87 research outputs found

    Challenges in the industrialization process of low-volume production systems

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    A critical part of new product development projects is the industrialization process of new products which affects both time and the cost. The industrialization of new products or variants in low-volume production systems has some specific challenges which are caused by characteristics of low-volume products and production systems. Therefore, an exploratory case study is made within two Swedish manufacturing companies to understand these challenges and compare the industrialization process in high and low volume production systems. The results of the multiple case studies indicate four challenges including knowledge transfer from the projects into production, development of the work instructions, the need for a higher level of training of the operators and production system design and the obligatory tailoring of the new products to the existing production systems

    Risk analysis in manufacturing footprint decisions

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    A key aspect in the manufacturing footprint analysis is the risk and sensitivity analysis of critical parameters. In order to contribute to efficient industrial methods and tools for making well-founded strategic decisions regarding manufacturing footprint this paper aims to describe the main risks that need to be considered while locating manufacturing activities, and what risk mitigation techniques and strategies that are proper in order to deal with these risks. It is also proposed how the risk analysis should be included in the manufacturing location decision process

    Production localization factors: an industrial and literature based review

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    Decision are commonly based on the available or easily accessible information; this is also true for more complex assessments like production localization. Where to locate production is often a key strategic decisions that has great impact on a company’s profitability for a long time; insufficient business intelligence may therefore have grave consequences. Six production localization factor studies have been assessed to see if they are focusing on the same issues and if there are any gaps. A new approach for structuring localization factors and the localization process is then presented and assessed with regards to some previously identified critical issues

    Collaborative Strategies for Successful Production Technology Development Projects

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    Collaborative development between the user and the equipment supplier of production technology has an increasingly important effect in terms of generating innovative, sustainable, and unique production process ideas that can be easily ramped-up to high volume production. However, joint development of production technology is challenging and has received surprisingly limited attention. Against this background the objective of the paper is to explore collaborative challenges from the equipment suppliers and customers’ perspectives in production technology development projects, and to suggest strategies for how these challenges can be addressed. Empirically the results are based on multiple case studies from two manufacturing companies in Sweden (i.e. users) and two equipment suppliers, ensuring that the perspectives of both the user and supplier sides in production technology development projects are considered. Our findings show that the identified collaboration challenges do not only relate to inter-organizational development activities but also to the companies’ internal characteristics, i.e. the prerequisites for company collaboration. Internal characteristics have a clear impact on the ability to bridge the interface with the equipment supplier and thus to advance the collaboration in production technology development projects. Our findings underscore the importance of having intra and inter-organizational strategies to enhance the success related to collaboration in production technology development projects

    Relatório de estágio curricular supervisionado na área de clínica médica e cirúrgica de pequenos animais

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Medicina Veterinária.O estágio curricular obrigatório tem grande importância na formação do Médico Veterinário, pois é neste momento em que o acadêmico tem a possibilidade de conciliar o conhecimento adquirido durante o período de graduação com a prática vivenciada pelos profissionais da área, além de experienciar um contato com o mercado de trabalho. O presente relatório tem como objetivo expor as atividades desenvolvidas e acompanhadas durante o estágio curricular em Medicina Veterinária na área de clínica médica e cirúrgica de pequenos animais. O estágio foi realizado em duas etapas, sendo a primeira na Clínica Veterinária 3 Irmãos (Florianópolis/SC) e a segunda no Hospital Veterinário Florianópolis (Florianópolis/SC).The curricular internship is of great importance in the training of the Veterinarian, because it is at this moment that the academic has the possibility of reconciling the knowledge acquired during the graduation period with the practice experienced by professionals in the area, in addition to experiencing contact with the labor market. The present report aims to expose the activities developed and monitored during the curricular internship in Veterinary Medicine in the area of small animal medical and surgical clinic. The internship was carried out in two stages, the first at Clínica Veterinária 3 Irmãos (Florianópolis/SC) and the second at Hospital Veterinário Florianópolis (Florianópolis/SC)

    Síndrome obstrutiva do cão braquicefálico: relato de caso

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Medicina Veterinária.A síndrome obstrutiva do cão braquicefálico (BOAS) é um conjunto de anormalidades anatômicas obstrutivas primárias e secundárias das vias aéreas que possui caráter genético e acomete caninos de raças braquicefálicas. Os sinais clínicos são relacionados a dificuldade respiratória e de termorregulação. Esta monografia teve como objetivo relatar um caso de BOAS em um canino, fêmea, Pug, castrada, treze anos de idade e pesando 10,5 quilogramas, atendido na Clínica Veterinária 3 Irmãos, em Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil. A queixa consistia em crises de tosse em momentos de agitação. A paciente já possuía diagnóstico de estenose de narinas e colapso de traqueia. A paciente foi internada para estabilização com oxigenioterapia devido ao valor obtido na oximetria. Foram solicitados exames hematológicos e de imagem. Nos exames de radiologia e laringotraqueobroncoscopia foi evidenciado a presença de colapso de laringe e brônquios e eversão dos sacos laríngeos. O tratamento instituído consistiu em medicações calmantes e antiinflamatórias, assim como recomendações de perda de peso e repouso.The brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) is a set of primary and secondary obstructive anatomical abnormalities of the airways that has a genetic character and affects canines of brachycephalic breeds. Clinical signs are related to respiratory and thermoregulation difficulties. This monograph aimed to report a case of BOAS in a canine, female, Pug, spayed, thirteen years old and weighing 10.5 kilograms, treated at Clínica Veterinária 3 Irmãos, in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The complaint consisted of episodes of coughing in moments of agitation. The patient already had a diagnosis of stenotic nostrils and tracheal collapse. The patient was hospitalized for stabilization with oxygen therapy due to the value obtained in the oximetry. Hematological and imaging tests were requested. In the radiology and laryngotracheobronchoscopy exams, the presence of laryngeal and bronchial collapse and eversion of the laryngeal sacs was evidenced. The instituted treatment consisted of calming and anti-inflammatory medications, as well as weight loss and rest recommendations

    Reconfigurable Manufacturing – An Enabler for a Production System Portfolio Approach

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    AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to investigate how the development of a strategically integrated product and production system portfolio could be enabled by the concept of reconfigurable manufacturing. In previous research, several critical challenges related to developing production system portfolios have been identified, but it has not been investigated how developing a reconfigurable manufacturing concept could aid some of these. Therefore, through a multiple case study, these critical challenges have been investigated in two companies that have recently developed reconfigurable manufacturing concepts for multiple variants and generations of products. The findings reveal that the companies need to deal with several challenges in order to enable a functioning RMS. By running the project separately from the NPD project and to include several product types and production sites the company overcome several challenges

    How does switching a Probability-Based Online Panel to a Smartphone-Optimized Design Affect

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    In recent years, an increasing number of online panel participants respond to surveys on smartphones. As a result, survey practitioners are faced with a difficult decision: Either they hold the questionnaire design constant over time and thus stay with the original desktop-optimized design; or they switch to a smartphone-optimized format and thus accommodate respondents who prefer participating on their smartphone. Even though this decision is all but trivial, little research thus far has been conducted on the effect of such an adjustment on panel members’ survey participation and device use. We report on the switch to a smartphone-optimized design in the German Internet Panel (GIP), an ongoing probability-based online panel that started in 2012 with a desktop-optimized design. We investigate whether the introduction of a smartphone-optimized design affected overall response rates and smartphone use in the GIP. Moreover, we examine the effect of different ways of announcing the introduction of the smartphone-optimized design in the invitation email on survey participation using a smartphone
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