935 research outputs found

    Does the Death Penalty Still Matter: Reflections of a Death Row Lawyer

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    This talk was given by Professor David Bruck for the Frances Lewis Law Center at Washington and Lee University School of Law, April, 2002. It is a follow-up to “Does the Death Penalty Matter?,” given by Professor Bruck as the 1990 Ralph E. Shikes Lecture at Harvard Law School

    A Rarefied Kind of Dread

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    A Rarefied Kind of Dread

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    Emergency Parole Release for Older Parole-Eligible DOC Inmates

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    Professor Bruck writes to Secretary Moran and Chairwoman Bennett to urge them to protect elderly Virginia prison inmates from the risk of death from COVID-19 by granting immediate parole release to as many over-60 parole-eligible prisoners as possible, upon a showing that they are at low risk to re-offend, and have a supportive home to go to once released

    Modified Gravity and the Radiation Dominated Epoch

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    In this paper we consider scalar-tensor theories, allowing for both conformal and disformal couplings to a fluid with a general equation of state. We derive the effective coupling for both background cosmology and for perturbations in that fluid. As an application we consider the scalar degree of freedom to be coupled to baryons and study the dynamics of the tightly coupled photon-baryon fluid in the early Universe. We derive an expression for the effective speed of sound, which differs from its value in General Relativity. We apply our findings to the μ-distortion of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which depends on the effective sound-speed of the photon-baryon fluid, and show that the predictions differ from General Relativity. Thus, the μ-distortion provides further information about gravity in the very early Universe well before decoupling

    Gauge-invariant fluctuations of scalar branes

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    A generalization of the Bardeen formalism to the case of warped geometries is presented. The system determining the gauge-invariant fluctuations of the metric induced by the scalar fluctuations of the brane is reduced to a set of Schr\"odinger-like equations for the Bardeen potentials and for the canonical normal modes of the scalar-tensor action. Scalar, vector and tensor modes of the geometry are classified according to four-dimensional Lorentz transformations. While the tensor modes of the geometry live on the brane determining the corrections to Newton law, the scalar and and vector fluctuations exhibit non normalizable zero modes and are, consequently, not localized on the brane. The spectrum of the massive modes of the fluctuations is analyzed using supersymmetric quantum mechanics.Comment: 29 pages in Latex styl

    Boundary Inflation and the WMAP Data

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    Inflation in a five-dimensional brane world model with two boundary branes is studied. We make use of the moduli space approximation whereby the low energy theory reduces to a four-dimensional biscalar-tensor gravity plus a minimally coupled scalar field. After a detailed analysis of the inflationary solutions, we derive the evolution equations of the linear perturbations separating the adiabatic mode from two entropy modes. We then examine the primordial scalar and tensor power spectra and show that their tilt depends on the scalar-tensor coupling constant. Finally, the induced CMB anisotropies are computed and we present a Monte Carlo Markov Chains exploration of the parameter space using the first year WMAP data. We find a marginalized probability bound for the associated Eddington parameter at the end of inflation 1 - gamma < 0.002, at 95% confidence level. This suggests that future CMB data could provide crucial information helping to distinguish scalar-tensor and standard inflationary scenarios.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, uses RevTex. Qualitative discussions added, matches published versio

    A Tribute to William S. Geimer

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    A Tribute to William S. Geimer Meredith Susan Palmer* * Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions, Washington and Lee University School of Law, J.D., 1985, Washington and Lee University. Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.1 Bill Geimer is not a man of material things. But somehow, in the material things that he chose to have around him - the mementos, the odd souvenirs, the offerings from students, clients, friends - I find the story of the man, the teacher, and the lawyer Bill Geimer is to me. In my mind's eye, I see Bill's office here at Washington and Lee as I first saw it, as a hesitant first-year law student approaching the sanctum sanctorum of a faculty member. There is a desktop name plate, regular Army issue, decorated with grenades or something equally militaristic and intimidating. But next to that is a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King, with his stirring words evoking hope for justice and freedom on earth. And next to that, a membership certificate for the Lawyer's Alliance for Nuclear Arms Control, and a drawing of Quijote, lance raised to a windmill. How could this be? While reconciling the seemingly irreconcilable is the everyday task of the law student, no trick of logic could make these disparate pieces fit; one simply had to get to know the man. That one could do so as a law student is itself part of what defines Bill Geimer. The student who came to know Bill heard a story of a kid from the rural south, off to a small state university to play basketball but who, like countless kids before him, spent a bit more time playing than studying. Come Graduation Day, with no game plan, he joined Uncle Sam's family. A grounding in tanks, guns, and tactics preceded duty with the military police, but something else happened during those years. Assigned to assist with an investigation, he finds an aptitude for the law, an appreciation of justice, and a burning sense of the unfairness of justice denied. The young man who returned from service to go on to a distinguished career as a law student at the University of North Carolina was a man with a game plan, and a mission. It was no surprise that Bill's mission as a lawyer was not in the office towers of Atlanta or the corporate boardrooms of Wall Street, but among the plain folks of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and later in the community of migrant farm labor working and living hard under the hot Carolina sun. I see another memento, this time in Bill's home. It's an odd piece of, well, let's call it folk art. Crudely carved, frankly ugly. Taste is a delicate thing, so one observes diplomatically that it is an "interesting" object. There's a story, of course, a story of a client for whom Bill had worked, putting together the paperwork to get a fledgling arts-and-crafts shop off the ground. This client, like many Bill served, claimed not to have the cash to pay. But, the client said, he could give Bill this valuable piece of work. Barter being a fundamentally more honest exchange and thus appealing to Bill, the transaction was concluded. Not until Bill brought his sculpture home did he discover the price tag stuck to the underside, for something substantially less than the agreed-upon fee. He kept the awkward thing, price tag intact, I think as a reminder of his own fallibility, of the ingenuity of the ordinary man, and of the need to forget neither. Another memento, in some ways the most important to this former student, is a large, faded, well-handled poster on the professor's office door. A young man in Carolina Blue goes up for a shot, stretching for the basket, with seconds left on the clock. Anyone who knows Bill Geimer knows that he is devoted to Carolina basketball. In fact, Bill may have spent so much time watching the Tar Heels play that he began to confuse teaching with coaching. As a former student of Bill's, I'm not sure that was a bad thing.

    Strobe Lights, Pillow Shakers and Bed Shakers as Smoke Alarm Signals

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    Exact anisotropic brane cosmologies

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    We present exact solutions of the gravitational field equations in the generalized Randall-Sundrum model for an anisotropic brane with Bianchi type I and V geometry, with perfect fluid and scalar fields as matter sources. Under the assumption of a conformally flat bulk (with vanishing Weyl tensor) for a cosmological fluid obeying a linear barotropic equation of state the general solution of the field equations can be expressed in an exact parametric form for both Bianchi type I and V space-times. In the limiting case of a stiff cosmological fluid with pressure equal to the energy density, for a Bianchi type I Universe the solution of the field equations are obtained in an exact analytic form. Several classes of scalar field models evolution on the brane are also considered, corresponding to different choices of the scalar field potential. For all models the behavior of the observationally important parameters like shear, anisotropy and deceleration parameter is considered in detail.Comment: revised version to appear in PR