5,566 research outputs found

    Groups of type FPFP via graphical small cancellation

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    We construct an uncountable family of groups of type FPFP. In contrast to every previous construction of non-finitely presented groups of type FPFP we do not use Morse theory on cubical complexes; instead we use Gromov's graphical small cancellation theory.Comment: 3 figures. Second version: two paragraphs added emphasizing the difference between our construction and Morse theoretic one

    Environmental determinants of landmine detection by dogs: Findings from a large-scale study in Afghanistan

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    This article’s purpose is to examine the strengths and weaknesses of mine-detection dogs in different environments. The experiments employed a total of 39 dogs in Afghanistan between October 2002 and July 2003. The results are discussed here

    Variational analysis of the deconfinement phase transition

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    We study the deconfining phase transition in 3+1 dimensional pure SU(N) Yang-Mills theory using a gauge invariant variational calculation. We generalize the variational ansatz of Phys. Rev. D52, 3719 (1995) to mixed states (density matrices) and minimize the free energy. For N > 3 we find a first order phase transition with the transition temperature of T_C = 450 Mev. Below the critical temperature the Polyakov loop has vanishing expectation value, while above T_C, its average value is nonzero. According to the standard lore this corresponds to the deconfining transition. Within the accuracy of our approximation the entropy of the system in the low temperature phase vanishes. The latent heat is not small but, rather, is of the order of the nonperturbative vacuum energy.Comment: 15 pages, correction of minor typos only, submitted to JHE

    Herbicide impacts on exotic grasses and a population of the critically endangered herb "Calystegia affinis" (Convolvulaceae) on Lord Howe Island

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    Introduced perennial grasses are capable of altering the habitat of native species, causing reductions in population size and vigour, and potentially affecting life-history processes such as survival, pollination and seedling recruitment. We examined the utility of herbicide treatment on two exotic grasses, Pennisetum clandestinum (Kikuyu) and Stenotaphrum secundatum (Buffalo grass) to restore the habitat of Calystegia affinis, a critically endangered species endemic to Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands. Using two herbicides, Asset (designed to affect only grasses) and Glyphosate (a general herbicide), we compared effectiveness in reducing grass cover on a population of Calystegia affinis. We protected Calystegia plants from the herbicides by ensuring their leaves were covered by plastic bags during herbicide application. Both herbicides were similarly effective in reducing grass cover after four weeks and had no noticeable adverse affect on Calystegia (suggesting the plastic bag protection was effective). After 26 weeks, Glyphosate was more effective in maintaining a reduced grass cover. Plots treated with either herbicide had a greater relative increase in abundance of Calystegia stems compared to untreated controls. The Glyphosate treatment resulted in the greatest relative increase in stem abundance, but this was not significantly greater than in the Asset treatment. We consider that spraying with Glyphosate treatment, with follow-up monitoring and spot-spraying, will assist the recovery of the Calystegia affinis population. Ultimately, the maintenance of a weed-free zone at the forest edge will provide suitable habitat for additional recruitment of this and other native species

    Developing a multi-pollutant conceptual framework for the selection and targeting of interventions in water industry catchment management schemes

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    In recent years water companies have started to adopt catchment management to reduce diffuse pollution in drinking water supply areas. The heterogeneity of catchments and the range of pollutants that must be removed to meet the EU Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC) limits make it difficult to prioritise areas of a catchment for intervention. Thus conceptual frameworks are required that can disaggregate the components of pollutant risk and help water companies make decisions about where to target interventions in their catchments to maximum effect. This paper demonstrates the concept of generalising pollutants in the same framework by reviewing key pollutant processes within a source-mobilisation-delivery context. From this, criteria are developed (with input from water industry professionals involved in catchment management) which highlights the need for a new water industry specific conceptual framework. The new CaRPoW (Catchment Risk to Potable Water) framework uses the Source-Mobilisation-Delivery concept as modular components of risk that work at two scales, source and mobilisation at the field scale and delivery at the catchment scale. Disaggregating pollutant processes permits the main components of risk to be ascertained so that appropriate interventions can be selected. The generic structure also allows for the outputs from different pollutants to be compared so that potential multiple benefits can be identified. CaRPow provides a transferable framework that can be used by water companies to cost-effectively target interventions under current conditions or under scenarios of land use or climate change

    Gauge Invariant Variational Approach with Fermions: the Schwinger Model

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    We extend the gauge invariant variational approach of Phys. Rev. D52 (1995) 3719, hep-th/9408081, to theories with fermions. As the simplest example we consider the massless Schwinger model in 1+1 dimensions. We show that in this solvable model the simple variational calculation gives exact results.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Symmetry improvement of 3PI effective actions for O(N) scalar field theory

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    [Abridged] n-Particle Irreducible Effective Actions (nnPIEA) are a powerful tool for extracting non-perturbative and non-equilibrium physics from quantum field theories. Unfortunately, practical truncations of nnPIEA can unphysically violate symmetries. Pilaftsis and Teresi (PT) addressed this by introducing a "symmetry improvement" scheme in the context of the 2PIEA for an O(2) scalar theory, ensuring that the Goldstone boson is massless in the broken symmetry phase [A. Pilaftsis and D. Teresi, Nuc.Phys. B 874, 2 (2013), pp. 594--619]. We extend this by introducing a symmetry improved 3PIEA for O(N) theories, for which the basic variables are the 1-, 2- and 3-point correlation functions. This requires the imposition of a Ward identity involving the 3-point function. The method leads to an infinity of physically distinct schemes, though an analogue of d'Alembert's principle is used to single out a unique scheme. The standard equivalence hierarchy of nnPIEA no longer holds with symmetry improvement and we investigate the difference between the symmetry improved 3PIEA and 2PIEA. We present renormalized equations of motion and counter-terms for 2 and 3 loop truncations of the effective action, leaving their numerical solution to future work. We solve the Hartree-Fock approximation and find that our method achieves a middle ground between the unimproved 2PIEA and PT methods. The phase transition predicted by our method is weakly first order and the Goldstone theorem is satisfied. We also show that, in contrast to PT, the symmetry improved 3PIEA at 2 loops does not predict the correct Higgs decay rate, but does at 3 loops. These results suggest that symmetry improvement should not be applied to nnPIEA truncated to <n<n loops. We also show that symmetry improvement is compatible with the Coleman-Mermin-Wagner theorem, a check on the consistency of the formalism.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, 2 supplemental Mathematica notebooks. REVTeX 4.1 with amsmath. Updated with minor corrections. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Ultra wideband: applications, technology and future perspectives

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    Ultra Wide Band (UWB) wireless communications offers a radically different approach to wireless communication compared to conventional narrow band systems. Global interest in the technology is huge. This paper reports on the state of the art of UWB wireless technology and highlights key application areas, technological challenges, higher layer protocol issues, spectrum operating zones and future drivers. The majority of the discussion focuses on the state of the art of UWB technology as it is today and in the near future

    Investigating the factors that influence the use of digital learning resources in the K-12 educational context

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    Australian and New Zealand governments have made a significant investment in the establishment of an on-line repository that will make digital learning resources, also called learning objects, available to teachers in the K-12 sector. The focus of this, and similar learning object initiatives around the world, has been on content development and delivery. Much of the current learning object research has been concerned with resolving the technical issues to support these processes, with little attention paid to pedagogical and practical issues that might influence learning object use. This paper argues for research to address this gap and reports on a study investigating the factors that influence the use of digital learning resources in the K-12 educational context. The findings of the study are relevant to understanding how learning object approaches can be best conceived of and supported

    Establishment of a continuous sonocrystallization process for lactose in an oscillatory baffled crystallizer

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    Crystallization at production scale (>10 kg) is typically a poorly understood unit operation with limited application of first-principles understanding of crystallization to routine design, optimization, and control. In this study, a systematic approach has been established to transfer an existing batch process enabling the implementation of a continuous process in an oscillatory baffled crystallizer (OBC) using ultrasound. Process analytical technology (PAT) was used to understand and monitor the process. Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters have been investigated for lactose sonocrystallization using focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) (Mettler Toledo) and mid-infrared spectroscopy (mid-IR) (ABB) in a multiorifice batch oscillatory baffled crystallizer (Batch-OBC). This platform provides an ideal mimic of the mixing, hydrodynamics and operating conditions of the continuous oscillatory flow crystallizer (COBC) while requiring only limited material. Full characterization of the hydrodynamics of the COBC was carried out to identify conditions that deliver plug-flow behavior with residence times of 1–5 h. The results show that continuous crystallization offers significant advantages in terms of process outcomes and operability, including particle size distribution (mean particle size <1500 ÎŒm) of alpha lactose monohydrate (ALM), as well as reduced cycle time (4 h compared to the 13–20 h in a batch process). Continuous sonocrystallization was performed for the first time at a throughput of 356 g·h–1 for 12–16 h. During the run at near plug flow, with supersaturation and controlled nucleation using sonication, no issues with fouling or agglomeration were observed. This approach has demonstrated the capability to provide close control of particle attributes at an industrially relevant scale
