10 research outputs found

    "Swiss-Cheese" Inhomogeneous Cosmology & the Dark Energy Problem

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    We study an exact swiss-cheese model of the Universe, where inhomogeneous LTB patches are embedded in a flat FLRW background, in order to see how observations of distant sources are affected. We find negligible integrated effect, suppressed by (L/R_{H})^3 (where L is the size of one patch, and R_{H} is the Hubble radius), both perturbatively and non-perturbatively. We disentangle this effect from the Doppler term (which is much larger and has been used recently \cite{BMN} to try to fit the SN curve without dark energy) by making contact with cosmological perturbation theory.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figure

    The effect of inhomogeneous expansion on the supernova observations

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    We consider an inhomogeneous but spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi model to demonstrate that spatial variations of the expansion rate can have a significant effect on the cosmological supernova observations. A model with no dark energy but a local Hubble parameter about 15% larger than its global value fits the supernova data better than the homogeneous model with the cosmological constant. The goodness of the fit is not sensitive to inhomogeneities in the present-day matter density, and our best fit model has Omega_M ~ 0.3, in agreement with galaxy surveys. We also compute the averaged expansion rate, defined by the Buchert equations, of the best fit model and show explicitly that there is no average acceleration.Comment: minor corrections to match the version published in JCA

    Gauss-Bonnet Cosmology with Induced Gravity and Non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Field on the Brane

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    We construct a cosmological model with non-minimally coupled scalar field on the brane, where Gauss-Bonnet and Induced Gravity effects are taken into account. This model has 5D character at both high and low energy limits but reduces to 4D gravity in intermediate scales. While induced gravity is a manifestation of the IR limit of the model, Gauss-Bonnet term and non-minimal coupling of scalar field and induced gravity are essentially related to UV limit of the scenario. We study cosmological implications of this scenario focusing on the late-time behavior of the solutions. In this setup, non-minimal coupling plays the role of an additional fine-tuning parameter that controls the initial density of predicted finite density big bang. Also, non-minimal coupling has important implication on the bouncing nature of the solutions.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, one table, revised and final version accepted for publication in JCA

    The Effect of Large-Scale Inhomogeneities on the Luminosity Distance

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    We study the form of the luminosity distance as a function of redshift in the presence of large scale inhomogeneities, with sizes of order 10 Mpc or larger. We approximate the Universe through the Swiss-cheese model, with each spherical region described by the Tolman-Bondi metric. We study the propagation of light beams in this background, assuming that the locations of the source and the observer are random. We derive the optical equations for the evolution of the beam area and shear. Through their integration we determine the configurations that can lead to an increase of the luminosity distance relative to the homogeneous cosmology. We find that this can be achieved if the Universe is composed of spherical void-like regions, with matter concentrated near their surface. For inhomogeneities consistent with the observed large scale structure, the relative increase of the luminosity distance is of the order of a few percent at redshifts near 1, and falls short of explaining the substantial increase required by the supernova data. On the other hand, the effect we describe is important for the correct determination of the energy content of the Universe from observations.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures Revised version. References added. Conclusions clarifie

    The effect of large scale inhomogeneities on the luminosity distance

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    We study the form of the luminosity distance as a function of redshift in the presence of large scale inhomogeneities, with sizes of order 10 Mpc or larger. We approximate the Universe through the Swiss-cheese model, with each spherical region described by the Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi metric. We study the propagation of light beams in this background, assuming that the locations of the source and the observer are random. We derive the optical equations for the evolution of the beam area and shear. Through their integration we determine the configurations that can lead to an increase of the luminosity distance relative to the homogeneous cosmology. We find that this can be achieved if the Universe is composed of spherical void-like regions, with matter concentrated near their surface. For inhomogeneities consistent with the observed large scale structure, the relative increase of the luminosity distance is of the order of a few per cent at redshifts near 1, and falls short of explaining the substantial increase required by the supernova data. On the other hand, the effect we describe is important for the correct determination of the energy content of the Universe from observations. Ā© IOP Publishing Ltd

    Light propagation and large-scale inhomogeneities

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    We consider the effect on the propagation of light of inhomogeneities with sizes of order 10 Mpc or larger. The Universe is approximated through a variation of the Swiss-cheese model. The spherical inhomogeneities are void-like, with central underdensities surrounded by compensating overdense shells. We study the propagation of light in this background, assuming that the source and the observer occupy random positions, so that each beam travels through several inhomogeneities at random angles. The distribution of luminosity distances for sources with the same redshift is asymmetric, with a peak at a value larger than the average one. The width of the distribution and the location of the maximum increase with increasing redshift and length scale of the inhomogeneities. We compute the induced dispersion and bias of cosmological parameters derived from the supernova data. They are too small to explain the perceived acceleration without dark energy, even when the length scale of the inhomogeneities is comparable to the horizon distance. Moreover, the dispersion and bias induced by gravitational lensing at the scales of galaxies or clusters of galaxies are larger by at least an order of magnitude. Ā© IOP Publishing Ltd

    Modified brane cosmologies with induced gravity, arbitrary matter content, and a Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk

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    We extend the covariant analysis of the brane cosmological evolution in order to take into account, apart from a general matter content and an induced-gravity term on the brane, a Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk. The gravitational effect of the bulk matter on the brane evolution can be described in terms of the total bulk mass as measured by a bulk observer at the location of the brane. This mass appears in the effective Friedmann equation through a term characterized as generalized dark radiation that induces mirage effects in the evolution. We discuss the normal and self-accelerating branches of the combined system. We also derive the Raychaudhuri equation that can be used in order to determine if the cosmological evolution is accelerating. Ā© 2007 The American Physical Society