1,220 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Left-Right Consistency

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    Learning based methods have shown very promising results for the task of depth estimation in single images. However, most existing approaches treat depth prediction as a supervised regression problem and as a result, require vast quantities of corresponding ground truth depth data for training. Just recording quality depth data in a range of environments is a challenging problem. In this paper, we innovate beyond existing approaches, replacing the use of explicit depth data during training with easier-to-obtain binocular stereo footage. We propose a novel training objective that enables our convolutional neural network to learn to perform single image depth estimation, despite the absence of ground truth depth data. Exploiting epipolar geometry constraints, we generate disparity images by training our network with an image reconstruction loss. We show that solving for image reconstruction alone results in poor quality depth images. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel training loss that enforces consistency between the disparities produced relative to both the left and right images, leading to improved performance and robustness compared to existing approaches. Our method produces state of the art results for monocular depth estimation on the KITTI driving dataset, even outperforming supervised methods that have been trained with ground truth depth.Comment: CVPR 2017 ora

    Becoming the Expert - Interactive Multi-Class Machine Teaching

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    Compared to machines, humans are extremely good at classifying images into categories, especially when they possess prior knowledge of the categories at hand. If this prior information is not available, supervision in the form of teaching images is required. To learn categories more quickly, people should see important and representative images first, followed by less important images later - or not at all. However, image-importance is individual-specific, i.e. a teaching image is important to a student if it changes their overall ability to discriminate between classes. Further, students keep learning, so while image-importance depends on their current knowledge, it also varies with time. In this work we propose an Interactive Machine Teaching algorithm that enables a computer to teach challenging visual concepts to a human. Our adaptive algorithm chooses, online, which labeled images from a teaching set should be shown to the student as they learn. We show that a teaching strategy that probabilistically models the student's ability and progress, based on their correct and incorrect answers, produces better 'experts'. We present results using real human participants across several varied and challenging real-world datasets.Comment: CVPR 201

    Interpretable Transformations with Encoder-Decoder Networks

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    Deep feature spaces have the capacity to encode complex transformations of their input data. However, understanding the relative feature-space relationship between two transformed encoded images is difficult. For instance, what is the relative feature space relationship between two rotated images? What is decoded when we interpolate in feature space? Ideally, we want to disentangle confounding factors, such as pose, appearance, and illumination, from object identity. Disentangling these is difficult because they interact in very nonlinear ways. We propose a simple method to construct a deep feature space, with explicitly disentangled representations of several known transformations. A person or algorithm can then manipulate the disentangled representation, for example, to re-render an image with explicit control over parameterized degrees of freedom. The feature space is constructed using a transforming encoder-decoder network with a custom feature transform layer, acting on the hidden representations. We demonstrate the advantages of explicit disentangling on a variety of datasets and transformations, and as an aid for traditional tasks, such as classification.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 201

    Learning Dilation Factors for Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes

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    Contextual information is crucial for semantic segmentation. However, finding the optimal trade-off between keeping desired fine details and at the same time providing sufficiently large receptive fields is non trivial. This is even more so, when objects or classes present in an image significantly vary in size. Dilated convolutions have proven valuable for semantic segmentation, because they allow to increase the size of the receptive field without sacrificing image resolution. However, in current state-of-the-art methods, dilation parameters are hand-tuned and fixed. In this paper, we present an approach for learning dilation parameters adaptively per channel, consistently improving semantic segmentation results on street-scene datasets like Cityscapes and Camvid.Comment: GCPR201

    Hierarchical Subquery Evaluation for Active Learning on a Graph

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    To train good supervised and semi-supervised object classifiers, it is critical that we not waste the time of the human experts who are providing the training labels. Existing active learning strategies can have uneven performance, being efficient on some datasets but wasteful on others, or inconsistent just between runs on the same dataset. We propose perplexity based graph construction and a new hierarchical subquery evaluation algorithm to combat this variability, and to release the potential of Expected Error Reduction. Under some specific circumstances, Expected Error Reduction has been one of the strongest-performing informativeness criteria for active learning. Until now, it has also been prohibitively costly to compute for sizeable datasets. We demonstrate our highly practical algorithm, comparing it to other active learning measures on classification datasets that vary in sparsity, dimensionality, and size. Our algorithm is consistent over multiple runs and achieves high accuracy, while querying the human expert for labels at a frequency that matches their desired time budget.Comment: CVPR 201

    Improved Handling of Motion Blur in Online Object Detection

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    We wish to detect specific categories of objects, for on-line vision systems that will run in the real world. Object detection is already very challenging. It is even harder when the images are blurred, from the camera being in a car or a hand-held phone. Most existing efforts either focused on sharp images, with easy to label ground truth, or they have treated motion blur as one of many generic corruptions.Instead, we focus especially on the details of egomotion induced blur. We explore five classes of remedies, where each targets different potential causes for the performance gap between sharp and blurred images. For example, first deblurring an image changes its human interpretability, but at present, only partly improves object detection. The other four classes of remedies address multi-scale texture, out-of-distribution testing, label generation, and conditioning by blur-type. Surprisingly, we discover that custom label generation aimed at resolving spatial ambiguity, ahead of all others, markedly improves object detection. Also, in contrast to findings from classification, we see a noteworthy boost by conditioning our model on bespoke categories of motion blur.We validate and cross-breed the different remedies experimentally on blurred COCO images and real-world blur datasets, producing an easy and practical favorite model with superior detection rates

    Deeplogger: Extracting user input logs from 2D gameplay videos

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    Game and player analysis would be much easier if user interactions were electronically logged and shared with game researchers. Understandably, sniffing software is perceived as invasive and a risk to privacy. To collect player analytics from large populations, we look to the millions of users who already publicly share video of their game playing. Though labor-intensive, we found that someone with experience of playing a specific game can watch a screen-cast of someone else playing, and can then infer approximately what buttons and controls the player pressed, and when. We seek to automatically convert video into such game-play transcripts, or logs. We approach the task of inferring user interaction logs from video as a machine learning challenge. Specifically, we propose a supervised learning framework to first train a neural network on videos, where real sniffer/instrumented software was collecting ground truth logs. Then, once our DeepLogger network is trained, it should ideally infer log-activities for each new input video, which features gameplay of that game. These user-interaction logs can serve as sensor data for gaming analytics, or as supervision for training of game-playing AI’s. We evaluate the DeepLogger system for generating logs from two 2D games, Tetris [23] and Mega Man X [6], chosen to represent distinct game genres. Our system performs as well as human experts for the task of video-to-log transcription, and could allow game researchers to easily scale their data collection and analysis up to massive populations

    Tribology of Polymeric Materials Part 2 - Properties and tribological behaviour of polymeric materials

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    Tribološka ispitivanja mogu se provesti na nekoliko razina, od mikrorazine do nanorazine. Na toj osnovi mogu se istražiti korelacije između viskoelastičnosti, krhkosti i tribološkog ponašanja materijala na osnovi polimera koje odražavaju utjecaje sastava, orijentacije u magnetnom polju i obrade površine. Relacija između stupnja viskoelastičnog oporavka i krhkosti analizirana je u radu 2006. U raspravi su istaknuta znatna poboljšanja svojstava, uključivo i tribološka, dodatkom anorganskih mikročestica i nanočestica punila. Uočen je utjecaj površinske i međupovršinske napetosti u multifaznim sustavima na tribološka svojstva. Opisane su računalne simulacije tribološkog ponašanja kao dopuna eksperimentima. Predstavljene su osnovne razlike izme|u mikrotribologije i nanotribologije.Tribological investigations can be conducted at several size scales, from micro-level to nano-level. On this basis we can develop correlations between viscoelasticity, brittleness and tribological behaviour of polymer-based materials that reflect the effects of composition, orientation in the magnetic field and surface treatments. The relationship between the degree of viscoelastic recovery after sliding wear and brittleness was analyzed in 2006. Significant improvements of properties, including the tribological ones are discussed, by addition of inorganic micro-particles and nano-particles of fillers. The importance of surface and interface tensions in multiphase systems on tribological properties has been noted. Computer simulations of tribological behaviour as supplement to experiments are described. The basic differences between microand nano-tribology are presented

    Self-Supervised Relative Depth Learning for Urban Scene Understanding

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    As an agent moves through the world, the apparent motion of scene elements is (usually) inversely proportional to their depth. It is natural for a learning agent to associate image patterns with the magnitude of their displacement over time: as the agent moves, faraway mountains don't move much; nearby trees move a lot. This natural relationship between the appearance of objects and their motion is a rich source of information about the world. In this work, we start by training a deep network, using fully automatic supervision, to predict relative scene depth from single images. The relative depth training images are automatically derived from simple videos of cars moving through a scene, using recent motion segmentation techniques, and no human-provided labels. This proxy task of predicting relative depth from a single image induces features in the network that result in large improvements in a set of downstream tasks including semantic segmentation, joint road segmentation and car detection, and monocular (absolute) depth estimation, over a network trained from scratch. The improvement on the semantic segmentation task is greater than those produced by any other automatically supervised methods. Moreover, for monocular depth estimation, our unsupervised pre-training method even outperforms supervised pre-training with ImageNet. In addition, we demonstrate benefits from learning to predict (unsupervised) relative depth in the specific videos associated with various downstream tasks. We adapt to the specific scenes in those tasks in an unsupervised manner to improve performance. In summary, for semantic segmentation, we present state-of-the-art results among methods that do not use supervised pre-training, and we even exceed the performance of supervised ImageNet pre-trained models for monocular depth estimation, achieving results that are comparable with state-of-the-art methods