2,484 research outputs found

    A nestbox trial for British marsh tits Poecile palustris

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    Two experimental nestbox trials were attempted, which aimed to maximise uptake by Marsh Tits in British woodland. Nestboxes which more closely approximated the dimensions of natural cavities were used more frequently than standard nestboxes, but the overall uptake was low. We conclude that nestboxes are an inefficient method of monitoring Marsh Tits, at least in the British context, and researchers should concentrate efforts on locating and monitoring natural nest sites

    Suspending Lefschetz fibrations, with an application to Local Mirror Symmetry

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    We consider the suspension operation on Lefschetz fibrations, which takes p(x) to p(x)-y^2. This leaves the Fukaya category of the fibration invariant, and changes the category of the fibre (or more precisely, the subcategory consisting of a basis of vanishing cycles) in a specific way. As an application, we prove part of Homological Mirror Symmetry for the total spaces of canonical bundles over toric del Pezzo surfaces.Comment: v2: slightly expanded expositio

    Winter habitat selection by marsh tits Poecile palustris in a British woodland

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    Capsule: Radio-tracking and remote sensing showed Marsh Tits selected for English Oak Quercus robur trees within large winter home-ranges. Aims: To investigate winter habitat selection by Marsh Tits in a British wood, testing for preferences in tree species and woodland structure. Methods: Thirteen Marsh Tits were radio-tracked during the winter, and home-ranges were derived. Lidar and hyperspectral data were used to compare the vegetation structure and tree species composition of entire home-ranges and the core areas of intensive use within. Instantaneous sampling observations provided further information for tree species utilization. Results: The mean home-range was very large (39 ha, n=13). There were no significant differences in mean tree height, canopy closure, understorey height, or shrub volume between full home-ranges and the core areas of use. Core areas contained a significantly greater proportion of English Oak relative to availability in the full home-ranges. Instantaneous sampling confirmed that English Oak was used significantly more than other trees. Conclusion: Selection for English Oak during winter contrasted with previous studies of breeding territories, indicating that habitat usage varies seasonally and demonstrating the need for habitat selection studies throughout the year. Large home-ranges help to explain the Marsh Tit’s sensitivity to habitat fragmentation

    Understanding potential sources of bias and error in the biometric sexing of birds

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    Biometrics, particularly wing length, are commonly used to assign the sex of many birds in species where the plumage is similar for males and females. Virtually all species show some measurement overlap between the sexes, however, and measurement error can add further uncertainty into data sets. This can result in individuals being misclassified as the wrong sex and introducing bias into subsequent analyses, particularly if the life histories of misclassified birds differ from those of others. We used the Marsh Tit Poecile palustris as a case study to examine potential sources of error and bias when assigning sex based on wing length. There was no evidence for a heritability of wing lengths that could result in localised populations of atypical size via a ‘founder effect’, which would otherwise undermine biometric sexing. Additionally, potentially misclassified birds did not differ from others in how long they persisted in the local population, so avoiding any potential bias of misclassification in demographic analyses. Compared to Marsh Tit data collected during intensive studies, the national data set pooled from contributors across Britain showed much greater variation in wing lengths, resulting from wider variation in the accuracy of measurement and recording. This variation in pooled data can have implications for analyses, and we discuss the importance of data quality in ringing schemes

    Absence of a Finite-Temperature Melting Transition in the Classical Two-Dimensional One-Component Plasma

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    Vortices in thin-film superconductors are often modelled as a system of particles interacting via a repulsive logarithmic potential. Arguments are presented to show that the hypothetical (Abrikosov) crystalline state for such particles is unstable at any finite temperature against proliferation of screened disclinations. The correlation length of crystalline order is predicted to grow as 1/T\sqrt{1/T} as the temperature TT is reduced to zero, in excellent agreement with our simulations of this two-dimensional system.Comment: 3 figure

    Social structure of coal tits Periparus ater in temperate deciduous forest

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    Analysis of the impacts of social structure on the behaviour and life history of birds is a rapidly developing area of ornithology. Such studies commonly focus on the Paridae (tits and chickadees) as a model group, but detailed assessment of the basic social structure is lacking for many parids, particularly in the non-breeding season. Such baseline information is essential for understanding the organisation of bird populations, including associations between individuals within social and spatial networks. We assessed the non-breeding (autumn-winter) and spring (i.e. breeding season) social structure of Coal Tits Periparus ater in broadleaved forest in southern Britain. Coal Tits were found to be resident and sedentary in this habitat, with birds remaining close to their spring territories during the non-breeding season and associating in small groups averaging 3-4 individuals. Associations were variable, however, with no evidence of stable flock membership, group territoriality or strong pair bonds during autumn-winter. The non-breeding social structure did not change between years of high and low population density, being most similar to a 'basic flock' organisation. This differed from that expected of a food-hoarding parid and contradicted some earlier classifications, highlighting the potential plasticity of social behaviour between bird populations. Such variation can inform the understanding of the evolution of avian social structures and associated behavioural traits, such as food hoarding, and aid the interpretation of intraand inter-specific differences in behaviour

    Simulations of Two-Dimensional Melting on the Surface of a Sphere

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    We have simulated a system of classical particles confined on the surface of a sphere interacting with a repulsive r12r^{-12} potential. The same system simulated on a plane with periodic boundary conditions has van der Waals loops in pressure-density plots which are usually interpreted as evidence for a first order melting transition, but on the sphere such loops are absent. We also investigated the structure factor and from the width of the first peak as a function of density we can show that the growth of the correlation length is consistent with KTHNY theory. This suggests that simulations of two dimensional melting phenomena are best performed on the surface of a sphere.Comment: 4 eps figure

    Van der Waals loops and the melting transition in two dimensions

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    Evidence for the existence of van der Waals loops in pressure p versus volume v plots has for some time supported the belief that melting in two dimensions is a first order phase transition. We report rather accurate equilibrium p(v) curves for systems of hard disks obtained from long Monte Carlo simulations. These curves, obtained in the constant volume ensemble, using periodic boundary conditions, exhibit well defined van der Waals loops. We illustrate their existence for finite systems that are known to undergo a continuous transition in the thermodynamic limit. To this end, we obtain magnetization m versus applied field curves from Monte Carlo simulations of the 2D Ising model, in the constant m ensemble, at the critical point. Whether van der Waals loops for disk systems behave in the thermodynamic limit as they do for the 2D Ising model at the critical point cannot be ruled out. Thus, the often made claim that melting in 2D is a first order phase transition, based on the evidence that van der Waals loops exist, is not sound.Comment: 10 pages, 6 Postscript figures (submitted to Phys.Rev.E). For related work, see http://pipe.unizar.es/~jf

    Cellobiohydrolase B of Aspergillus niger over-expressed in Pichia pastoris stimulates hydrolysis of oil palm empty fruit bunches

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    Background. Aspergillus niger, along with many other lignocellulolytic fungi, has been widely used as a commercial workhorse for cellulase production. A fungal cellulase system generally includes three major classes of enzymes i.e.,β-glucosidases, endoglucanases and cellobiohydrolases. Cellobiohydrolases (CBH) are vital to the degradation of crystalline cellulose present in lignocellulosic biomass. However, A. niger naturally secretes low levels of CBH. Hence, recombinant production of A. niger CBH is desirable to increase CBH production yield and also to allow biochemical characterisation of the recombinant CBH from A. niger. Methods. In this study, the gene encoding a cellobiohydrolase B (cbhB) from A. niger ATCC 10574 was cloned and expressed in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris X-33. The recombinant CBHB was purified and characterised to study its biochemical and kinetic characteristics. To evaluate the potential of CBHB in assisting biomass conversion, CBHB was supplemented into a commercial cellulase preparation (Cellic ® CTec2) and was used to hydrolyse oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB), one of the most abundant lignocellulosic waste from the palm oil industry. To attain maximum saccharification, enzyme loadings were optimised by response surface methodology and the optimum point was validated experimentally. Hydrolysed OPEFB samples were analysed using attenuated total reflectance FTIR spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) to screen for any compositional changes upon enzymatic treatment. Results. Recombinant CBHB was over-expressed as a hyperglycosylated protein attached to N-glycans. CBHB was enzymatically active towards soluble substrates such as 4-methylumbelliferylβ-D-cellobioside (MUC), p-nitrophenyl-cellobioside (pNPC) and p-nitrophenyl-cellobiotrioside (pNPG3) but was not active towards crystalline substrates like Avicel ® and Sigmacell cellulose. Characterisation of purified CBHB using MUC as the model substrate revealed that optimum catalysis occurred at 50 °C and pH 4 but the enzyme was stable between pH 3 to 10 and 30 to 80 °C. Although CBHB on its own was unable to digest crystalline substrates, supplementation of CBHB (0.37%) with Cellic ® CTec2 (30%) increased saccharification of OPEFB by 27%. Compositional analyses of the treated OPEFB samples revealed that CBHB supplementation reduced peak intensities of both crystalline cellulose Iα and Iβ in the treated OPEFB samples. Discussion. Since CBHB alone was inactive against crystalline cellulose these data suggested that it might work synergistically with other components of Cellic R CTec2. CBHB supplements were desirable as they further increased hydrolysis of OPEFB when the performance of Cellic® CTec2 was theoretically capped at an enzyme loading of 34% in this study. Hence, A. niger CBHB was identified as a potential supplementary enzyme for the enzymatic hydrolysis of OPEFB