15 research outputs found

    Forced child unions: From legal reform to social disruption—Formative research in five communities in Chisec, Alta Verapaz

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    Evidence has shown that child early and forced marriage/unions (CEFM/U) are harmful to the rights and development of girls and adolescents. It has also shown that increasing the minimum marriage age is not enough to eradicate this phenomenon because of the underlying practices of social institutions at the community level. This report details an investigation undertaken when a modification to the Civil Code was approved, then modified, in order to increase the minimum age of marriage in Guatemala. The investigation aimed to identify the norms, practices, and attitudes prevailing in the school, family, religion, government, and economy with regard to CEFM/U. The report concludes that reform of the law on the minimum age for marriage has brought about some change to the practice of child marriage, but its scope is limited. This research recommends actions that cause social disruption by all social institutions to the practices and norms that affect girls and adolescents

    Pedaling toward the future: Increasing and maintaining the school attendance of adolescent girls in indigenous communities of rural Guatemala

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    Population Council Guatemala, with the support of UNFPA and other donors, developed a strategy of expansion and scale up of Abriendo Oportunidades (AO) through geographic conglomerates with an ecological approach. They provided 250 bicycles as an additional component of AO to assess its effectiveness in increasing mobility and school attendance in four municipalities in Guatemala. This brief describes how the project was successful in increasing mobility, reinsertion, and completion of the 2017 school year among its participants. Results show that the provision of bicycles to adolescents participating in the Abriendo Oportunidades program increased school reintegration from the 2016 cycle to the 2017 cycle by 24%. Furthermore, the increase in mobility with the bicycles allowed participants to continue their secondary studies, occupy public spaces of commercial exchange, strengthen their social capital, and have access to recreational activities

    Pedaleando hacia el futuro: Una oportunidad para incrementar y mantener la asistencia escolar de niñas adolescentes encomunidades indígeneas del árearural en Guatemala

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    Population Council Guatemala, con el apoyo de UNFPA y otros donantes, desarrolló la estrategia de expansión y escala de Abriendo Oportunidades (AO) a través de conglomerados geográficos con abordaje ecológico. La provisión de 250 bicicletas fue un componente adicional de AO para probar su efectividad en el aumento de movilidad y la asistencia escolar en cuatro municipios guatemaltecos. Este reporte describe como el proyecto fue exitoso en el aumento de la movilidad, reinserción, y finalización del ciclo escolar 2017 de sus participantes. Los resultados muestran como la dotación de las bicicletas incrementó en 24% la reinserción escolar del ciclo 2016 al ciclo 2017. Además, el aumento de movilidad con las bicicletas, permitió que las participantes continuaran sus estudios secundarios, ocuparan espacios públicos de intercambio comercial, fortalecieran su capital social, y tuvieran acceso a actividades de recreación. --- Population Council Guatemala, with the support of UNFPA and other donors, developed a strategy of expansion and scale up of Abriendo Oportunidades (AO) through geographic conglomerates with an ecological approach. They provided 250 bicycles as an additional component of AO to assess its effectiveness in increasing mobility and school attendance in four municipalities in Guatemala. This brief describes how the project was successful in increasing mobility, reinsertion, and completion of the 2017 school year among its participants. Results show that the provision of bicycles to adolescents participating in the Abriendo Oportunidades program increased school reintegration from the 2016 cycle to the 2017 cycle by 24%. Furthermore, the increase in mobility with the bicycles allowed participants to continue their secondary studies, occupy public spaces of commercial exchange, strengthen their social capital, and have access to recreational activities

    Pedaling toward the future: Increasing and maintaining the school attendance of adolescent girls in indigenous communities of rural Guatemala

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    Population Council Guatemala, with the support of UNFPA and other donors, developed a strategy of expansion and scale up of Abriendo Oportunidades (AO) through geographic conglomerates with an ecological approach. They provided 250 bicycles as an additional component of AO to assess its effectiveness in increasing mobility and school attendance in four municipalities in Guatemala. This brief describes how the project was successful in increasing mobility, reinsertion, and completion of the 2017 school year among its participants. Results show that the provision of bicycles to adolescents participating in the Abriendo Oportunidades program increased school reintegration from the 2016 cycle to the 2017 cycle by 24%. Furthermore, the increase in mobility with the bicycles allowed participants to continue their secondary studies, occupy public spaces of commercial exchange, strengthen their social capital, and have access to recreational activities

    Las uniones infantiles forzadas: de la reforma legal a la disrupción social—Investigación formativa en cinco comunidades en Chisec Alta Verapaz

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    La evidencia ha demostrado que el matrimonio y las uniones infantiles forzadas (M/UIF) son nocivos a los derechos y el desarrollo de las niñas y adolescentes. También se ha demostrado que aumentar la edad mínima del matrimonio no es suficiente para erradicar este fenómeno que subyace en la práctica de las instituciones sociales a nivel comunitario. Se ha realizada esta investigación en el momento en que se aprobó la modificación al Código Civil, seguido de una modificación para aumentar la edad mínima para el matrimonio en Guatemala, con el propósito de identificar las normas, prácticas, y actitudes vigentes en la escuela, la familia, la religión, el gobierno, y la economía en relación con el M/UIF. Se concluye que la reforma a la ley sobre la edad mínima para contraer matrimonio ha provocado algún cambio a la práctica del matrimonio infantil, pero sus alcances son limitados. Esta investigación recomienda acciones que provoquen disrupción social a las prácticas y normas que tocan a las niñas y adolescentes desde todas las instituciones sociales. --- Evidence has shown that child early and forced marriage/unions (CEFM/U) are harmful to the rights and development of girls and adolescents. It has also shown that increasing the minimum marriage age is not enough to eradicate this phenomenon because of the underlying practices of social institutions at the community level. This report details an investigation undertaken when a modification to the Civil Code was approved, then modified, in order to increase the minimum age of marriage in Guatemala. The investigation aimed to identify the norms, practices, and attitudes prevailing in the schools, family, religion, government, and economy with regard to CEFM/U. The report concludes that reform of the law on the minimum age for marriage has brought about some change to the practice of child marriage, but its scope is limited. This research recommends actions that cause social disruption by all social institutions to the practices and norms that affect girls and adolescents

    Abriendo Oportunidades Program: Integrated Curriculum Guide (8 to 17 years old)—Two-year cycle

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    The Abriendo Oportunidades program aims to support indigenous girls in Guatemala to reach their maximum potential and overcome the cycle of poverty. The program created safe spaces for girls at the community level, reaching adolescent girls with an asset-based curriculum implemented by community mentors. This is the third version of the curriculum. It was designed to foster reflection and dialogue, sisterhood, and critical thinking among adolescent girls. The first two versions focused on reproductive health, nutrition, hygiene, communication skills, and financial education. Several of the initial topics, as well as some activities from these previous versions, are included in the current version. The guide is a valuable tool for programs seeking to integrate comprehensive sexuality education and the prevention of violence into their approach

    Abriendo Oportunidades para alcanzar mi plan de vida: Programa de 5 meses—14 a 18 años

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    Esta es la guía curricular del programa Abriendo Oportunidades del Population Council de Guatemala. Este programa de cinco meses ayuda a las niñas a desarrollar pasos para lograr su plan de vida, en módulos sobre los temas siguientes: llevarse bien con otras mujeres; conocerse y valorarse a sí mismo; autoestima; derechos humanos; aprendiendo a ser mujer; la fertilidad y el embarazo; reconociendo el peligro; y la importancia del ahorro. --- This is the curriculum guide for the Abriendo Oportunidades program of the Population Council of Guatemala. This five-month program helps girls develop steps to achieve their life plan, in modules on the following topics: getting along with other women; knowing and valuing oneself; self esteem; human rights; learning to become a woman; fertility and pregnancy; recognizing danger; and the importance of saving

    Girls Creating Opportunities for a Brighter Tomorrow: Integrated Curriculum Guide (8 to 17 years old)—Two-year cycle (adapted for Belize)

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    In 2004, the Population Council in Guatemala launched the “Abriendo Oportunidades” (AO) Program with the purpose of supporting indigenous girls in reaching their maximum potential to overcome the cycle of poverty. The program compiled many valuable lessons, often from young mentors working directly with girls and adolescents. Constant dialogue among the Council’s team led to the current version of the curriculum guide. This is the third version of the AO curriculum guide, designed as a tool to foster reflection and dialogue, sisterhood, and critical thinking among adolescent girls. The guide is promoted as a valuable tool for programs seeking to integrate comprehensive sexuality education and the prevention of violence into their approach

    Abriendo Oportunidades: Guía Curricular Integrada 2015

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    El programa Abriendo Oportunidades tiene como objetivo apoyar a las niñas indígenas en Guatemala para alcanzar su máximo potencial y superar el ciclo de la pobreza. Esta es la tercera versión de la guía curricular basada en activos, diseñada para ser implementado por mentores de la comunidad. Su objetivo es fomentar la reflexión y el diálogo, la hermandad y el pensamiento crítico entre las adolescentes. La guía curricular se basa en el enfoque de respetar y promover los derechos humanos y la equidad de género. Esta guía es una herramienta valiosa para los programas que buscan integrar la educación integral en sexualidad y la prevención de la violencia en su enfoque. --- The Abriendo Oportunidades program aims to support indigenous girls in Guatemala to reach their maximum potential and overcome the cycle of poverty. This is the third version of the asset-based curriculum, designed to be implemented by community mentors. It aims to foster reflection and dialogue, sisterhood, and critical thinking among adolescent girls. The curriculum guide is based on the approach of respecting and promoting human rights and gender equity. This guide is a valuable tool for programs seeking to integrate comprehensive sexuality education and the prevention of violence into their approach


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    El Matrimonio/Uni\uf3n Infantil Temprano y Forzado (MUITF) o matrimonio infantil involucra a personas menores de 18 a\uf1os y se reconoce como una pr\ue1ctica da\uf1ina debido a sus efectos adversos al forzar, especialmente a las ni\uf1as, a desempe\uf1ar actividades para las que no est\ue1n ni f\uedsica ni emocionalmente preparadas, y las aleja de cualquier posibilidad de mayor crecimiento y desarrollo personal. Esta pr\ue1ctica aumenta seg\ufan disminuye el nivel de renta, de educaci\uf3n, se viva en \ue1mbitos rurales y/o se trate de poblaciones ind\uedgenas, estando as\ued atravesado por brechas sociales, econ\uf3micas y de educaci\uf3n. En Guatemala el MUITF se mantiene normalizado constituyendo un obst\ue1culo para la igualdad de g\ue9nero e invisibilizando esta pr\ue1ctica. Esta investigaci\uf3n presenta los resultados de una revisi\uf3n bibliogr\ue1fica de la evidencia de programas alrededor del mundo relacionados con el matrimonio infantil de 2000-2019 para identificar los elementos fundamentales que lo previenen, mitigan y erradican para dise\uf1ar una propuesta de programa para Guatemala. La propuesta est\ue1 centrada en ni\uf1as adolescentes y tiene cinco elementos fundamentales que han probado tener \ue9xito en el mundo al empoderar a las ni\uf1as y adolescentes, conect\ue1ndolas a servicios de salud y educaci\uf3n, ofreci\ue9ndoles capacitaci\uf3n para medios de vida, conect\ue1ndolas a oportunidades laborales e incidiendo en las normas sociales para lograr relaciones de g\ue9nero m\ue1s equitativas a trav\ue9s del involucramiento de las familias, actores comunitarios, y monitoreando el avance del cumplimiento de las normativas legales nacionales que sancionan el MUIT