1,904 research outputs found

    Equity and Inclusion: Expanding the Urban Ecosystem

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    As our nation grows ever more diverse, the need to ensure that our educational institutions are truly equitable and inclusive becomes more and more urgent. This sense of urgency plays out across a social and political terrain that threatens the very core of our identity as a nation. Our growing diversity is seen by some as a threat to our national security and as the primary cause behind the displacements and angers being created by the ever growing differences that are dividing our country. Our authors see our growing diversity as a much needed and valued source of energy, creativity and a vital contribution to our capacity to thrive in an especially challenging period in our history and are committed to creating educational environments where people of all backgrounds can thrive

    A Report of Familiar Ring (9) Chromosome [Case Study]

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    Ring chromosomes originate in the simultaneous occurrence of two breaks at opposite ends of the chromosome and the subsequent reuniting of the free ends to form a ring. They may be compatible with normal life, as only a fractional loss of genetic material has occurred, or they may lead to spontaneous abortion or to an offspring with severe physical and mental handicap attributable to significant genetic alterations

    Candida albicans Hypha Formation and Mannan Masking of β-Glucan Inhibit Macrophage Phagosome Maturation

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    Received 28 August 2014 Accepted 28 October 2014 Published 2 December 2014 This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Janet Willment, Aberdeen Fungal Group, University of Aberdeen, for kindly providing the soluble Dectin-1-Fc reporter. All microscopy was performed with the assistance of the University of Aberdeen Core Microscopy & Histology Facility, and we thank the IFCC for their assistance with flow cytometry. We thank the Wellcome Trust for funding (080088, 086827, 075470, 099215, 097377, and 101873). E.R.B. and A.J.P.B. are funded by the European Research Council (ERC-2009-AdG-249793), and J.L. is funded by a Medical Research Council Clinical Training Fellowship.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Recent Advances in Cytogenetic Technology for Antenatal Genetic Testing

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    The examination of human chromosomes has been a part of the physician’s laboratory armamentarium since the correct diploid number of human chromosomes was established and a method was developed for the in vitro growth of peripheral blood leukocytes to yield metaphase chromosomes. The discovery that on ultraviolet microscopy (UV), metaphase chromosomes stained with fluorochrome dyes displayed a characteristic pattern of bright and dull bands unique for a given pair of homologous chromosomes, was a major technological breakthrough in human cytogenetics; for the first time, every chromosome in the karyotype could be unequivocally identified. Although the short storage life of fluorochrome-stained chromosomes and the costs of UV microscopy have limited the usability of fluorescence banding, the introduction of one discriminating procedure quickly led to the development of an array of similar banding techniques for conventional microscopy that yield comparable information. Some of these technical procedures depend on enzyme and/or heat denaturation of the chromosomes, resulting in the characteristic banding patterns seen by the trypsin-Giemsa method, the 5M urea method, and the acid-saline-Giemsa technique. A typical human karyotype prepared from metaphase chromosomes treated with trypsin, stained with Giemsa, and photographed with brightfield photomicrographic techniques is shown in Figure 1. Careful examination of this karyotype reveals that each chromosome in the homologous pair has an array of dark and light bands identical with those of its homolog and that each homologous pair, autosomes number 1 to number 22, has a characteristic, easily identifiable banding pattern

    Can head louse repellents really work? Field studies of piperonal 2% spray

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    Background. Many families find regular checking of children’s heads for head louse infestation too onerous and would prefer to be able to prevent infestation by use of a topical application that deters lice from infesting the head. Identification in the laboratory of a repellent activity for piperonal provided the basis for developing a spray product to repel lice.Methods. A proof of principle field study in Dhaka, Bangladesh, compared the effect of using 2% piperonal spray with that of a placebo in 105 children and adults from three communities with infestation levels close to 100%. All participants were treated for infestation and subsequent incidence of reinfestation monitored daily by investigators. A second randomised, controlled, double blind, study in North London, UK, evaluated the effect of the product in normal use. One hundred and sixty-three children from schools with a high level (20–25%) of infestation were treated and confirmed louse free and randomly divided between 2% piperonal, a placebo spray, and a control group for up to 22 weeks. Parents applied the spray and monitored for infestation. Regular investigator visits confirmed the parental monitoring and replenished supplies of spray.Results. In Dhaka, over 18 days there were only 4 infestations in the piperonal group and 8 in the placebo group. This difference was not significant (p = 0.312). In North London, there were 41 cases of infestation over the course of the study. Although there were fewer infestations in the piperonal group, analysis of time to first infestation showed a no significant (p = 0.4368) difference between groups.Conclusion. Routine use of 2% piperonal spray in communities with a high prevalence of head louse infestation may provide some protection from infestation. However, the difference between use of the product and no active intervention was sufficiently small that regular checking for presence of lice is likely to be a more practical and cost effective approach to prevention of infestation

    An Sp1/KLF binding site is important for the activity of a Polycomb group response element from the Drosophila engrailed gene

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    Polycomb-group response elements (PREs) are DNA elements through which the Polycomb-group (PcG) of transcriptional repressors act. Many of the PcG proteins are associated with two protein complexes that repress gene expression by modifying chromatin. Both of these protein complexes specifically associate with PREs in vivo, however, it is not known how they are recruited or held at the PRE. PREs are complex elements, made up of binding sites for many proteins. Our laboratory has been working to define all the sequences and DNA binding proteins required for the activity of a 181 bp PRE from the Drosophila engrailed gene. Here we show that one of the sites necessary for PRE activity, Site 2, can be bound by members of the Sp1/KLF family of zinc finger proteins. There are 10 Sp1/KLF family members in Drosophila, and nine of them bind to Site 2. We derive a consensus binding site for the Sp1/KLF Drosophila family members and show that this consensus sequence is present in most of the molecularly characterized PREs. These data suggest that one or more Sp1/KLF family members play a role in PRE function in Drosophila

    Vampirovibrio chlorellavorus draft genome sequence, annotation, and preliminary characterization of pathogenicity determinants

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    Vampirovibrio chlorellavorus is recognized as a pathogen of commercially-relevant Chlorella species. Algal infection and total loss of productivity (biomass) often occurs when susceptible algal hosts are cultivated in outdoor open pond systems. The pathogenic life cycle of this bacterium has been inferred from laboratory and field observations, and corroborated in part by the genomic analyses for two Arizona isolates recovered from an open algal reactor. V. chlorellavorus predation has been reported to occur in geographically- and environmentally-diverse conditions. Genomic analyses of these and additional field isolates is expected to reveal new information about the extent of ecological diversity and genes involved in host-pathogen interactions. The draft genome sequences for two isolates of the predatory V. chlorellavorus (Cyanobacteria; Ca. Melainabacteria) from an outdoor cultivation system located in the Arizona Sonoran Desert were assembled and annotated. The genomes were sequenced and analyzed to identify genes (proteins) with predicted involvement in predation, infection, and cell death of Chlorella host species prioritized for biofuel production at sites identified as highly suitable for algal production in the southwestern USA. Genomic analyses identified several predicted genes encoding secreted proteins that are potentially involved in pathogenicity, and at least three apparently complete sets of virulence (Vir) genes, characteristic of the VirB-VirD type system encoding the canonical VirB1-11 and VirD4 proteins, respectively. Additional protein functions were predicted suggesting their involvement in quorum sensing and motility. The genomes of two previously uncharacterized V. chlorellavorus isolates reveal nucleotide and protein level divergence between each other, and a previously sequenced V. chlorellavorus genome. This new knowledge will enhance the fundamental understanding of trans-kingdom interactions between a unique cosmopolitan cyanobacterial pathogen and its green microalgal host, of broad interest as a source of harvestable biomass for biofuels or bioproducts.Bioenergy Technology Office within the US Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy [NL0029949 (WBS]; US Department of Energy [DE-EE0006269]Open access articleThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]