and November of 2017 with four polarimeters (including AirMSPI and RSP)

    The on-orbit performance of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) instrument and its radiometrically calibrated products

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    The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) carries and points a three-channel imaging grating spectrometer designed to collect high-resolution, co-boresighted spectra of reflected sunlight within the molecular oxygen (O_2) A-band at 0.765 microns and the carbon dioxide (CO_2) bands at 1.61 and 2.06 microns. These measurements are calibrated and then combined into soundings that are analyzed to retrieve spatially resolved estimates of the column-averaged CO_2 dry-air mole fraction, XCO_2. Variations of XCO_2 in space and time are then analyzed in the context of the atmospheric transport to quantify surface sources and sinks of CO_2. This is a particularly challenging remote-sensing observation because all but the largest emission sources and natural absorbers produce only small (< 0.25 %) changes in the background XCO_2 field. High measurement precision is therefore essential to resolve these small variations, and high accuracy is needed because small biases in the retrieved XCO_2 distribution could be misinterpreted as evidence for CO_2 fluxes. To meet its demanding measurement requirements, each OCO-2 spectrometer channel collects 24 spectra s^(−1) across a narrow ( 17 000), dynamic range (∼ 10^4), and sensitivity (continuum signal-to-noise ratio > 400). The OCO-2 instrument performance was extensively characterized and calibrated prior to launch. In general, the instrument has performed as expected during its first 18 months in orbit. However, ongoing calibration and science analysis activities have revealed a number of subtle radiometric and spectroscopic challenges that affect the yield and quality of the OCO-2 data products. These issues include increased numbers of bad pixels, transient artifacts introduced by cosmic rays, radiance discontinuities for spatially non-uniform scenes, a misunderstanding of the instrument polarization orientation, and time-dependent changes in the throughput of the oxygen A-band channel. Here, we describe the OCO-2 instrument, its data products, and its on-orbit performance. We then summarize calibration challenges encountered during its first 18 months in orbit and the methods used to mitigate their impact on the calibrated radiance spectra distributed to the science community

    Advances in multiangle satellite remote sensing of speciated airborne particulate matter and association with adverse health effects: from MISR to MAIA

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    Inhalation of airborne particulate matter (PM) is associated with a variety of adverse health outcomes. However, the relative toxicity of specific PM types—mixtures of particles of varying sizes, shapes, and chemical compositions—is not well understood. A major impediment has been the sparse distribution of surface sensors, especially those measuring speciated PM. Aerosol remote sensing from Earth orbit offers the opportunity to improve our understanding of the health risks associated with different particle types and sources. The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument aboard NASA’s Terra satellite has demonstrated the value of near-simultaneous observations of backscattered sunlight from multiple view angles for remote sensing of aerosol abundances and particle properties over land. The Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) instrument, currently in development, improves on MISR’s sensitivity to airborne particle composition by incorporating polarimetry and expanded spectral range. Spatiotemporal regression relationships generated using collocated surface monitor and chemical transport model data will be used to convert fractional aerosol optical depths retrieved from MAIA observations to near-surface PM_(10), PM_(2.5), and speciated PM_(2.5). Health scientists on the MAIA team will use the resulting exposure estimates over globally distributed target areas to investigate the association of particle species with population health effects

    The on-orbit performance of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) instrument and its radiometrically calibrated products

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    The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) carries and points a three-channel imaging grating spectrometer designed to collect high-resolution, co-boresighted spectra of reflected sunlight within the molecular oxygen (O_2) A-band at 0.765 microns and the carbon dioxide (CO_2) bands at 1.61 and 2.06 microns. These measurements are calibrated and then combined into soundings that are analyzed to retrieve spatially resolved estimates of the column-averaged CO_2 dry-air mole fraction, XCO_2. Variations of XCO_2 in space and time are then analyzed in the context of the atmospheric transport to quantify surface sources and sinks of CO_2. This is a particularly challenging remote-sensing observation because all but the largest emission sources and natural absorbers produce only small (< 0.25 %) changes in the background XCO_2 field. High measurement precision is therefore essential to resolve these small variations, and high accuracy is needed because small biases in the retrieved XCO_2 distribution could be misinterpreted as evidence for CO_2 fluxes. To meet its demanding measurement requirements, each OCO-2 spectrometer channel collects 24 spectra s^(−1) across a narrow ( 17 000), dynamic range (∼ 10^4), and sensitivity (continuum signal-to-noise ratio > 400). The OCO-2 instrument performance was extensively characterized and calibrated prior to launch. In general, the instrument has performed as expected during its first 18 months in orbit. However, ongoing calibration and science analysis activities have revealed a number of subtle radiometric and spectroscopic challenges that affect the yield and quality of the OCO-2 data products. These issues include increased numbers of bad pixels, transient artifacts introduced by cosmic rays, radiance discontinuities for spatially non-uniform scenes, a misunderstanding of the instrument polarization orientation, and time-dependent changes in the throughput of the oxygen A-band channel. Here, we describe the OCO-2 instrument, its data products, and its on-orbit performance. We then summarize calibration challenges encountered during its first 18 months in orbit and the methods used to mitigate their impact on the calibrated radiance spectra distributed to the science community

    Calibration Refinements in Support of MISR

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    The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) is one of five instruments on-board the EOSI Terra spacecraft, and has collected science data since March 2000. A multi-angle capability is provided by ninecameras, which view up to 70' forward and aft of the spacecraft track and enable unique geophysical retrievals. Throughout its mission, a calibration team has made periodic refinements to the process used to calibrate MISR. These have resulted in improved absolute, and band and camera-relative calibrations, as well as in derived geophysical data products. Data reprocessing is on-going, such that these refinements also improve previous data acquisitions. The calibration process is believed to be mature at this time, with no other changes anticipated. Bimonthly deployments of the on-board-calibrator continue to monitor instrument response degradations, and provide correction coefficients needed to maintain the accuracy of the radiance products