15 research outputs found

    Mogućnost primene homeopatskog leka heparsulfuris u terapiji endoparodontalnih lezija

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    The aim of this paper was to, on the basis of everyday clinical practice analize the effect of a homeopathic remedy, as a complementary remedy in endodontic therapy of endoperiodontal lesions and chronic apical periodontitis and to radiologically check its effect on the flow and speed of reparation of damaged periodontal tissues. Endodontic therapy was done according to the usual protocol for the therapy of infectious canals with root canal preparation, medication with calcium hydroxide points and hermetic obturation with AH-26 paste. During endodontic treatment patients were taking homeophatic remedy Hepar sulfuris per os three times daily. The remedy stimulates the natural defences mechanism of the organism. Radiological follow up after three months period showed obvious reductiont of radiologic radiolucency in periapical region.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se na osnovu slučajeva iz svakodnevne kliničke prakse analizira efikasnost homeopatskog leka kao komplementarnog sredstva u endodontskoj terapiji endoparodontalnih lezija i rendgenografski proveri njegov efekat na tok i brzinu reparacije oštećenih tkiva parodoncijuma. Endodontska intervencija sprovedena je po uobičajenom protokolu za terapiju inficiranih kanala, uz pravilnu preparaciju ograničenu na unutrašnjost kanala, medikaciju kanala štapićima kalcijum hidroksida i kvalitetnom obturacijom pastom AH-26. Tokom endodontske intervencije pacijent je tri puta dnevno uzimao per os homeopatski lek Hepar sulfuris koji utiče na stimulisanje prirodnih odbranbenih snaga organizma. Rendgenografska kontrola posle tri meseca ukazala je na znatno smanjenje radiološkog rasvetljenja u periapeksu

    Tehnika preparacije kanala korena zuba nikl-titanijumskim rotirajućim instrumentima

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    Introduction The main purpose of endodontic treatment is to clean the root canal system, eliminate the infected and toxic contents, and shape it in order to get a tridimensional obturation. The aim of this paper is to inform dental practitioners about crown-down techniques for root canal preparation using nickel-titanium rotary instruments. Root canal preparation Today most endodontists believe that root canal preparation is more officious, cleaning and shaping are better, if pre-enlargement of coronal two thirds is performed first, and shaping of the apical part later. Machine driven rotary instruments provide much quicker and better root canal preparation. Conclusion Contemporary endodontic rotary files vary in regard to their taper, cutting blades, guiding tip and material they are made of. The usage of rotary nickel-titanium files adds a new quality to root canal preparation.Osnovni zadatak endodontskog tretmana je da očisti kanalski sistem korena od inficiranog i toksičnog sadržaja i da oblikuje kanal tako da se može izvršiti adekvatna trodimenzionalna opturacija kanalskog prostora. Cilj ovog rada je da se stomatolozima praktičarima jasno predstavi mašinska tehnika preparacije kanala korena sa koronarnim pristupom, primenom nikl-titanijumskih (NiTi) rotirajućih instrumenata. Danas najveći broj endodontista smatra da je preparacija kanalskog prostora efikasnija, odnosno da je čišćenje i oblikovanje kvalitetnije kada se koriste tehnike koronarnog širenja, odnosno kada se prvo proširi koronarni deo kanala, a potom obradi apeksni deo. Uvođenjem mašinskim rotirajućih instrumenata u obradu kanalskog prostora, omogućena je znatno brža i efikasnija preparacija kanala korena zuba. Rotirajući endodontski instrumenti koji se danas koriste za preparaciju variraju u odnosu na koničnost, dužinu sečivnih oštrica, oblik vrha, ali i u odnosu na materijal od koga su izrađeni. Primena rotirajućih NiTi turpija predstavlja novi kvalitet u preparaciji kanalskog prostora zuba

    Razmazni sloj u endodonciji

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    Modern methods of root canal cleaning and filing are causing formation of the smear layer on treated surfaces. The aim of this paper was to review clinical aspect of smear layer in endodontics. Smear layer is the consequence of instrumentation of root canal walls and is consisted of organic and inorganic particles of cut dentine, necrotic and/or vital pulp fragments, microorganisms and their products. Existence of smear layer is affecting permeability of the radicular dentine, thus decreasing effects of canal medicaments and impairing adhesion of obturation materials in root canal. Removal of the smear layer from canal walls is possible with use of various chemical agents, ultrasonic or laser techniques. Regardless to contradictory attitudes and opinions, removing the smear layer is required for possible bacterial contamination, compromised effects of root canal medication and in order to obtain better obturation of canals 'system.Savremene metode čišćenja i oblikovanja kanala dovode do formiranja razmaznog sloja na preparisanim površinama kanala korena zuba. Cilj ovog rada je bio da ukaže na klinički značaj razmaznog sloja u endodonciji. Razmazni sloj nastaje kao posledica instrumentacije zidova kanala i sadrži organske i neorganske čestice sečenog dentina, nekrotično i/ili vitalno tkivo pulpe, mikroorganizme i njihove raspadne produkte. Prisustvo razmaznog sloja utiče na propustljivost dentina korena, umanjuje efekat intrakanalnih medikamenata i smanjuje atheziju materijala za opturaciju za zidove kanala. Uklanjanje razmaznog sloja sa zidova kanala podrazumeva upotrebu različitih hemijskih sredstava, kao i ultrazvučnu i lasersku tehniku. Bez obzira na oprečne stavove i mišljenja, uklanjanje razmaznog sloja je neophodno zbog moguće kontaminacije bakterijama, umanjenog efekta intrakanalne medikacije i stvaranja uslova za bolju opturaciju kanalskog sistema zuba

    Possibility of usage of a homeopathic remedy heparsulfuris in the therapy of endoperiodontal lesion

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    The aim of this paper was to, on the basis of everyday clinical practice analize the effect of a homeopathic remedy, as a complementary remedy in endodontic therapy of endoperiodontal lesions and chronic apical periodontitis and to radiologically check its effect on the flow and speed of reparation of damaged periodontal tissues. Endodontic therapy was done according to the usual protocol for the therapy of infectious canals with root canal preparation, medication with calcium hydroxide points and hermetic obturation with AH-26 paste. During endodontic treatment patients were taking homeophatic remedy Hepar sulfuris per os three times daily. The remedy stimulates the natural defences mechanism of the organism. Radiological follow up after three months period showed obvious reductiont of radiologic radiolucency in periapical region

    Preparacija korenskih kanala najnovijom generacijom nikl-titanijumskih rotirajućih instrumenata

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce the newest generation of ProTaper NiTi rotary files: for root canal preparation. It provides information about features of NiTi rotary files, their method of usage, as well as advantages and disadvantages of this method for cleaning and shaping root canal systems.Cilj ovog rada bio je da predstavi ProTaper - poslednju generaciju nikl-titanijumskih (NiTi) rotirajućih instrumenata u preparaciji kanala korena zuba. Stomatolozima praktičarima se pruža informacija o osobinama novijih rotirajućih ProTaper turpija, predstavlja se tehnika rada, ali i ukazuje na prednosti i nedostatke ovog načina čišćenja i oblikovanja kanalskog prostora

    Reflux disease as an etiological factor of dental erosion

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    Introduction Gastroesophageal reflux is a frequent disease which has a significant influence on the development of dental erosions. Objective The aim of this research was to determine the frequency of dental erosions among the patients with gastroesophageal reflux, as well as to verify the most common symptoms of gastroesophageal disease. Methods The research comprised of two groups, each consisting of 30 patients aged 18-80 years. The experimental group comprised of patients diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), while the control group was composed of patients who were not diagnosed with GERD. Based on the illness history data, all patients of the experimental group were registered to have gastroesophageal and extraesophageal symptoms. Dental erosions were diagnosed during a stomatological inspection by using index system according to Eccles and Jenkins. Data processing was accomplished by the Statgraphics Centurion software package. Results Dental erosions were found in 76.7% of experimental group patients, and in 53.3% of control group patients. Fortynine percent of teeth of the experimental group patients and 31.1% of the control group patients showed erosive changes. On average, the number of teeth with erosions in the experimental group was 15.7 per person and in the control group 10 per person. The teeth of the front region of the upper jaw, as well as the lower first molars had the highest average value of dental erosion index. In the experimental group 12.8% of teeth and 24% of teeth in the control group were diagnosed to have dental erosion index value 1. Furthermore, 23.4% of teeth in the experimental group and 7.1% of teeth in the control group were registered to have dental erosion index value 2. Finally, the dental erosion index value 3 was found in 13.0% of teeth in the experimental group only. The highest average value of regional erosion index in the experimental group was found in the region 13-23 equalling 1.0. The same value in the control group equalled 0.6. In the experimental group the average value of dental erosion index for the upper jaw was 0.9, while this value for the lower jaw equalled 0.8. The analysis of the illness history data obtained showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the two observed groups in terms of burning pain (noncardiac in origin) around the heart area, bad breath and dentine hypersensitivity as the dominant symptom of dental erosion (p<0.05). Conclusion Dental erosions could be considered to be the extraesophageal manifestation of gastroesophageal reflux.

    The effect of excessive coca-cola consumption on the development of dental erosions

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    The last few years have brought many changes in daily habits and overall lifestyle of human population, which is accompanied by increased exposure to acidic substances and increased consumption of acidic food. Regardless of the numerous warnings given by the World Health Organization about the harmful effects of carbonated beverages on general health, popularity and frequency of Coca-Cola usage have been growing steadily. Numerous epidemiological studies have demonstrated its potential negative effects on tooth structure. Good health education in developed countries has improved the awareness of the importance of oral hygiene; on the other hand, greater consumption of soft drinks has increased the incidence of dental erosions. Effective prevention and monitoring of dental erosions mostly depend on the knowledge about the etiology and early recognition of signs and symptoms of these lesions in clinical practice

    Canal wall thickness after preparation with NiTi rotary files

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    Root canal preparation is the most important phase of endodontic procedure and it consists of adequate canal space cleaning and shaping. In recent years, rotary instruments and techniques have gained importance because of the great efficacy, speed, and safety of the preparation procedure. AIM: The aim of this research was to investigate measurement of maximal and minimal residual dentine thickness (RDT) and canal diameter after the canal preparation with different NiTi rotary files. METHODS: The research has been conducted on extracted human teeth in vitro conditions. The teeth have been divided in seven groups (20 teeth per group) depending on the kind of instruments used for root canal preparation: ProTaper, GT, ProFile, K-3, FlexMaster, hand ProTaper, and hand GT. The canals have been shaped in a crown-down manner and irrigated with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. The roots of the teeth have been cut 1 and 3 mm from the apex. Apical preparation quality has been assessed under the polarized light microscope. RESULTS: The maximal residual dentine thickness at distance 1 mm from apex, ranged from 1.16 to 1.45 mm, and at distance 3 mm from apex, from 1.44 to 1.84 mm. The minimal dentine thickness at distance 1 mm from apex ranged from 0.52 to 0.73 mm, and at distance 3 mm from apex, from 0.66 to 0.83 mm. The canal diameters after preparation at distance 1 mm from apex ranged from 0.42 to 0.49 mm, and at distance 3 mm from apex, from 0.53 to 0.63 mm. CONCLUSIONS: There was no significant difference neither in maximal and minimal RDT, nor in canal diameters shaped with different NiTi instruments tested. All tested NiTi files have accomplished good quality preparation of apical root canal parts. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2011

    Degree of the residual alveolar ridge resorption registrated by ortopantomograms among immediate and classic complete denture users

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    Degree of residual ridge loss is influenced by sistemic phactors, but during the first phase after extraction local phactors are dominant. Patohistological changes of alveolar processus of jaws show the possibility of negative influence of complete dentures on support tissue. In this study, on the chosen sample, the degree of alveolar ridge loss was measured in the group of immediate complete denture users (30 patients) and classical complete denture users ( 30 patients).Height of residual alveolar ridge was measured on ortopantomograms. Localization of referent points proportion was used because of neutralization of shadow distorsion (five in maxilla and five in mandibula). The first ortopantomogram was made at the time of delivering dentures, and the second one six months later. The final measurement of alveolar ridge height is bigger in the group with classical dentures. The reduction degree of residual alveolar ridge is bigger in the group of immediate complete denture users in the first six months