1,812 research outputs found

    Phases of lattice hard core bosons in a periodic superlattice

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    We study by Quantum Monte Carlo simulations the phase diagram of lattice hard core bosons with nearest-neighbour repulsive interactions, in the presence of a super-lattice of adsorption sites. For a moderate adsorption strength, the system forms crystal phases registered with the adsorption lattice; a "supersolid" phase exists, on both the vacancy and interstitial sides, whereas at commensuration the superfluid density vanishes. The possible relevance of these results to experiments on 4^4He films adsorbed on graphite is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Scaling of the Hysteresis Loop in Two-dimensional Solidification

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    The first order phase transitions between a two-dimensional (2d) gas and the 2d solid of the first monolayer have been studied for the noble gases Ar, Kr and Xe on a NaCl(100) surface in quasi-equilibrium with the three-dimensional gas phase. Using linear temperature ramps, we show that the widths of the hysteresis loops of these transitions as a function of the heating rate, r, scales with a power law r^alpha with alpha between 0.4 and 0.5 depending on the system. The hysteresis loops for different heating rates are similar. The island area of the condensed layer was found to grow initially with a t^4 time dependence. These results are in agreement with theory, which predicts alpha = 0.5 and hysteresis loop similarity.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Revte

    Xe films on a decagonal Al-Ni-Co quasicrystal surface

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    The grand canonical Monte Carlo method is employed to study the adsorption of Xe on a quasicrystalline Al-Ni-Co surface. The calculation uses a semiempirical gas-surface interaction, based on conventional combining rules and the usual Lennard-Jones Xe-Xe interaction. The resulting adsorption isotherms and calculated structures are consistent with the results of LEED experimental data. In this paper we focus on five features not discussed earlier (Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 136104 (2005)): the range of the average density of the adsorbate, the order of the transition, the orientational degeneracy of the ground state, the isosteric heat of adsorption of the system, and the effect of the vertical cell dimension.Comment: 6 pages, 5 pic

    Aperiodic optical variability of intermediate polars - cataclysmic variables with truncated accretion disks

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    We study the power spectra of the variability of seven intermediate polars containing magnetized asynchronous accreting white dwarfs, XSS J00564+4548,IGR J00234+6141, DO Dra, V1223 Sgr, IGR J15094-6649, IGR J16500-3307 and IGR J17195-4100, in the optical band and demonstrate that their variability can be well described by a model based on fluctuations propagating in a truncated accretion disk. The power spectra have breaks at Fourier frequencies, which we associate with the Keplerian frequency of the disk at the boundary of the white dwarfs' magnetospheres. We propose that the properties of the optical power spectra can be used to deduce the geometry of the inner parts of the accretion disk, in particular: 1) truncation radii of the magnetically disrupted accretion disks in intermediate polars, 2) the truncation radii of the accretion disk in quiescent states of dwarf novaeComment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Irradiation study of a fully monolithic HV-CMOS pixel sensor design in AMS 180 nm

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    High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) based on the 180 nm HV-CMOS process have been proposed to realize thin, fast and highly integrated pixel sensors. The MuPix7 prototype, fabricated in the commercial AMS H18 process, features a fully integrated on-chip readout, i.e. hit-digitization, zero suppression and data serialization. It is the first fully monolithic HV-CMOS pixel sensor that has been tested for the use in high irradiation environments like HL-LHC. We present results from laboratory and test beam measurements of MuPix7 prototypes irradiated with neutrons (up to 5.01015neq/cm25.0\cdot10^{15}{\,\rm{n}_{\rm{eq}}/cm^2}) and protons (up to 7.81015protons/cm27.8\cdot 10^{15} \,\rm{protons}/cm^2) and compare the performance with non-irradiated sensors. Efficiencies well above 90 % at noise rates below 200 Hz per pixel are measured. A time resolution better than 22 ns is measured for all tested settings and sensors, even at the highest irradiation fluences. The data transmission at 1.25 Gbit/s and the on-chip PLL remain fully functional

    Physical Adsorption at the Nanoscale: Towards Controllable Scaling of the Substrate-Adsorbate van der Waals Interaction

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    The Lifshitz-Zaremba-Kohn (LZK) theory is commonly considered as the correct large-distance limit for the van der Waals (vdW) interaction of adsorbates (atoms, molecules, or nanoparticles) with solid substrates. In the standard approximate form, implicitly based on "local" dielectric functions, the LZK approach predicts universal power laws for vdW interactions depending only on the dimensionality of the interacting objects. However, recent experimental findings are challenging the universality of this theoretical approach at finite distances of relevance for nanoscale assembly. Here, we present a combined analytical and numerical many-body study demonstrating that physical adsorption can be significantly enhanced at the nanoscale. Regardless of the band gap or the nature of the adsorbate specie, we find deviations from conventional LZK power laws that extend to separation distances of up to 10--20 nanometers. Comparison with recent experimental observation of ultra long-ranged vdW interactions in the delamination of graphene from a silicon substrate reveals qualitative agreement with the present theory. The sensitivity of vdW interactions to the substrate response and to the adsorbate characteristic excitation frequency also suggests that adsorption strength can be effectively tuned in experiments, paving the way to an improved control of physical adsorption at the nanoscale

    MuPix7 - A fast monolithic HV-CMOS pixel chip for Mu3e

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    The MuPix7 chip is a monolithic HV-CMOS pixel chip, thinned down to 50 \mu m. It provides continuous self-triggered, non-shuttered readout at rates up to 30 Mhits/chip of 3x3 mm^2 active area and a pixel size of 103x80 \mu m^2. The hit efficiency depends on the chosen working point. Settings with a power consumption of 300 mW/cm^2 allow for a hit efficiency >99.5%. A time resolution of 14.2 ns (Gaussian sigma) is achieved. Latest results from 2016 test beam campaigns are shown.Comment: Proceedingsfor the PIXEL2016 conference, submitted to JINST A dangling reference has been removed from this version, no other change

    Constraints on the axion-electron coupling for solar axions produced by Compton process and bremsstrahlung

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    The search for solar axions produced by Compton (γ+ee+A\gamma+e^-\rightarrow e^-+A) and bremsstrahlung-like (e+ZZ+e+Ae^-+Z \rightarrow Z+e^-+A) processes has been performed. The axion flux in the both cases depends on the axion-electron coupling constant. The resonant excitation of low-lying nuclear level of 169Tm^{169}\rm{Tm} was looked for: A+169A+^{169}Tm 169\rightarrow ^{169}Tm^* 169\rightarrow ^{169}Tm +γ+ \gamma (8.41 keV). The Si(Li) detector and 169^{169}Tm target installed inside the low-background setup were used to detect 8.41 keV γ\gamma-rays. As a result, a new model independent restriction on the axion-electron and the axion-nucleon couplings was obtained: gAe×gAN0+gAN32.1×1014g_{Ae}\times|g^0_{AN}+ g^3_{AN}|\leq 2.1\times10^{-14}. In model of hadronic axion this restriction corresponds to the upper limit on the axion-electron coupling and on the axion mass gAe×mA3.1×107g_{Ae}\times m_A\leq3.1\times10^{-7} eV (90% c.l.). The limits on axion mass are mAm_A\leq 105 eV and mAm_A\leq 1.3 keV for DFSZ- and KSVZ-axion models, correspondingly (90% c.l.).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Hydrodynamics of the stream-disk impact in interacting binaries

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    We use hydrodynamic simulations to provide quantitative estimates of the effects of the impact of the accretion stream on disks in interacting binaries. For low accretion rates, efficient radiative cooling of the hotspot region can occur, and the primary consequence of the stream impact is stream overflow toward smaller disk radii. The stream is well described by a ballistic trajectory, but larger masses of gas are swept up and overflow at smaller, but still highly supersonic, velocities. If cooling is inefficient, overflow still occurs, but there is no coherent stream inward of the disk rim. Qualitatively, the resulting structure appears as a bulge extending downstream along the disk rim. We calculate the mass fraction and velocity of the overflowing component as a function of the important system parameters, and discuss the implications of the results for X-ray observations and doppler tomography of cataclysmic variables, low-mass X-ray binaries and supersoft X-ray sources.Comment: 16 pages, including 8 figures. 1 color figure as a jpeg. ApJ, in pres

    The MuPix Telescope: A Thin, high Rate Tracking Telescope

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    The MuPix Telescope is a particle tracking telescope, optimized for tracking low momentum particles and high rates. It is based on the novel High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS), designed for the Mu3e tracking detector. The telescope represents a first application of the HV-MAPS technology and also serves as test bed of the Mu3e readout chain. The telescope consists of up to eight layers of the newest prototypes, the MuPix7 sensors, which send data self-triggered via fast serial links to FPGAs, where the data is time-ordered and sent to the PC. A particle hit rate of 1 MHz per layer could be processed. Online tracking is performed with a subset of the incoming data. The general concept of the telescope, chip architecture, readout concept and online reconstruction are described. The performance of the sensor and of the telescope during test beam measurements are presented.Comment: Proceedings TWEPP 2016, 8 pages, 7 figure