17 research outputs found

    Faktor Politik Dalam Alokasi Dana Antarpemerintah Indonesia

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    The intergovernmental transfer system currently applied in Indonesia is intended to prevent the intervention of political powers. However, there are indications of political determinants behind central government transfers to sub-national governments. In order to prove the existence of these political factors, this research utilizes empirical panel data models of Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU), Dana Dekonsentrasi and Tugas Pembantuan using political variables. Results show that while there are no signicant political variables in the DAU and Dana Dekonsentrasi models, there is a political determinant behind the amount of Dana Tugas Pembantuan, where a higher seat share for the Golkar party representing a province in the national parliament will entitle the province to a relatively higher share of the Dana Tugas Pembantuan

    Pemeringkatan Daya Tarik Investasi Kabupaten/Kota: Studi Kasus di 90 Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia

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    Pemeringkatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu daerah-daerah di Indonesia dalam melihat daya tariknya terhadap investasi ditinjau dari berbagai aspek. Secara singkat tujuan rating ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut : A. Membuat pemeringkatan daya tarik investasi Kabupaten/Kota (selanjutnya disebut daerah) B. Secara khusus memberikan rambu rambu bagi daerah untuk tidak membuat peraturan daerah tentang pajak dan retribusi yang merugikan perekonomian daerah C. Memberikan rekomendasi umum untuk peningkatan daya saing investasi daera

    The Interregional Impact of Fiscal Decentralization in Indonesia: Inter Regional Social Accounting Matrix Model

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    Undang-undang 22/0 dan 25/99 telab merubah pola hubungan pusat-daerah di Indoensia dari pola sentralistik menjadi desentralisis yang efektif berlaku sejak bulan Januari 2001. Lebih jauh pemerintah juga mengeluarkan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) yang mengatur lebih detail tentang kewajiban dan kewenangan daerah, hutang daerah dan hal lainnya, selain beberapa sektor penting seperti sistem peradilan, agama, keamanan dan hal lain yang masih dibawah tanggung jawab dan kewenangan pemerintah pusat.Konsekuensi langsung dari Perubahan ini adalah pemerintah harus mengatur pemerataan dan sustainabilitas anggaran antar daerah. Mengingat karakteristik antar daerah sangat bervariasi dalam hal kandungan sumber daya alam, dan sumber daya manusia, dan juga selepas krisis yang menerpa Indonesia, maka permasalahan yang dihadapi pemerintah pusat dalam menjalankan proses desentralisasi ini, menjadi tidak ringan.Satu hal yang jelas, implementasi proses desentralisasi ini, akan mengurangi penerimaan pemerintah pusat secara langsung sementara agenda peningkatan kesejahteraan, penurunan kesenjangan dan upaya peningkatan pertumbuhan lintas wilayah, sudah didepan mata

    Determinan Pertumbuhan Kota Di Indonesia

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    Peran kota sebagai pusat aktivitas utama ekonomi dewasa ini, menjadi daya tarik mengapa pertumbuhan kota perlu diperhatikan. Kota memiliki populasi yang besar, dan cenderung meningkat pesat dari waktu ke waktu. Makalah ini mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan kota, serta mengkaji pola pertumbuhan kota di Indonesia. Pertumbuhan kota diukur menggunakan pertumbuhan populasi dan angkatan kerja. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan kepadatan penduduk dan spesialisasi ekonomi secara negatif signifikan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan kota. Sedangkan primacy, manufaktur dan tingkat pendidikan secara positif signfikan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan kota. Selain itu, pendapatan dan pengeluaran pemerintah tidak signifikan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan kota. Demikian pula, variabel geografis dan ukuran kota, yang juga tidak signifikan berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan kota

    Dampak Desentralisasi Fiskal Terhadap Perekonomian Antar Daerah : Analisa Model IRIO

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    Regional autonomy program is the form of fiscal decentralization policy in Indonesia, legally started with the law of Regional Government No.22/1999 about de-concentration azas, which imply power or authority sharing and No.25/1999 about decentralization, which imply financial sharing between central and regional government. Financial sharing is tax and natural resources sharing revenue. This financial sharing type can widen fiscal gap between regions. As the solution, the central government gives block grants. Interregional Input-Output (IRIO) model can be used to analyze the impact of fiscal decentralization policy on sectoral and regional linkages, multipliers, growth, equalization, and efficiency of the regional economy. The analysis use shock variables of inter-governmental transfer including tax sharing revenue, natural resources revenue and block grants. They are treated as an exogenous variable package by regional government expenditure. The expenditures are in the form of investment and consumption based on IRIO model to analyze the optimality of policy variation. The analysis shows that the optimality of growth, equalization, and economic efficiency will be reached if the allocation of inter-governmental transfer is exactly the same as the potency and linkages between sectors and regions. We find the current formulation of intergovernmental transfer by central government, potent to increase regional disparity. Central government should reformulate division of inter-governmental transfer to avoid fiscal decentralization to be contra productive policy

    Simulasi Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Dengan Pendekatan Demometrik

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    Labor absorption hardly depends on the economic capacity and in the absence of market imperfection, the labor will be allocated efficiently among sectors. However, the assumption is hardly found in reality, and this give us a space to identify the explanatory variable of labor absorption. This research analyze the sectoral labor absorption based on J. Ladent model that internalize the demographic variable together with economic variable. We apply this model to analyze the sectoral labor absorption in Cental Java using annual basis data from 1978-1999, and simulate the sectoral labor absorption under three different scenario; quo, optimist and pessimist scenario. The result shows labor absorption is highly correlated to labor quality, economic capacity and investment. Based on simulation, we-find that any shock on demographic or economic variable yield unequal impact on labor absorption accros sector. We find strong causality between GDP and national unemployment, and labor absorption. We also conform the lack of foreign capital investment as the main source of in-optimal leading sector development

    Analisa Pengganda Dan Distribusi Keuntungan Perdagangan Di Wilayah ASEAN

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    Matrices of International Trade model shows world equilibrium and the inter-linkage among countries through trade. This approach enable us to decompose trade multiplier into direct import requirement, indirect import requirement, internal and external propagation as components of total trade multiplier. We also can run growth simulation to identify the distribution of trade gain as previously applied by Miyazawa, Hewings and other authors. Using trade flow data from 178 countries, and focusing on the big five ASEAN, we conform the most important role of Singapore and Malaysia in this region. We also find the role of United States and Japan as biggest and most important trading partner. Unsurprisingly, growth simulation shows unequal trade gain distribution between ASEAN countries and their trading partner

    Investment Competitiveness of Regencies/Cities in Indonesia, 2005: Rating of 169 Regencies and 59 Cities in Indonesia and Summary Report

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    This is the fifth year for KPPOD (Regional Autonomy Watch) to implement its annual study of “Investment Competitiveness of Regencies/Cities in Indonesia”. Since the first socialization of the 2001 study results, public response toward the rank has been extensive. The private sector has shown its appreciation by using the study result as one of its sources to formulate investment policies; academicians have shared their opinions on the methodology used in the study; moreover, some prominent international institutions have used the studies\u27 findings as their reference. In brief, in the discourse of regional investment environment, the Investment Competitiveness of Regencies/Cities in Indonesia has been one of the main references