6 research outputs found

    Estrategias de búsqueda para la psicología de la competición deportiva en Google académico vs. Medline, Sportdiscus y Psycinfo

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    Searching Strategies in data bases Medline, SportDiscus, Psycinfo and the search engine Google Scholar presents a set of peculiarities in retrieving information about sport competition psychology. We have consulted teachers who teach such item in Departamento de Educación Física de la ULPGC to establish the terminology in Spanish and English. The documents recovered are mostly articles in journals from anglophone area. As the results are more relevant to retrieve such information and a comparison between what recovered from the specialized databases and Google Schola

    Estrategias de búsqueda para la psicología de la competición deportiva en Google académico vs. Medline, Sportdiscus y Psycinfo

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    Searching Strategies in data bases Medline, SportDiscus, Psycinfo and the search engine Google Scholar presents a set of peculiarities in retrieving information about sport competition psychology. We have consulted teachers who teach such item in Departamento de Educación Física de la ULPGC to establish the terminology in Spanish and English. The documents recovered are mostly articles in journals from anglophone area. As the results are more relevant to retrieve such information and a comparison between what recovered from the specialized databases and Google Schola

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Alfabetización informacional(ALFIN) para investigadores en medicina deportiva = Information literacy for sport medicine researchers

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    We must ask the following three questions before considering what we do in this work: First, who are the researchers? The answer is, teaching and research staff, PhD students and research scholars. Secondly, what is the purpose of research? The answer is: create or advance knowledge. Thirdly, what elements need to investigate pre? The answer is: to know everything in detail before others have investigated, the result is transmitted through scientific publications. Obviously there are professional researchers and professionals not related to companies with strong R & D the first and second for pure hobby, can also benefit from information literacy

    Compromiso de los adolescentes de Canarias con un estilo de vida físicamente activo y saludable

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    The present study about adolescent from the Canary Islands, evidence that a minority of adolescents follow the guidelines or recommendations for physical activity, showing low level of physical activity of moderate intensity and vigorous, levels which are shown away from the established recommendations for this group of age, and insufficient to attain the positive effects arising from the practice of physical activity, and these low levels are more accentuated in girls than in boys. These evidences, justify, the need to change this trend and promote substantial changes in practice habits of physical activity of children and adolescents. To ensure this change, are shown as very adequate, the implementation of physical education programs out of the school schedule, along with the necessary increase in teaching hours which now is assigned to physical education in the current curriculum of Basic Education.en el presente estudio de la población adolescente de la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias se evidencia que son minoría los adolescentes que cumplen las pautas o recomendaciones de actividad física, mostrando bajos niveles de práctica de actividad física de intensidad moderada y vigorosa, niveles que se muestran alejados de las recomendaciones establecidas para este grupo de edad e insuficientes para alcanzar los efectos positivos que se derivan de la práctica de actividad física, siendo estos bajos niveles más acentuados en las chicas que en los chicos. Estas evidencias justifican la necesidad de cambiar esta tendencia y promover cambios sustanciales en los hábitos de práctica de actividad física de nuestros niños y adolescentes. Para procurar este cambio, se muestran como muy adecuado, la puesta en práctica de programas de intervención extracurriculares, junto con el necesario incremento del horario lectivo que en la actualidad se destina a la materia de educación física en el vigente currículo escolar de la Enseñanza Básica

    Physical activity and healthy lifestyle in Canarian teenagers

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    The present study about adolescent from the Canary Islands, evidence that a minority of adolescents follow the guidelines or recommendations for physical activity, showing low level of physical activity of moderate intensity and vigorous, levels which are shown away from the established recommendations for this group of age, and insufficient to attain the positive effects arising from the practice of physical activity, and these low levels are more accentuated in girls than in boys. These evidences, justify, the need to change this trend and promote substantial changes in practice habits of physical activity of children and adolescents. To ensure this change, are shown as very adequate, the implementation of physical education programs out of the school schedule, along with the necessary increase in teaching hours which now is assigned to physical education in the current curriculum of Basic Educatio