63 research outputs found

    Optimized Current Density Reconstruction from Widefield Quantum Diamond Magnetic Field Maps

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    Quantum Diamond Microscopy using Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) defects in diamond crystals has enabled the magnetic field imaging of a wide variety of nanoscale current profiles. Intimately linked with the imaging process is the problem of reconstructing the current density, which provides critical insight into the structure under study. This manifests as a non-trivial inverse problem of current reconstruction from noisy data, typically conducted via Fourier-based approaches. Learning algorithms and Bayesian methods have been proposed as novel alternatives for inference-based reconstructions. We study the applicability of Fourier-based and Bayesian methods for reconstructing two-dimensional current density maps from magnetic field images obtained from NV imaging. We discuss extensive numerical simulations to elucidate the performance of the reconstruction algorithms in various parameter regimes, and further validate our analysis via performing reconstructions on experimental data. Finally, we examine parameter regimes that favor specific reconstruction algorithms and provide an empirical approach for selecting regularization in Bayesian methods.Comment: 12 Pages main paper with 7 Figures. 6 pages and 2 figures in supplementary materia

    Temperature Dependent Photophysics of Single NV Centers in Diamond

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    We present a comprehensive study of the temperature and magnetic-field dependent photoluminescence (PL) of individual NV centers in diamond, spanning the temperature-range from cryogenic to ambient conditions. We directly observe the emergence of the NV's room-temperature effective excited state structure and provide a clear explanation for a previously poorly understood broad quenching of NV PL at intermediate temperatures around 50 K. We develop a model that quantitatively explains all of our findings, including the strong impact that strain has on the temperaturedependence of the NV's PL. These results complete our understanding of orbital averaging in the NV excited state and have significant implications for the fundamental understanding of the NV center and its applications in quantum sensing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures plus Supplementary Material. Questions and comments are welcome. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2105.0807

    Achieving Zero Stress in Iridium, Chromium, and Nickel Thin Films

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    We examine a method for achieving zero intrinsic stress in thin films of iridium, chromium, and nickel deposited by magnetron sputter deposition. The examination of the stress in these materials is motivated by efforts to advance the optical performance of light-weight x-ray space telescopes into the regime of sub-arc second resolution that rely on control of the film stress to values within 10-100 MPa. A characteristic feature of the intrinsic stress behavior in chromium and nickel is their sensitivity to the magnitude and sign of the intrinsic stress with argon gas pressure, including the existence of a critical pressure that results in zero film stress. This critical pressure scales linearly with the film's density. While the effect of stress reversal with argon pressure has been previously reported by Hoffman and others for nickel and chromium, we have discovered a similar behavior for iridium. Additionally, we have identified zero stress in iridium shortly after island coalescence. This feature of film growth is used for achieving a total internal stress of -2.89 MPa for a 15.8 nm thick iridium film. The surface roughness of this low-stress film was examined using scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and x-ray reflectivity (XRR) at CuK and these results presented and discussed

    Full-Shell X-Ray Optics Development at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

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    NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) maintains an active research program toward the development of high-resolution, lightweight, grazing-incidence x-ray optics to serve the needs of future x-ray astronomy missions such as Lynx. MSFC development efforts include both direct fabrication (diamond turning and deterministic computer-controlled polishing) of mirror shells and replication of mirror shells (from figured, polished mandrels). Both techniques produce full-circumference monolithic (primary + secondary) shells that share the advantages of inherent stability, ease of assembly, and low production cost. However, to achieve high-angular resolution, MSFC is exploring significant technology advances needed to control sources of figure error including fabrication- and coating-induced stresses and mounting-induced distortions

    Multi-species optically addressable spin defects in a van der Waals material

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    Optically addressable spin defects hosted in two-dimensional van der Waals materials represent a new frontier for quantum technologies, promising to lead to a new class of ultrathin quantum sensors and simulators. Recently, hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) has been shown to host several types of optically addressable spin defects, thus offering a unique opportunity to simultaneously address and utilise various spin species in a single material. Here we demonstrate an interplay between two separate spin species within a single hBN crystal, namely S=1S=1 boron vacancy defects and visible emitter spins. We unambiguously prove that the visible emitters are S=12S=\frac{1}{2} spins and further demonstrate room temperature coherent control and optical readout of both spin species. Importantly, by tuning the two spin species into resonance with each other, we observe cross-relaxation indicating strong inter-species dipolar coupling. We then demonstrate magnetic imaging using the S=12S=\frac{1}{2} defects, both under ambient and cryogenic conditions, and leverage their lack of intrinsic quantization axis to determine the anisotropic magnetic susceptibility of a test sample. Our results establish hBN as a versatile platform for quantum technologies in a van der Waals host at room temperature

    Nanoscale magnetism and magnetic phase transitions in atomically thin CrSBr

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    Since their first observation in 2017, atomically thin van der Waals (vdW) magnets have attracted significant fundamental, and application-driven attention. However, their low ordering temperatures, TcT_c, sensitivity to atmospheric conditions and difficulties in preparing clean large-area samples still present major limitations to further progress. The remarkably stable high-TcT_c vdW magnet CrSBr has the potential to overcome these key shortcomings, but its nanoscale properties and rich magnetic phase diagram remain poorly understood. Here we use single spin magnetometry to quantitatively characterise saturation magnetization, magnetic anisotropy constants, and magnetic phase transitions in few-layer CrSBr by direct magnetic imaging. We show pristine magnetic phases, devoid of defects on micron length-scales, and demonstrate remarkable air-stability down the monolayer limit. We address the spin-flip transition in bilayer CrSBr by direct imaging of the emerging antiferromagnetic (AFM) to ferromagnetic (FM) phase wall and elucidate the magnetic properties of CrSBr around its ordering temperature. Our work will enable the engineering of exotic electronic and magnetic phases in CrSBr and the realisation of novel nanomagnetic devices based on this highly promising vdW magnet.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, plus supplementary material. Questions and comments are welcom
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