6 research outputs found

    Hämoabdomen und Hämothorax bei einem Rind mit metastasierendem Granulosazelltumor

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    This case report describes the clinical, ultrasonographic, pathological and histological findings in a two-year-old Swiss Braunvieh cow with granulosa cell tumor and metastases in the abdomen and thorax. The cow was ill and had tachycardia, coughing, increased breath sounds, positive reticular foreign body tests and a tense abdominal wall. Ultrasonography revealed a massive accumulation of hypoechoic fluid in the thorax and abdomen, and abdomino- and thoracocentesis yielded red fluid indicative of abdominal and thoracic haemorrhage. Because of a poor prognosis, the cow was euthanized and examined postmortem. Multiple nodular lesions were seen in the omentum, liver, spleen and lungs. The left ovary was grossly enlarged and nodular in appearance. Histological examination of the lesions revealed granulosa cell tumour of the left ovary and metastases in the omentum, liver, spleen and lungs

    Diagnostic exercise: submucosal gastric masses in a cat

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    A 14-year-old neutered male cat presenting with chronic vomiting had 2 masses within the submucosa of the stomach that were excised. They presented histologically as circumscribed, submucosal masses consisting of diffusely arranged medium-sized round cells with a moderate amount of cytoplasm and interspersed eosinophils, separated by trabecular fibroblastic stroma. The overlying mucosa was diffusely infiltrated by the same round cells, and marked epitheliotropism was present. Neoplastic cells labelled positive for CD3 and negative for CD79a and CD117. Giemsa staining and silver staining (SNOBA) were also negative. A T-cell lymphoma with reactive fibroplasia was diagnosed, and differential diagnoses including mast cell tumor and feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia could be excluded

    Olfactory neuroblastoma in dogs and cats--a histological and immunohistochemical analysis

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    Olfactory neuroblastoma (ONB) was identified in 13 dogs and nine cats. The tumours were subjected to microscopical examination and were graded using a human pathological grading system. In the canine and feline tumours there was more necrosis and higher mitotic activity (mitotic index and Ki67 labelling index) than reported in human ONB. Rosettes were a common feature of feline ONBs. A significant correlation was observed between the histological grade and the Ki67 labelling index. The histopathological diagnosis of ONB was confirmed immunohistochemically by demonstration of the neuronal marker neuron-specific enolase (NSE). Two other neuron-specific antibodies specific for microtubule-associated protein-2 (MAP-2) and neuronal nuclei antigen (NeuN) were evaluated. MAP-2 expression proved to have higher specificity than labelling for NSE. NeuN expression was less sensitive and of limited practical value