74 research outputs found

    Rethinking connectedness: improving access to professional learning for regional and remote teachers

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    Transformation of Australian education is occurring at a rapid rate through the implementation of a number of initiatives. These initiatives include the Digital Education Revolution, the move to a National Curriculum and the implementation of a National Framework for Professional Standards for Teachers and Principals. As these initiatives are rolled out to schools across Australia, the equitable access to professional learning to support all teachers, regardless of their geographical location, is in question. A number of studies have been conducted in Australia that highlight the importance of professional learning and the difficulty faced by regional and remote teachers with regard to access (Gerard Daniels, 2007; Lysons, Cooksey, Panizzon, Parnell & Pegg 2006; Ministerial Review of Schooling, 1994, Rural and Remote Education Advisory Council, 2000; Vinson, 2002). Along with access to professional learning, has been the discussion of effective modes of delivery. Face to face professional learning, in regional and metropolitan areas, is offered in isolation, or in some cases, is complimented with virtual learning environments. The need for a more sustainable approach to professional learning is highly necessary. A mixed method research approach was utilised in order to answer the primary research question "In what ways might technology be used to support professional learning of regional and remote teachers in Western Australia?"This research paper outlines the findings from the study including the significance of travel time; impact of limited relief teachers; implications for promotion and teacher registration; professional learning communities being valued but often limited by small staff numbers; professional learning conducted in the local context being preferred; professional learning established at the teacher and school level being desirable; teachers being confident in using technology and accessing PD online if required; and social cohesiveness being valued and often limited by isolation. Further, this research has culminated in the development of a "model of rethinking connectedness" that would facilitate improving the amount and variety of professional learning available to regional and remote teachers

    Digital revolution or digital divide: Will rural teachers get a piece of the professional development pie?

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    In order to sustain the rural education community, access to high quality professional development opportunities must become a priority. Teachers in rural areas face many challenges in order to access professional learning equitable to their city counterparts. In the current climate, the Federal government of Australia is committed to initiatives that support the use of ICT in education. These include initiatives such as the Digital Education Revolution, including the National Broadband Network. This "revolution" includes the committal of 2.2billionfundingoversixyearsfrom2008βˆ’2013whichpurportstobringsubstantialandmeaningfulchangetoteachingandlearninginAustralianschools.Ofthisfunding,thePrimeMinister(formerMinisterforEducation),JuliaGillard,hascommitted2.2 billion funding over six years from 2008 - 2013 which purports to bring substantial and meaningful change to teaching and learning in Australian schools. Of this funding, the Prime Minister (former Minister for Education), Julia Gillard, has committed 40 million of the total budget to ICT related professional development for teachers. But how will rural teachers ensure they get a piece of the PD pie? Access to professional learning is critical and isolation from colleagues, professional associations and support structures can affect the retention of teachers and in turn affect the sustainability of rural communities.This research paper describes the findings of the first phase of a study that investigates access to professional learning from rural and remote areas of Western Australia, the efficiencies of this approach including teacher perceptions and possible opportunities for improvement through the application of technologies. A survey instrument was administered and the results from104 principals and teachers within the Remote Teaching Service and the Country Teaching Program of the Department of Education and Training (WA) are discussed. Qualitative data was collected by semi-structured interviews and emailed questionnaires. Phase One findings highlight the principals and teachers? perceptions of their access to professional development opportunities, professional learning communities and their use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to bridge the gap

    Engaging in online postgraduate education as means of professional learning

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    With enrolments in higher education becoming a competitive market, through the removal of caps in 2012, the equitable access to postgraduate education is raised. Postgraduate education, provided through higher education institutions, is an important aspect of career development for professionals. Professionals working outside of the metropolitan area are increasingly seeking postgraduate education opportunities that will be delivered online, at a distance. In this research study, data collected from the teaching profession, has culminated in a model that will ultimately improve access to professional learning. This research paper aims to highlight the important role that higher education providers play in the delivery of postgraduate education to professionals working in regional and remote areas of Australia. Although this paper focuses on the realm of education, the model of connectedness, where synchronous and asynchronus technlogies are used, can be adapted and applied to any profession that requires equitable access to professional learning

    R U there yet? Using virtual classrooms to transform teaching practice.

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    Access to quality higher education is challenging for many Western Australians that live outside the metropolitan area. In 2010, the School of Education moved to flexible delivery of a fully online Bachelor of Education degree for their non-metropolitan students. The new model of delivery allows access for students from any location provided they have a computer and an internet connection.A number of academic staff had previously used an asynchronous environment to deliver learning modules housed within a learning management system (LMS) but had not used synchronous software with their students. To enhance the learning environment and to provide high quality learning experiences to students learning at a distance, the adoption of synchronous software (Elluminate Live) was introduced. This software is a real-time virtual classroom environment that allows for communication through Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and videoconferencing, along with a large number of collaboration tools to engage learners.This research paper reports on the integration of a live e-learning solution into the current LMS environment. Qualitative data were collected from academic staff through informal interviews and participant observation. The findings discuss (i) perceived level of support; (ii) identification of strategies used to create an effective online teacher presence; (iii) the perceived impact on the students' learning outcomes; and (iv) guidelines for professional development to enhance pedagogy within the live e-learning environment

    Connecting and collaborating in regional, rural and remote Western Australia

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    Teachers working in regional, rural and remote areas of Western Australia often experience a strong sense of geographic and social isolation from peers, colleagues and appropriate support mechanisms due to the huge distances between towns and communities. The projects described here have focused on the use of technology to enhance both teacher and student learning; and assist with Indigenous education and teacher professional learning. Connecting and collaborating through technologies is emerging as a powerful tool for motivating and engaging both teachers and learners within schools. Coupled with the direction of the current Federal Government with the Digital Education Revolution and the Digital Regions initiatives, opportunities for better serving regional, rural and remote communities are discussed, as are some of the current issues and needs related to these schools in Western Australia. The scope of these projects has been such that three guiding principles have been implemented through contextual lenses of varying foci - at the level of an individual, a school, and a community

    Learning style and digital activity: an ecological study

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    In order to understand student engagement in higher education through the use of digital technologies, it is necessary to appreciate the broader use of differing technologies. Forty-eight first-year university students completed an online survey that queried patterns of digital activity across home, school and community contexts and that included rating scale items that measured learning style (i.e., active-reflective, sensing-intuitive, visual-verbal, sequential-global). Results suggest that students vary widely in digital activities and that such variation is related to differences in learning style. For example, active learners were more likely than reflective learners to engage in digital activities in the community and users of some specific application, as opposed to non-users, were more likely to be verbal than visual learners. Implications for instructional applications of digital technology in higher education are presented

    Web-based active learning and frequent feedback: Engaging first-year university students

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    Web-based technology is particularly well-suited to promoting active student involvement in the processes of learning. All students enrolled in a first-year educational psychology unit were required to complete ten weekly online quizzes, ten weekly student-generated questions and ten weekly student answers to those questions. Results of an online survey of participating students strongly support the viability and perceived benefits of such an instructional approach. Although students reported that the 30 assessments were useful and reasonable, the most common theme to emerge from the professional reflections of participating lecturers was that the marking of questions and answers was unmanageable

    The Hot Topic Community: Videoconferencing to reduce the professional isolation of teachers in rural Western Australia

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    Access to quality professional learning and the opportunity to collaborate with other educators can be limited for teachers in rural and remote areas of Western Australia. A recognised need to enhance the skills of rural teaching professionals and encourage teachers in small communities to join collegial networks was established by the members of several professional organisations. A working group consisting of representatives from the Australian College of Educators-WA (ACE-WA), the Rural and Remote Education Advisory Council (RREAC), the Society for the Provision of Education in Rural Australia (SPERA) and the School of Isolated and Distance Education (SIDE) provided teachers in rural areas with the opportunity to reduce professional isolation through the provision of relevant, convenient, and cost effective in-service education. Through a videoconferencing system, accessed within the Western Australian Telecentre Network and other educational organisations, the audience connected and participated with the presenter and studio based audience for two Hot Topics Seminars in 2008. This paper reports on the challenges and successes encountered by the working group and the findings of the research conducted throughout 2008

    Developing a Moderation Community of Practice

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    This paper reports on a study to evaluate technology-based processes for assessment moderation.The aim was to evaluate standard features found in an institutional Learning Management System,and their compatibility with the values and practices of a large teaching team. The process used anonline discussion board forum for tutors, the paring of more experienced tutors with those new tothe process, and further meetings conducted in both face-to-face and web conferencingenvironments. Online rubrics were used for assessing student work and the provision of feedback.A focus group conducted after marking was concluded and the analysis of the discussion boardforum demonstrated a strong community of practice with a shared understanding of assessmentrequirements
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