104 research outputs found

    That’s close enough:A threshold effect of time headway on the experience of risk, task diffculty, effort, and comfort

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    Subjective impressions of task difficulty, risk, effort, and comfort are key variables of several theories of driver behaviour. A point of difference between many of these theories is not only the importance of these variables, but also whether they are continuously present and monitored or only experienced by individuals at certain critical points in the driving task. Both a threshold relationship and evidence of constant monitoring of risk and task difficulty have been found for speed choice. In light of these conflicting findings this study seeks to examine a different part of the driving task, the choice of time headway. Participants (N = 40, aged 19 to 30) drove in a simulator behind a vehicle travelling at 50 km/h at set time headways ranging from 0.5 seconds to 4.0 seconds. After each drive ratings of task difficulty, risk, comfort, and effort were collected. In addition participants were asked to drive at the time headway they preferred. In order to assess familiarity participants also drove on both the left and right hand side of the road and the role of driving experience was also examined. The results show support for a threshold awareness of task difficulty, risk, effort, and comfort in relation to time headway. Participant's ratings of these variables tended to be low or nil at large time headways, but then around the 2.0 second mark began to noticeably increase. Feelings of task difficulty, risk, and effort were also found to be highly correlated with each other. No effect of driving experience or side of the road was found. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Drivers' reactions to sudden braking by lead car under varying workload conditions; towards a driver support system

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    At urban intersections drivers handle multiple tasks simultaneously, making urban driving a complex task. An advanced driver assistance system may support drivers in this specific driving task, but the design details of such a system need to be determined before they can be fully deployed. A driving simulator experiment was conducted to determine the relationship between different subtasks of driving at urban intersections. Participants completed four drives, each comprising 20 comparable intersections with different traffic situations and encountered one unexpected braking event during the experiment. The effects of varying levels of event urgency on the relationship between different driving subtasks were studied. Furthermore, the influence of workload on this relationship was determined by giving half of the subjects an additional cognitive task. After the lead car braked unexpectedly, participants reduced speed and increased headway depending on the urgency of the braking event. Depending on the workload, participants returned to the normal speed and headway again after a number of intersections. Participants experiencing a high-workload drove more smoothly, except for those who had experienced the most urgent unexpected event. High workload additionally affected the length of the adjustments to the unexpected even

    Autorijden met ADHD

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    Volwassenen met attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) hebben uiteenlopende cognitieve beperkingen, die een aanzienlijke invloed kunnen hebben op verschillende aspecten van het dagelijks leven. Een van deze aspecten is het besturen van een auto. Autorijden is een belangrijke activiteit in het dagelijks leven en vereist een adequate wisselwerking tussen verschillende vaardigheden en het op elkaar afgestemd zijn van verschillende functies. Dit artikel geeft een overzicht van studies die zich hebben gericht op de aan ADHD gerelateerde problemen met autorijden. Hierbij staan drie vragen centraal: 1) laten personen met ADHD in sterkere mate onveilig rijgedrag zien dan personen zonder ADHD, 2) welke cognitieve (dis)functies van personen met ADHD zijn gerelateerd aan onveilig autorijden en 3) kan farmaceutische behandeling het rijgedrag van adolescenten en volwassenen met ADHD significant verbeteren? Het beschikbare onderzoek levert overtuigend bewijs dat personen met ADHD gekenmerkt worden door meer negatief rijgedrag dan personen zonder ADHD. Het blijkt echter dat niet alle personen met ADHD op dezelfde manier zijn aangedaan. Hoewel verschillende cognitieve functies gerelateerd zijn aan rijvaardigheid, lijken deze functies noch bij te dragen aan het detecteren van high risk automobilisten met ADHD, noch aan het voorspellen van rijgedrag bij personen met ADHD. Farmaceutische behandeling van ADHD, in het bijzonder stimulerende medicatie, lijkt bevorderlijk voor de rijvaardigheid van personen met ADHD

    Driving and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) suffer from various impairments of cognitive, emotional and social functioning, which can have considerable consequences for many areas of daily living. One of those areas is driving a vehicle. Driving is an important activity of everyday life and requires an efficient interplay between multiple cognitive, perceptual, and motor skills. In the present study, a selective review of the literature on driving-related difficulties associated with ADHD is performed, seeking to answer whether individuals with ADHD show increased levels of unsafe driving behaviours, which cognitive (dys)functions of individuals with ADHD are related to driving difficulty, and whether pharmacological treatment significantly improves the driving behaviour of individuals with ADHD. The available research provides convincing evidence that individuals with ADHD have different and more adverse driving outcomes than individuals without the condition. However, it appears that not all individuals with ADHD are affected uniformly. Despite various cognitive functions being related with driving difficulties, these functions do not appear helpful in detecting high risk drivers with ADHD, nor in predicting driving outcomes in individuals with ADHD, since impairments in these functions are defining criteria for the diagnoses of ADHD (e.g., inattention and impulsivity). Pharmacological treatment of ADHD, in particular stimulant drug treatment, appears to be beneficial to the driving difficulties experienced by individuals with ADHD. However, additional research is needed, in particular further studies that address the numerous methodological weaknesses of many of the previous studies

    Developing an objective indicator of fatigue: An alternative mobile version of the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (m-PVT)

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    Approximately 20% of the working population report symptoms of feeling fatigued at work. The aim of the study was to investigate whether an alternative mobile version of the ‘gold standard’ Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) could be used to provide an objective indicator of fatigue in staff working in applied safety critical settings such as train driving, hospital staffs, emergency services, law enforcements, etc., using different mobile devices. 26 participants mean age 20 years completed a 25-min reaction time study using an alternative mobile version of the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (m-PVT) that was implemented on either an Apple iPhone 6s Plus or a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4. Participants attended two sessions: a morning and an afternoon session held on two consecutive days counterbalanced. It was found that the iPhone 6s Plus generated both mean speed responses (1/RTs) and mean reaction times (RTs) that were comparable to those observed in the literature while the Galaxy Tab 4 generated significantly lower 1/RTs and slower RTs than those found with the iPhone 6s Plus. Furthermore, it was also found that the iPhone 6s Plus was sensitive enough to detect lower mean speed of responses (1/RTs) and significantly slower mean reaction times (RTs) after 10-min on the m-PVT. In contrast, it was also found that the Galaxy Tab 4 generated mean number of lapses that were significant after 5-min on the m-PVT. These findings seem to indicate that the m-PVT could be used to provide an objective indicator of fatigue in staff working in applied safety critical settings such as train driving, hospital staffs, emergency services, law enforcements, etc

    An Ontological Approach to Inform HMI Designs for Minimizing Driver Distractions with ADAS

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    ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) are in-vehicle systems designed to enhance driving safety and efficiency as well as comfort for drivers in the driving process. Recent studies have noticed that when Human Machine Interface (HMI) is not designed properly, an ADAS can cause distraction which would affect its usage and even lead to safety issues. Current understanding of these issues is limited to the context-dependent nature of such systems. This paper reports the development of a holistic conceptualisation of how drivers interact with ADAS and how such interaction could lead to potential distraction. This is done taking an ontological approach to contextualise the potential distraction, driving tasks and user interactions centred on the use of ADAS. Example scenarios are also given to demonstrate how the developed ontology can be used to deduce rules for identifying distraction from ADAS and informing future designs
