8 research outputs found

    How we approach paediatric renal tumour core needle biopsy in the setting of preoperative chemotherapy: A Review from the SIOP Renal Tumour Study Group

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    The International Society of Paediatric Oncology Renal Tumour Study Group (SIOP-RTSG) advocate treating children with Wilms tumour (WT) with preoperative chemotherapy, whereas the Renal Tumor Committee of the Children's Oncology Group (COG) advocates primary nephrectomy (without biopsy) when feasible. Successive SIOP-RTSG trial protocols recommended pretreatment biopsy of children with unilateral tumours only where there were features to suggest an increased probability of a non-WT requiring a change in management. The UK experience in the SIOP WT 2001 trial showed that an alternate approach of performing biopsies on all children with renal tumour masses to determine histology at diagnosis rarely changes management, and can result in misdiagnosis (particularly patients in the age range typical for WT). Although a more selective approach to biopsy has been routine practice in all other countries participating in SIOP-RTSG trials, there was variation between national groups. To address this variation and provide evidence-based recommendations for the indications and recommended approach to renal tumour biopsy within the SIOP paradigm, an international, multidisciplinary working group of SIOP-RTSG members was convened. We describe the resulting recommendations of this group, which are to be incorporated in the ongoing SIOP-RTSG UMBRELLA study

    Wilms tumor: a new method for quantification of lung metastatic tumor burden - Reply

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    How we approach paediatric renal tumour core needle biopsy in the setting of preoperative chemotherapy: A Review from the SIOP Renal Tumour Study Group

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    The International Society of Paediatric Oncology Renal Tumour Study Group (SIOPRTSG) advocate treating children with Wilms tumour (WT) with preoperative chemotherapy, whereas the Renal Tumor Committee of the Children’s Oncology Group (COG) advocates primary nephrectomy (without biopsy) when feasible. Successive SIOP-RTSG trial protocols recommended pretreatment biopsy of children with unilateral tumours only where there were features to suggest an increased probability of a non-WT requiring a change in management. The UK experience in the SIOP WT 2001 trial showed that an alternate approach of performing biopsies on all children with renal tumour masses to determine histology at diagnosis rarely changes management, and can result in misdiagnosis (particularly patients in the age range typical for WT). Although a more selective approach to biopsy has been routine practice in all other countries participating in SIOP-RTSG trials, there was variation between national groups. To address this variation and provide evidence-based recommendations for the indications and recommended approach to renal tumour biopsy within the SIOP paradigm, an international, multidisciplinary working group of SIOP-RTSG members was convened. We describe the resulting recommendations of this group, which are to be incorporated in the ongoing SIOP-RTSG UMBRELLA study

    Guidelines for Imaging and Staging of Neuroblastic Tumors: Consensus Report from the International Neuroblastoma Risk Group Project

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    Neuroblastoma is an enigmatic disease entity; some tumors disappear spontaneously without any therapy, while others progress with a fatal outcome despite the implementation of maximal modern therapy. However, strong prognostic factors can accurately predict whether children have good or bad disease at diagnosis, and the clinical stage is currently the most significant and clinically relevant prognostic factor. Therefore, for an individual patient, proper staging is of paramount importance for risk assessment and selection of optimal treatment. In 2009, the International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) Project proposed a new staging system designed for tumor staging before any treatment, including surgery. Compared with the focus of the International Neuroblastoma Staging System, which is currently the most used, the focus has now shifted from surgicopathologic findings to imaging findings. The new INRG Staging System includes two stages of localized disease, which are dependent on whether image-defined risk factors (IDRFs) are or are not present. IDRFs are features detected with imaging at the time of diagnosis. The present consensus report was written by the INRG Imaging Committee to optimize imaging and staging and reduce interobserver variability. The rationales for using imaging methods (ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and scintigraphy), as well as technical guidelines, are described. Definitions of the terms recommended for assessing IDRFs are provided with examples. It is anticipated that the use of standardized nomenclature will contribute substantially to more uniform staging and thereby facilitate comparisons of clinical trials conducted in different parts of the world. (C) RSNA, 201

    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in children and adolescents: The EXPeRT/PARTNER diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations

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    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a rare pediatric tumor. Collaborative studies performed over the last decades showed improved results compared to historical data, but standardized guidelines for diagnosis and management of pediatric NPC are still unavailable. This study presents a European consensus guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric NPC developed by the European Cooperative Study Group for Pediatric Rare Tumors (EXPeRT). Main recommendations include induction chemotherapy with cisplatin and 5-flurouracil, concomitant chemoradiotherapy in advanced disease, and to consider maintenance treatment with interferon beta (IFN-β) for selected high-risk patients. Dose adjustments of radiotherapy based on response to induction chemotherapy may decrease the rates of long-term treatment-related complications that affect most of the survivors