321 research outputs found

    Constraining the Statistics of Population III Binaries

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    We perform a cosmological simulation in order to model the growth and evolution of Population III (Pop III) stellar systems in a range of host minihalo environments. A Pop III multiple system forms in each of the ten minihaloes, and the overall mass function is top-heavy compared to the currently observed initial mass function in the Milky Way. Using a sink particle to represent each growing protostar, we examine the binary characteristics of the multiple systems, resolving orbits on scales as small as 20 AU. We find a binary fraction of ~36%, with semi-major axes as large as 3000 AU. The distribution of orbital periods is slightly peaked at < 900 yr, while the distribution of mass ratios is relatively flat. Of all sink particles formed within the ten minihaloes, ~50% are lost to mergers with larger sinks, and ~50% of the remaining sinks are ejected from their star-forming disks. The large binary fraction may have important implications for Pop III evolution and nucleosynthesis, as well as the final fate of the first stars.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, to appear in MNRA

    Dwarf Spheroidal Satellite Formation in a Reionized Local Group

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    Dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies have emerged a powerful probe of small-scale dark matter clustering and of cosmic reionization. They exhibit structural and chemical continuity with dwarf irregular galaxies in the field and with spheroidal galaxies in high-density environments. By combining empirical constraints derived for star formation at low gas column densities and metallicities in the local universe with a model for dark matter and baryonic mass assembly, we provide an analytical description of how the dwarf spheroidals acquired their stellar content. Their progenitors formed stars until the gas content, initially reduced from the cosmic average by the thermal pressure of the reionized intergalactic medium, was finally ram pressure stripped during the progenitors' accretion on to the host galaxy. Dwarf spheroidal satellites of differing luminosities seem to share very similar most massive progenitor histories that reach thresholds for gas cooling by atomic line emission at epochs at which the Lagrangian volume of the Local Group should have been reionized. We hypothesize that dwarf spheroidals formed the bulk of their stars in partially rotationally supported HI disks in a reionized universe. This model provides an explanation for the "common mass scale" relation and reproduces the empirical luminosity-size and luminosity-metallicity relations. Explosive feedback phenomena, such as outflows driven by the concerted action of supernovae, need not have been significant in the dwarf spheroidals' formation. We further speculate that the true pre-reionization fossils should exhibit a structure distinct from that of the dwarf spheroidals, e.g., in the form of dense isolated or nuclear star clusters.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    The First Stars: A Low-Mass Formation Mode

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    We perform numerical simulations of the growth of a Population III stellar system under photodissociating feedback. We start from cosmological initial conditions at z = 100, self-consistently following the formation of a minihalo at z = 15 and the subsequent collapse of its central gas to high densities. The simulations resolve scales as small as ~ 1 AU, corresponding to gas densities of 10^16 cm^-3. Using sink particles to represent the growing protostars, we evolve the stellar system for the next 5000 years. We find that this emerging stellar group accretes at an unusually low rate compared with minihalos which form at earlier times (z = 20 - 30), or with lower baryonic angular momentum. The stars in this unusual system will likely reach masses ranging from < 1 M_sun to 5 M_sun by the end of their main-sequence lifetimes, placing them in the mass range for which stars will undergo an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase. Based upon the simulation, we predict the rare existence of Population III stars that have survived to the present day and have been enriched by mass overflow from a previous AGB companion.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, to apper in Ap