6 research outputs found

    Noviji nalazi i stepen pojave prstenaste nekroze krtola krompira (potato virus y, pvyntn) u Srbiji

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    Potato virus Y i.e. its necrotic strain (PVYNTN) is among the most economically harmful agents of potato diseases in Serbia and in many countries across the world. Damage caused by the virus involves reduced yields of infected plants, its spread i.e. a high percentage of infected plants at the country level and a high rate of annual infections (infestation of healthy plants) during the growing season. In most widely grown potato cultivars, the necrotic strain of potato virus Y causes symptoms only on aboveground parts, depending on cultivar and time of infection (primary and secondary). The necrotic strain of potato virus Y causes additional problems to some potato cultivars including symptoms of necrotic ringspot disease on tubers, resulting in their reduced quality or rendering them unmarketable. Experience shows that these are mostly cultivars that have a high dry matter content in tubers and that are processed into potato chips. This study presents results on the susceptibility of some potato cultivars to tuber necrotic ringspot disease as well as on the incidence of the disease under conditions characterised by a high potential for infection with the necrotic strain of potato virus Y.Y virus odnosno nekrotični soj (PVYNTN) ovog virusa je jedan od ekonomski najštetnijih prouzrokovača bolesti krompira u Srbiji i mnogim zemljama sveta. Štetnost virusa se ogleda u smanjenju prinosa zaraženih biljaka, njegovoj raširenosti odnosno visokom procentu zaraženih biljaka krompira na području države i velikoj brzini jednogodišnjeg širenja (zaražavanja zdravih biljaka) u toku vegetacije. Nekrotični soj Y virusa, na većini široko rasprostranjenih sorti u proizvodnji krompira, prouzrokuje simptome samo na nadzemnom delu biljke krompira u zavisnosti od sorte kromira i vremena zaraze (primarna i sekundarna). Nekrotični soj Y virusa krompira predstavlja dodatni problem za neke sorte krompira na čijim krtolama prouzrokuje simptome prstenaste nekroze što umanjuje njihov kvalitet ili ih čini tržišno neupotrebljivim. Dosadašnja iskustva govore da su to uglavnom sorte sa visokim sadržajem suve materije u krtolama i koje se koriste za preradu u oplemenjene proizvode. U ovo radu su prikazani rezultati osetljivosti nekih sorti krompira na prstenastu nekrozu krtola i stepen pojave bolesti u našim uslovima koje karakteriše visok infekcioni potencijal nekrotičnim sojem Y virusa

    Pojava, štetnost i suzbijanje krompirovog moljca (Phthorimaea operculella)

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    Potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), is a damaging pest occurring in warm, tropical and subtropical regions. In the last several years, it has also been present in Serbia, causing serious damage to potatoes. Its harmfulness involves damage to potato tubers which renders them useless for marketing, leading to complete yield loss. This pest is also important in terms of the complexity of its control. In Serbia, until five years ago, this pest was known only through literature. The first official data on its presence in Serbia i.e. in the Leskovac region date back to 2011. The potato tuber moth was first recorded in 2008 (Leskovac), and its presence in other areas of Serbia was first reported in 2011. During 2015, extensive damage from this insect was recorded on the potato crop in Čačak, particularly in the lowlands, where potatoes are intensively grown for high yields, as well as in other parts of the country. This pest requires complex control practices. It is only through the use of both preventive and direct control measures by all potato growers on a large scale that success in pest control and damage reduction can be expected.Krompirov moljac, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), je štetočina toplih, tropskih i subtropskih regiona sveta. U poslednjih nekoliko godina je prisutan i u Srbiji gde pričinjava velike štete na krompiru. Štetnost moljca se ogleda u oštećenju krtola koje postaju tržišno neupotrebljive do potpunog propadanja celokupnog prinosa. Ova štetočina je značajna i po složenosti njenog suzbijanja. Kod nas se o ovoj štetočini do pre pet godina znalo samo iz literature. Prvi zvanični podaci o prisustvu štetočine kod nas, na području Leskovca, potiču iz 2011. godine. Prvi nalaz moljca potiče iz 2008. godine (Leskovac), a prema nekim podacima štetočina se javlja od 2011. godine i u drugim područjima u Srbiji. Tokom 2015. godine evidentirane su ogromne štete na krompiru od ovog insekta na teritoriji Čačka, posebno u ravničarskom delu gde se intenzivno gaji krompir i gde se postižu visoki prinosi, kao i u drugim delovima Srbije. Suzbijanje ove štetočine je veoma složeno. Samo primenom svih, preventivnih i direktnih mera od strane svih uzgajivača krompira, na većem području, se mogu očekivati rezultati u suzbijanju štetočine i smanjenju šteta

    Transgeni organizmi-biotehnološka moć

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    Creation of transgenic organisms should be endeavored necessary amount of food for the elimination of mankind hunger, increase yield and quality, resistance to diseases and pests, tolerance to high and low temperature properties and improvement of transportation and storage. Transgenic organisms are characterized by a higher content of protein, oil, and starch specific structure. Their use in the diet can have different effects on human health from uncontrolled use. Due to the relatively short period since the creation of transgenic organisms and for greater security man and the ecosystem of their production and trade is within the legal regulations and legislation.Čovek je tokom svog istorijskog razvoja do danas bio, između ostalog, kreativno biće u interakciji sa spoljašnjom sredinom. Birao je najbolje vrste, najbolje plodove, najbolja staništa i u tom ambijentu je proizvodio i kreirao bolje od postojećeg pa i u živom svetu. Transgeni oganizmi su kreirani u cilju povećanja prinosa, kvaliteta i adaptivnosti a time i obezbeđenje hrane za ljudsku populaciju koja se brojno umnožava. Za neke transgene organizme je ustanovljeno negativno delovanje na druge organizme i ekosistem. Tako su se u oblasti biotehnologije postigli vrhunski rezultati koji ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim pojedince, grupe i udruženja u naučnoj, stručnoj i široj javnosti kod nas i u svetu

    Variability of mass of spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under different environments

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    In this paper was analyzed mass of spike in 20 genetically divergent wheat genotypes. Wheat cultivars were grown in two years which characterized different climatic condition. In both years samples of 60 wheat plants (20 plants in 3 replications) were analyzed in full maturity stage. For improving different traits we need conduct special selection of parents after analysis of expression of certain traits. The differences in average values of mass of spike in studied wheat genotypes were determined. The variability of mass of spike was established. The average values of mass of spike for both year of growing, varied from 2.74g in G-3568 to 3.9g in G-13610

    Variability of Dutch potato varieties under various agroecological conditions in Serbia

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    The study presents results of a three-year experiment of variability of different Dutch potato varieties in Serbia: Adora and Cleopatra (early), Innovator and Frisia (medium-early) and Desiree and Kondor (medium-late). The research was conducted during 2008, 2009 and 2010, in three different soil and climatic locations: Zemun (100 m a.s.l.), Srbobran (86 m a.s.l.) and Guca (370 m a.s.l.). The four-repplicate field trials were set up using standard methodology according to the random block desing. The analysis of variance suggest that number of tubers per plant, number of market tubers per plant and total tuber yield were significantly fluctuating depending on genotype (G), year (Y) and the location (L). In addition to individual influences of different factors, their interactions were also pronounced (G x Y, G x L, Y x L, G x Y x L). In the three-year period average, the highest total yield was recorded in Zemun (35.80 t ha. 1), followed by Guca (29.32 t ha.(-1)), while the lowest average yield recorded was in Srbobran (27.38 t ha.(-1)). The highest average yield of tubers in the three-year period was recorded in the Cleopatra variety, followed by Adora variety, while the lowest average yield was recorded in the variety Frisia. Obtained results show that the highest yields over observed locations were recorded in early varieties that formed medium number of tubers per plant (Cleopatra and Adora) and medium late varieties (Desiree and Kondor) that expressed good resistance to high air temperatures and stress caused by drought