31 research outputs found

    Scientistsʼ warning on climate change and medicinal plants

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    The recent publication of a World Scientistsʼ Warning to Humanity highlighted the fact that climate change, absent strenuous mitigation or adaptation efforts, will have profound negative effects for humanity and other species, affecting numerous aspects of life. In this paper, we call attention to one of these aspects, the effects of climate change on medicinal plants. These plants provide many benefits for human health, particularly in communities where Western medicine is unavailable. As for other species, their populations may be threatened by changing temperature and precipitation regimes, disruption of commensal relationships, and increases in pests and pathogens, combined with anthropogenic habitat fragmentation that impedes migration. Additionally, medicinal species are often harvested unsustainably, and this combination of pressures may push many populations to extinction. A second issue is that some species may respond to increased environmental stresses not only with declines in biomass production but with changes in chemical content, potentially affecting quality or even safety of medicinal products. We therefore recommend actions including conservation and local cultivation of valued plants, sustainability training for harvesters and certification of commercial material, preservation of traditional knowledge, and programs to monitor raw material quality in addition to, of course, efforts to mitigate climate change

    Exploring Cosmic Origins with CORE: Cluster Science

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    We examine the cosmological constraints that can be achieved with a galaxy cluster survey with the future CORE space mission. Using realistic simulations of the millimeter sky, produced with the latest version of the Planck Sky Model, we characterize the CORE cluster catalogues as a function of the main mission performance parameters. We pay particular attention to telescope size, key to improved angular resolution, and discuss the comparison and the complementarity of CORE with ambitious future ground-based CMB experiments that could be deployed in the next decade. A possible CORE mission concept with a 150 cm diameter primary mirror can detect of the order of 50,000 clusters through the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE). The total yield increases (decreases) by 25% when increasing (decreasing) the mirror diameter by 30 cm. The 150 cm telescope configuration will detect the most massive clusters (> 1014 M) at redshift z > 1.5 over the whole sky, although the exact number above this redshift is tied to the uncertain evolution of the cluster SZE flux-mass relation; assuming self-similar evolution, CORE will detect ∼ 500 clusters at redshift z > 1.5. This changes to 800 (200) when increasing (decreasing) the mirror size by 30 cm. CORE will be able to measure individual cluster halo masses through lensing of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies with a 1-σ sensitivity of 4 × 1014M, for a 120 cm aperture telescope, and 1014M for a 180 cm one. From the ground, we estimate that, for example, a survey with about 150,000 detectors at the focus of 350 cm telescopes observing 65% of the sky from Atacama would be shallower than CORE and detect about 11,000 clusters, while a survey from the South Pole with the same number of detectors observing 25% of sky with a 10 m telescope is expected to be deeper and to detect about 70,000 clusters. When combined with such a South Pole survey, CORE would reach a limiting mass of M500 ∼ 2 − 3 × 1013Mand detect 220,000 clusters (5 sigma detection limit). Cosmological constraints from CORE cluster counts alone are competitive with other scheduled large scale structure surveys in the 2020’s for measuring the dark energy equation-of-state parameters w0 and wa (σw0 = 0.28, σwa = 0.31). In combination with primary CMB constraints, CORE cluster counts can further reduce these error bars on w0 and wa to 0.05 and 0.13 respectively, and constrain the sum of the neutrino masses, Σmν, to 39 meV (1 sigma). The wide frequency coverage of CORE, 60 - 600 GHz, will enable measurement of the relativistic thermal SZE by stacking clusters. Contamination by dust emission from the clusters, however, makes constraining the temperature of the intracluster medium difficult. The kinetic SZE pairwise momentum will be extracted with S/N = 70 in the foreground-cleaned CMB map. Measurements of TCMB(z) using CORE clusters will establish competitive constraints on the evolution of the CMB temperature: (1+z) 1−β , with an uncertainty of σβ . 2.7×10−3 at low redshift (z . 1). The wide frequency coverage also enables clean extraction of a map of the diffuse SZE signal over the sky, substantially reducing contamination by foregrounds compared to the Planck SZE map extraction. Our analysis of the one-dimensional distribution of Compton-y values in the simulated map finds an order of magnitude improvement in constraints on σ8 over the Planck result, demonstrating the potential of this cosmological probe with CORE

    Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Cosmological parameters

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    We forecast the main cosmological parameter constraints achievable with the CORE space mission which is dedicated to mapping the polarisation of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). CORE was recently submitted in response to ESA’s fifth call for mediumsized mission proposals (M5). Here we report the results from our pre-submission study of the impact of various instrumental options, in particular the telescope size and sensitivity level, and review the great, transformative potential of the mission as proposed. Specifically, we assess the impact on a broad range of fundamental parameters of our Universe as a function of the expected CMB characteristics, with other papers in the series focusing on controlling astrophysical and instrumental residual systematics. In this paper, we assume that only a few central CORE frequency channels are usable for our purpose, all others being devoted to the cleaning of astrophysical contaminants. On the theoretical side, we assume ΛCDM as our general framework and quantify the improvement provided by CORE over the current constraints from the Planck 2015 release. We also study the joint sensitivity of CORE and of future Baryon Acoustic Oscillation and Large Scale Structure experiments like DESI and Euclid. Specific constraints on the physics of inflation are presented in another paper of the series. In addition to the six parameters of the base ΛCDM, which describe the matter content of a spatially flat universe with adiabatic and scalar primordial fluctuations from inflation, we derive the precision achievable on parameters like those describing curvature, neutrino physics, extra light relics, primordial helium abundance, dark matter annihilation, recombination physics, variation of fundamental constants, dark energy, modified gravity, reionization and cosmic birefringence. In addition to assessing the improvement on the precision of individual parameters, we also forecast the post-CORE overall reduction of the allowed parameter space with figures of merit for various models increasing by as much as ∼ 107 as compared to Planck 2015, and 105 with respect to Planck 2015 + future BAO measurements

    Reviewing threats to wild rhodiola sachalinensis, a medicinally valuable yet vulnerable species

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    Occurring in China, DPR Korea, Japan, and Russian Federation and classified in the Red List of Chinese Flora as a vulnerable species, Rhodiola sachalinensis Boriss. is used increasingly in cosmetics, dietary supplements, and Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs). The aim of this study was to evaluate the (i) conservation status, harvesting and trade levels of R. sachalinensis, (ii) current state of experimental and commercial farming, and (iii) evidence of substitution or interchangeable use of R. sachalinensis with other Rhodiola species. We assessed data from multiple disciplines and languages including studies on R. sachalinensis biology and ecology, information on impacts of wild harvest, management measures, and current levels of cultivation. Our assessment shows that while R. sachalinensis is increasingly produced by cultivation, wild populations are decreasing and face multiple threats. These include (a) habitat loss including due to oil and gas infrastructure development on Sakhalin island, (b) climate change impacts on alpine ecosystems, and (c) overexploitation of wild plants to satisfy the growing commercial demand. Assessments of the conservation status of R. sachalinensis should commence in each Range State, as well as resource assessments and monitoring of harvesting and trade of wild R. sachalinensis. Even with increased reliance on cultivation, biodiversity conservation, and genetic diversity in wild populations are relevant to future use of this species

    Rising trade, declining stocks: The global gugul( Commiphora wightii )trade

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    Commiphora wightii is exploited in India and Pakistan for an oleo-resin (gum guggul) traditionally used in Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani medical systems. Processed C. wightii oleo-resin products are exported from India to 42 countries, including re-export to Pakistan, for anti-inflammatory use and as an anti-inflammatory and an anti-obesity treatment considered to lower cholesterol and lipid levels. The C. wightii export trade has particular relevance to the European Union because Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, and United Kingdom are importing countries. Demand and prices for C. wightii oleo-resin are increasing and wild stocks of C. wightii are in decline. The overexploitation of C. wightii after tapping for its commercially valuable oleo-resin is not a new problem, however, but one that has existed for over 50 years. Lopping and chopping trees to extract C. wightii oleo-resin has had a devastating impact on C. wightii populations since the 1960's

    From forest to pharmacy: Should we be depressed about a sustainable Griffonia simplicifolia (Fabaceae) seed supply chain?

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance Griffonia simplicifolia D.C (Baill.) (Fabaceae) seeds are unusually high (6–20% wet weight) in 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan), a serotonin precursor widely used to treat depression. Consequently, this species is regarded as a herbal “Prozac®”. Contemporary use as an anti-depressant contrasts with traditional uses for insecticides, arachnicides, fodder, dyes, mordants and chewing-sticks. G. simplicifolia seeds are wild-harvested for the export trade. Over the past 15 years, use of 5-HTP extracted from G. simplicifolia in cosmetics has added to global demand. Wild populations in West Africa are the sole commercial source of G. simplicifolia seed. Aims of the study Were to (i) assess the scale of the global trade in G. simplicifolia seeds and (ii) produce a synthesis of the challenges facing sustainable harvest of G. simplicifolia. Materials and approach Firstly, we analysed global trade data for G. simplicifolia, taking into account historical trends over the past 40 years. Secondly, we reviewed published studies on the distribution, population biology and harvest impacts of wild G. simplicifolia populations. Results and conclusion s: Wild G. simplicifolia populations have been the focus of commercial harvest of their pods (for seeds) for international trade from West Africa for almost 50 years. In the late 1980's, when Ghana exported 75–80 metric tonnes (MT) of G. simplicifolia seed to Europe, this species was already Ghana's main medicinal plant export. Currently, 5 West African countries export G. simplicifolia seeds (Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Togo). Although in the 1980's, most seed exports were to Europe, today China is the main importer of G. simplicifolia seed. These seeds are value-added for production of 5-HTP extracts, and then re-exported, particularly to North America (c.48% of exports). The low habitat specificity and vigorous re-sprouting of G. simplicifolia after cutting, plus its occurrence in forest reserves and national parks confer some resilience on wild populations. Sustaining future supply chains faces six future challenges, however: (1) Rapid loss of forest habitats; (2) Declining populations of understorey birds and disruption of G. simplicifolia pollination in this bird pollinated species; (3) Negative effects of introduced invasive plant species (Broussonetia papyrifera, Chromolaena odorata) on G. simplicifolia regeneration; (4) Grazing by livestock and use of G. simplicifolia leaves as forage; (5) The long-term impact of industrial scale seed “predation”: Over a 9-year period (2005–2013), G. simplicifolia exports from Ghana totalled at least 5550 metric tonnes (or between 9.1 billion to 13.5 billion seeds). This could affect the long-term population dynamics of this species, which produces a low number of seeds per pod (1–4 seeds) and has short distance (ballistic) seed dispersal; and (6) Destructive harvest methods, when plants are cut to harvest get the seed pods. Improved resource management, monitoring, quality control and careful pricing are important if supply chains from wild stocks are to be maintained. If wild populations decline, then 5-HTP biosynthesis may compete with low G. simplicifolia seed yields, leading to loss of income to West African harvesters and traders

    Running out of time to smell the roseroots: Reviewing threats and trade in wild Rhodiola rosea L

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance Rhodiola rosea L. has a circumpolar distribution and is used in ethnomedicines of Arctic peoples, as well as in national systems of traditional medicine. Since the late 20th century, global demand for R. rosea has increased steadily, in part due to clinical research supporting new uses in modern phytotherapy. Global supply has been largely obtained from wild populations, which face threats from poorly regulated and destructive exploitation of the rootstocks on an industrial scale. Aim of the study To evaluate (i) the conservation status, harvesting and trade levels of R. rosea, in order to determine whether international trade should be monitored, (ii) the current state of experimental and commercial farming and whether cultivation may play a role to take pressure off wild stocks, and (iii) evidence of substitution of other Rhodiola species for R. rosea as an indicator of overexploitation and rarity. Materials and methods We reviewed published studies on R. rosea biology and ecology, as well as information on impacts of wild harvest, on management measures at the national and regional levels, and on the current level of cultivation from across the geographic range of this species. Production and trade data were assessed and analysed from published reports and trade databases, consultations with R. rosea farmers, processors of extracts, and trade experts, but also from government and news reports of illegal harvesting and smuggling. Results and conclusions Our assessment of historical and current data from multiple disciplines shows that future monitoring and protection of R. rosea populations is of time-sensitive importance to the fields of ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and phytomedicine. We found that the global demand for R. rosea ingredients and products has been increasing in the 21st century, while wild populations in the main commercial harvesting areas continue to decrease, with conservation issues and reduced supply in some cases. The level of illegal harvesting in protected areas and cross border smuggling is increasing annually coupled with increasing incidences of adulteration and substitution of R. rosea with other wild Rhodiola species, potentially negatively impacting the conservation status of their wild populations, but also an indicator of scarcity of the genuine article. The current data suggests that the historical primary reliance on sourcing from wild populations of R. rosea should transition towards increased sourcing of R. rosea from farms that are implementing conservation oriented sustainable agricultural methods, and that sustainable wild collection standards must be implemented for sourcing from wild populations

    Twists, turns and trade: A new look at the Indian Screw tree ( Helicteres isora )

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance This is the first study of global trade in fruits of the widely used traditional medicine, Helicteres isora L.. It is used in Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani medical systems and/or local folk traditional medicines in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. The roots are used in Traditional Chinese Medicines in China and the fruits in jamu products in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. In addition, H. isora fruits are also used in "traditional" medical systems far beyond the natural distribition of this species, for example in Zulu herbal medicine (South Africa) and Kurdish herbal medicines (Iraq) Aims of the study This study had three aims: (i) to assess the global trade in H. isora fruits; (ii) to study the H. isora trade from West Timor to Java in terms of actors and prices along the value chain and (iii) to get a better understanding of the potential of this species to improve household income in eastern Indonesia Materials and Methods This study uses historical records, a contemporary analysis of global trade data (2014–2016) and field assessments of value chains and the biological factors influencing H. isora fruit production. Results Globally, the major exporter of H. isora fruits is India, which exports H. isora fruits to 19 countries, far beyond the natural geographical distribution of this species. Over a 36-month period (January 2014 – December 2016), India exported 392 t of H. isora fruits, with a Free-On-Board (FOB) value of Indian rupiah (INR) 18,337,000 (US274,055).Thisrepresentsanaverageannualexportquantityofabout130,526kg/year.Overthisthreeyearperiod,mostoftheseexports(85.5 274,055). This represents an average annual export quantity of about 130,526 kg/year. Over this three year period, most of these exports (85.5%) were to Indonesia (346.58 t), followed by Thailand (6.85%). Indian H. isora exports are also used in many other medical systems, including Kurdish and Zulu “traditional” medicines in Iraq and South Africa. Formation of an Indian diaspora in Bahrain, Mauritius, South Africa, Tanzania and Trinidad and Tobago over the past 130 years is one of the drivers of H. isora fruit trade outside the natural geographic distribution of the species. In Indonesia, demand for H. isora fruits is supplemented by an intra-island trade in Java and an inter-island trade from East Nusa Tenggara. West Timor, for example, exports around 31–37 t of air-dried H. isora fruits per year to Java. At the farm gate, local harvesters in West Timor get 4000 IDR (c. 0.3 US) per kg, with businesses in Java paying 25000 IDR (c.US$2) per kg for H. isora fruits. This is similar to the price paid for H. isora fruits imported from India to Java. Conclusions India is the major exporter of whole dried H. isora fruits, including to countries where this species has never been in traditional use. In Indonesia, H. isora fruit extracts are used in the cosmetic industry as well as in jamu herbal medicines, including “Tolak Angin”, the country's most popular commercial “jamu” preparation. Indonesia also is the major importer of H. isora fruits from India. In eastern Indonesia, improved income to local villagers from the H. isora fruit trade could come from improved H. isora fruit quality due to better drying techniques. This would also reduce health risks along the supply chain from to mycotoxins that have been recorded on poorly dried H. isora fruits. There also is an opportunity for cultivation of H. isora in small-holder teak plantations in Indonesia, with harvest of H. isora fruits as well as the medicinal bark

    There “ain't no mountain high enough”?: The drivers, diversity and sustainability of China's Rhodiola trade

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance Across Asia, Rhodiola species have been used in Bhutanese, Mongolian, Nepalese, Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Uzbek traditional medical systems. China is globally significant in terms of Rhodiola species diversity, with over 60% (55 species) of the world's 90 Rhodiola species, including 16 species found nowhere else in the world. Since the late 1980's there has been a shift from relatively low demand for infusions using chopped dried Rhodiola roots, to high 21st century demand for a wide variety of processed products. China's trade in Rhodiola products is now very diverse, with use in cosmetics and foods in addition to herbal products. Rhodiola crenulata (Hook.f. & Thomson) H.Ohba is the most widely traded species in China. In addition to R. crenulata and Rhodiola rosea L., 19 Rhodiola other species are used. Aims of the study These were to: (i) better understand why adulteration occurs in Rhodiola products; (ii) become more aware of what drives the growing market demand for Rhodiola products in China; (iii) find out whether increased demand is reflected in wholesale prices for Rhodiola raw materials traditional medicine markets; (iv) to examine Rhodiola supply chains and (v) given that wild populations are the primary supply source, to review the implications of growing demand for conservation and sustainable use. Materials and methods Firstly, we assessed growth in the diversity of Rhodiola products using three approaches: (i) by assessing patent applications for Rhodiola products in China (1990–2019); (ii) in 2018, through on-line searches of CFDA (China Food and Drug Administration) records for medicines and dietary supplements that had Rhodiola as an ingredient and (iii) by visiting retail stores in 2018 and 2019 to assess the diversity of commercial Rhodiola based products in trade. Secondly, we visited traditional medicine markets in Yunnan, Sichuan, and Qinghai provinces to investigate the trade in Rhodiola (folk taxonomy, trade names, prices, source areas, levels of processing and grading). Thirdly, we analysed the wholesale price data for Rhodiola raw materials in trade over a 16-year period (2002–2018). Fourthly, as most products come from wild collected Rhodiola species, we documented the extent of Rhodiola cultivation in China. Results International exports of Rhodiola products from China, particularly extracts, is a major driver of commercial trade. One proxy indicator of Rhodiola product diversification in China has been the rapid rise in patent applications from single applications in 1990 and 1991, to a peak of 1017 patent applications in 2015. Wholesale price data from 2002 to 2018 shows a steady increase in wholesale prices. As the growing market for Rhodiola products in China is currently supplied entirely from wild collection, there are justifiable concerns about sustainability. Commercial cultivation needs to expand to meet future demand. Conclusions In contrast to Europe and North America, where R. rosea is the focal species in commerce, the trade in Rhodiola products in China is much more diverse. In the face of growing demand, both effective conservation of wild populations and cultivation are needed