475 research outputs found

    Adaptive Thresholding for Improving Sensitivity in Single-Trial Simultaneous EEG/fMRI

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    A common approach used to fuse simultaneously recorded EEG and fMRI is to correlate trial-by-trial variability in the EEG, or variability of components derived therefrom, with the blood oxygenation level dependent response. When this correlation is done using the conventional univariate approach, for example with the general linear model, there is the usual problem of correcting the statistics for multiple comparisons. Cluster thresholding is often used as the correction of choice, though in many cases it is utilized in an ad hoc way, for example by employing the same cluster thresholds for both traditional regressors (stimulus or behaviorally derived) and EEG-derived regressors. In this paper we describe a resampling procedure that takes into account the a priori statistics of the trial-to-trial variability of the EEG-derived regressors in a way that trades off cluster size and maximum voxel Z-score to properly correct for multiple comparisons. We show that this data adaptive procedure improves sensitivity for smaller clusters of activation, without sacrificing the specificity of the results. Our results suggest that extra care is needed in correcting statistics when the regressor model is derived from noisy and/or uncertain measurements, as is the case for regressors constructed from single-trial variations in the EEG

    Feedback on feedback: eliciting learners’ responses to written feedback through student-generated screencasts

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    Despite the potential benefits of assignment feedback, learners often fail to use it effectively. This study examines the ways in which adult distance learners engage with written feedback on one of their assignments. Participants were 10 undergraduates studying Spanish at the Open University, UK. Their responses to feedback were elicited by means of student-generated screencast (Jing®) recordings in which students talked through the feedback written by their tutors. The recordings were analysed in terms of the students’ cognitive, affective and metacognitive responses to the tutors’ feedback. Results show that, while students do engage with tutor feedback and make active efforts to integrate it, they sometimes use ineffective strategies, especially when tutor and student make different assumptions about the role of feedback. The richness of the data obtained from the Feedback on feedback (F on F) method suggests that it has the potential to promote much needed feedback dialogue between students and tutors
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