93,201 research outputs found

    CO observations of the expanding envelope of IRC plus 10216

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    High-sensitivity emission profiles were observed for the transition of C12O16 and C13O16 towards IRC + or - 10216. It appears that the spherically symmetric uniform mass-outflow model proposed by Morris is necessary to describe the line profiles. The outflow appears to be slightly accelerated, having a velocity of 15 km/sec at the edges of the CO cloud, compared with 12 km/sec for the more centrally confined molecules

    1^{1}H-NMR spin-echo measurements of the static and dynamic spin properties in λ\lambda-(BETS)2_{2}FeCl4_{4}

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    1^{1}H-NMR spin-echo measurements of the spin-echo decay M(2τ)M(2\tau) with a decay rate 1/T2T_{2} and the frequency shift Δν/ν0\Delta\nu/\nu_{0} under applied magnetic field B\mathbf{B}0_{0} = 9 T along the a-axis over a temperature range 2.0-180 K are reported for a single crystal of the organic conductor λ\lambda-(BETS)2_{2}FeCl4_{4}. It provides the spin dynamic and static properties in the paramagnetic metal (PM) and antiferromagnetic insulator (AFI) states as well as across the PM-AFI phase transition. A large slow beat structure in the spin-echo decay is observed with a typical beat frequency of ff \sim 7 kHz and it varies across the spectrum. Its origin is attributed to the 1^{1}H-1^{1}H dipole interactions rather than to the much larger dipolar field contribution from the Fe3+^{3+} electrons (spin SS = 5/2). A simple phenomenological model provides an excellent fit to the data. The dominant 1^{1}H-NMR frequency shift comes from the dipolar field from the 3d Fe3+^{3+} ions, and the Fe3+^{3+} - Fe3+^{3+} exchange interactions (J0J_{0}) (J0J_{0} includes the d-d exchange interactions through the π\pi-electrons) have a substantial effect to the local field at the proton sites expecially at low temperatures. A good fit is obtained with J0J_{0} = - 1.7 K. The data of the spin-echo decay rate 1/T2T_{2} indicates that there is a significant change in the slow fluctuations of the local magnetic field at the 1^{1}H-sites on traversing the PM to AFI phase. This evidence supports earlier reports that the PM-AFI phase transition in λ\lambda-(BETS)2_{2}% FeCl4_{4} is driven magnetically and first order.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, resubmitted to Phys. Rev. B in response to comments of Editor and reviewers on March 23, 200

    Strain-stiffening in random packings of entangled granular chains

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    Random packings of granular chains are presented as a model polymer system to investigate the contribution of entanglements to strain-stiffening in the absence of Brownian motion. The chain packings are sheared in triaxial compression experiments. For short chain lengths, these packings yield when the shear stress exceeds a the scale of the confining pressure, similar to packings of spherical particles. In contrast, packings of chains which are long enough to form loops exhibit strain-stiffening, in which the effective stiffness of the material increases with strain, similar to many polymer materials. The latter packings can sustain stresses orders-of-magnitude greater than the confining pressure, and do not yield until the chain links break. X-ray tomography measurements reveal that the strain-stiffening packings contain system-spanning clusters of entangled chains.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Solution of the two identical ion Penning trap final state

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    We have derived a closed form analytic expression for the asymptotic motion of a pair of identical ions in a high precision Penning trap. The analytic solution includes the effects of special relativity and the Coulomb interaction between the ions. The existence and physical relevance of such a final state is supported by a confluence of theoretical, experimental and numerical evidence.Comment: 5 pages and 2 figure

    Detection of an Extrasolar Planet Atmosphere

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    We report high precision spectrophotometric observations of four planetary transits of HD 209458, in the region of the sodium resonance doublet at 589.3 nm. We find that the photometric dimming during transit in a bandpass centered on the sodium feature is deeper by (2.32 +/- 0.57) x 10^{-4} relative to simultaneous observations of the transit in adjacent bands. We interpret this additional dimming as absorption from sodium in the planetary atmosphere, as recently predicted from several theoretical modeling efforts. Our model for a cloudless planetary atmosphere with a solar abundance of sodium in atomic form predicts more sodium absorption than we observe. There are several possibilities that may account for this reduced amplitude, including reaction of atomic sodium into molecular gases and/or condensates, photoionization of sodium by the stellar flux, a low primordial abundance of sodium, or the presence of clouds high in the atmosphere.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, accepted by ApJ 2001 November 1

    Shockwaves in converging geometries

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    Plate impact experiments are a powerful tool in equation of state (EOS) development, but are inherently limited by the range of impact velocities accessible to the gun. In an effort to dramatically increase the range of pressures which can be studied with available impact velocities, a new experimental technique is being developed. The possibility of using a confined converging target to focus Shockwaves and produce a large amplitude pressure pulse is examined. When the planar shock resulting from impact enters the converging target the impedance mismatch at the boundary of the confinement produces reflected Mach waves and the subsequent wave interactions produce a diffraction cycle resulting in increases in the shock strength with each cycle. Since this configuration is limited to relatively low impedance targets, a second technique is proposed in which the target is two concentric cylinders designed such that the inner cylinder will have a lower shock velocity than the much larger shock velocity in the outer cylinder. The resulting dispersion in the wave front creates converging shocks, which will interact and eventually result in a steady Mach configuration with an increase in pressure in the Mach disk. Numerical simulations indicate a significant increase in pressure for both methods and show promise for the proposed concepts

    Medium Modifications of Charm and Charmonium in High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    The production of charmonia in heavy-ion collisions is investigated within a kinetic theory framework simultaneously accounting for dissociation and regeneration processes in both quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and hadron-gas phases of the reaction. In-medium modifications of open-charm states (c-quarks, D-mesons) and the survival of J/psi mesons in the QGP are included as inferred from lattice QCD. Pertinent consequences on equilibrium charmonium abundances are evaluated and found to be especially relevant to explain the measured centrality dependence of the psi'/psi ratio at SPS. Predictions for recent In-In experiments, as well as comparisons to current Au-Au data from RHIC, are provided.Comment: 4 Latex pages including 4 eps figures and IOP style files. Talk given at the 17th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Quark Matter 2004, Oakland, CA USA, 11-17 Jan 2004. To appear in J. Phys.

    Incorporating next-to-leading order matrix elements for hadronic diboson production in showering event generators

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    A method for incorporating information from next-to-leading order QCD matrix elements for hadronic diboson production into showering event generators is presented. In the hard central region (high jet transverse momentum) where perturbative QCD is reliable, events are sampled according to the first order tree level matrix element. In the soft and collinear regions next-to-leading order corrections are approximated by calculating the differential cross section across the phase space accessible to the parton shower using the first order (virtual graphs included) matrix element. The parton shower then provides an all-orders exclusive description of parton emissions. Events generated in this way provide a physical result across the entire jet transverse momentum spectrum, have next-to-leading order normalization everywhere, and have positive definite event weights. The method is generalizable without modification to any color singlet production process.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure