58 research outputs found

    The Green--Schwarz Superstring in Extended Configuration Space and Infinitely Reducible First Class Constraints Problem

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    The Green--Schwarz superstring action is modified to include some set of additional (on-shell trivial) variables. A complete constraints system of the theory turns out to be reducible both in the original and in additional variable sectors. The initial 8s8s first class constraints and 8c8c second class ones are shown to be unified with 8c8c first and 8s8s second class constraints from the additional variables sector, resulting with SO(1,9)SO(1,9)-covariant and linearly independent constraint sets. Residual reducibility proves to fall on second class constraints only.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Comment about UV regularization of basic commutators in string theories

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    Recently proposed by Hwang, Marnelius and Saltsidis zeta regularization of basic commutators in string theories is generalized to the string models with non-trivial vacuums. It is shown that implementation of this regularization implies the cancellation of dangerous terms in the commutators between Virasoro generators, which break Jacobi identity.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pages, no figures, submitted to Physics Letters

    Perturbative Computation of the Gluonic Effective Action via Polyaokov's World-Line Path Integral

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    The Polyakov world-line path integral describing the propagation of gluon field quanta is constructed by employing the background gauge fixing method and is subsequently applied to analytically compute the divergent terms of the one (gluonic) loop effective action to fourth order in perturbation theory. The merits of the proposed approach is that, to a given order, it reduces to performing two integrations, one over a set of Grassmann and one over a set of Feynman-type parameters through which one manages to accomodate all Feynman diagrams entering the computation at once.Comment: 21 page

    Particles with anomalous magnetic moment in external e.m. fields: the proper time formulation

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    In this paper we evaluate the expression for the Green function of a pseudo-classical spinning particle interacting with constant electromagnetic external fields by taking into account the anomalous magnetic and electric moments of the particle. The spin degrees of freedom are described in terms of Grassmann variables and the evolution operator is obtained through the Fock-Schwinger proper time method.Comment: 10 page

    Deformed Oscillator Algebras and Higher-Spin Gauge Interactions of Matter Fields in 2+1 Dimensions

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    We formulate a non-linear system of equations which describe higher-spin gauge interactions of massive matter fields in 2+1 dimensional space-time and explain some properties of the deformed oscillator algebra which underlies this formulation. In particular we show that the parameter of mass MM of matter fields is related to the deformation parameter in this algebra.Comment: LaTex, 12 pages, no figures; Invited talk at the International Seminar Supersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory dedicated to the memory of Dmitrij V. Volkov; Kharkov, January 1997; to appear in the proceeding

    On the covariant quantization of tensionless bosonic strings in AdS spacetime

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    The covariant quantization of the tensionless free bosonic (open and closed) strings in AdS spaces is obtained. This is done by representing the AdS space as an hyperboloid in a flat auxiliary space and by studying the resulting string constrained hamiltonian system in the tensionless limit. It turns out that the constraint algebra simplifies in the tensionless case in such a way that the closed BRST quantization can be formulated and the theory admits then an explicit covariant quantization scheme. This holds for any value of the dimension of the AdS space.Comment: 1+16 pages; v4 two clarifications adde

    Conformal Higher Spin Symmetries of 4d Massless Supermultiplets and osp(L,2M)osp(L,2M) Invariant Equations in Generalized (Super)Space

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    Realization of the conformal higher spin symmetry on the 4d massless field supermultiplets is given. The self-conjugated supermultiplets, including the linearized N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM theory, are considered in some detail. Duality between non-unitary field-theoretical representations and the unitary doubleton--type representations of the 4d conformal algebra su(2,2)su(2,2) is formulated in terms of a Bogolyubov transform. The set of 4d massless fields of all spins is shown to form a representation of sp(8)sp(8). The obtained results are extended to the generalized superspace invariant under osp(L,2M)osp(L, 2M) supersymmetries. World line particle interpretation of the free higher spin theories in the osp(2N,2M)osp(2\N, 2M) invariant (super)space is given. Compatible with unitarity free equations of motion in the osp(L,2M)osp(L,2M) invariant (super)space are formulated. A conjecture on the chain of AdSd+1/CFTd→AdSd/CFTd−1→...AdS_{d+1}/CFT_d \to AdS_{d}/CFT_{d-1} \to ... dualities in the higher spin gauge theories is proposed.Comment: Latex, 63 pages; no figures.V2 Typos corrected, References updated. V3.Typos correced, references and an explanation on the relationship with previous work in section 4 are added. The version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    String Theory, Unification and Quantum Gravity

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    An overview is given of the way in which the unification program of particle physics has evolved into the proposal of superstring theory as a prime candidate for unifying quantum gravity with the other forces and particles of nature. A key concern with quantum gravity has been the problem of ultraviolet divergences, which is naturally solved in string theory by replacing particles with spatially extended states as the fundamental excitations. String theory turns out, however, to contain many more extended-object states than just strings. Combining all this into an integrated picture, called M-theory, requires recognition of the r\^ole played by a web of nonperturbative duality symmetries suggested by the nonlinear structures of the field-theoretic supergravity limits of string theory.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables; Lectures given at the 6th Aegean Summer School "Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology", Chora, Naxos Island, Greece, 12-17 September 201

    SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory with extended Supersymmetry in a Background Magnetic Field

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    The vacuum structure of N=2 (and N=4) SUSY Yang-Mills theory is analyzed in detail by considering the effective potential for constant background scalar- magnetic fields within different approximations. We compare the one-loop approximation with- or without instanton improved effective coupling with the one-loop result in the dual desription. For N=2 we find that non-perturbative monopole degrees of freedom remove the non-trivial minima present in the (improved) one-loop potential in the strong-coupling regime. The combination of Yang-Mills and dual desription leads to a self-consistent effective potential over the full range of background fields.Comment: 15 pages, Revtex, 3 figures, References added, section two shortened, some minor remarks and corrections adde

    D0 and D1 Brane With Îș−\kappa_- and Îș+\kappa_+ Extended Symmetry

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    D0 brane (D-particle) and D1 brane actions possess first and second class constraints that result in local Îș\kappa symmetry. The Îș\kappa symmetry of the D-particle and the D1 brane is extended here into a larger symmetry (Îș−\kappa_- and Îș+\kappa_+) in a larger phase space by turning second class constraints into first class. Different gauge fixings of these symmetries result in different presentations of these systems while a "unitary" gauge fixing of the new Îș+ \kappa_+ symmetry retrieves the original action with Îș−=Îș\kappa_- = \kappa symmetry. For D1 brane our extended phase space makes all constraints into first class in the case of vanishing world sheet electric field (namely (0,1)(0, 1) string).Comment: A new section on D1 brane with extended kappa symmetry has been added, references have been added. (18 pages, Latex file
