1 research outputs found

    Evaluering av webleksjonene “Klinisk undersøkelse av bevegelsesapparatet” : http://www.med.uio.no/studentweb/bevegelsesapparat

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    In the period October-04 to January-05 a questionnaire was conducted amongst students enrolled into the 4B-semester. The main goal of this project was to evaluate how the web-based lectures was functioning as a common database for the teaching goals on the 4B-semester, independently of the student’s traineeship The answer percentages of 78 and 81 on questionnaire 1 and 2 indicates that the current curriculum were representative for the 4B-semester. Both the questionnaire from the students and the web-registered usage indicates a vast usage of the webbased lectures amongst the focal group. Based on this result it is the authors’ opinion that there exists a solid evaluation base to support the main focus of this report. The students had high expectations to the web-based lectures in the beginning of the semester. It was generally a positive feedback regarding the internet pages, and the students were reporting that they were coherent with both lectures in small groups, lectures in anatomical examination (Fu) and the lecture goals. The cooperation between the lectures in Fu and clinical small groups has on the other hand a potential for considerable improvement as they have a common lecture goal, but are not corresponding. According to the strategy implemented regarding the usage by the IKT at The Medical Faculty, it is required that the E-learning resources must be reevaluated yearly in order to avoid potential outdates. To assure the quality of the web-lectures it has been delegated to the University in Oslo lead by Lars Engebretsen. In the summer -05 the internet pages will be redesigned in order to include jointdiseases and trauma in the muscle and skeletal system which may lead to an increased use amongst other focal groups