63 research outputs found

    Measuring vowel percepts in human listeners with behavioral response-triggered averaging

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    A vowel can be largely defined by the frequencies of its first two formants, but the absolute frequencies for a given vowel vary from talker to talker and utterance to utterance. Given this variability, it is unclear what criteria listeners use to identify vowels. To estimate the vowel features for which people listen, we adapted a noise-based reverse-correlation method from auditory neurophysiological studies and vision research (Gold et al., 1999). Listeners presented with the stimulus, which had a random spectrum with levels in 60 frequency bins changing every 0.5 s, were asked to press a key whenever they heard the vowels [a] or [i:]. Reverse-correlation was used to average the spectrum of the noise prior to each key press, thus estimating the features of the vowels for which the participants were listening. The formant frequencies of these reverse-correlated vowels were similar to those of their respective whispered vowels. The success of this response-triggered technique suggests that it may prove useful for estimating other internal representations, including perceptual phenomena like tinnitus. References: Gold, J., Bennett, P. J., and Sekuler, A. B. (1999). “Identification of band-pass filtered faces and letters by human and ideal observers,” Vis. Res. 39(21), 3537–3560

    The internal representation of vowel spectra investigated using behavioral response-triggered averaging

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    Listeners presented with noise were asked to press a key 13 whenever they heard the vowels [a] or [i:]. The noise had a random spectrum, with levels in 60 frequency bins changing every 0.5 s. Reverse correlation was used to average the spectrum of the noise prior to each key press, thus estimating the features of the vowels for which the participants were listening. The formant frequencies of these reverse-correlated vowels were similar to those of their respective whispered vowels. The success of this response-triggered technique suggests that it may prove useful for estimating other internal representations, including perceptual phenomena like tinnitus

    Auditory compensation for head rotation is incomplete

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    Hearing is confronted by a similar problem to vision when the observer moves. The image motion that is created remains ambiguous until the observer knows the velocity of eye and/or head. One way the visual system solves this problem is to use motor commands, proprioception and vestibular information. These ‘extra-retinal signals’ compensate for self movement, converting image motion into head-centred coordinates, though not always perfectly. We investigated whether the auditory system also transforms coordinates by examining the degree of compensation for head rotation when judging a moving sound. Real-time recordings of head motion were used to change the ‘movement gain’ relating head movement to source movement across a loudspeaker array. We then determined psychophysically the gain that corresponded to a perceptually-stationary source. Experiment 1 showed that the gain was small and positive for a wide range of trained head speeds. Hence listeners perceived a stationary source as moving slightly opposite to the head rotation, in much the same way that observers see stationary visual objects move against a smooth pursuit eye movement. Experiment 2 showed the degree of compensation remained the same for sounds presented at different azimuths, although the precision of performance declined when the sound was eccentric. We discuss two possible explanations for incomplete compensation, one based on differences in the accuracy of signals encoding image motion and self-movement, and one concerning statistical optimisation that sacrifices accuracy for precision. We then consider the degree to which such explanations can be applied to auditory motion perception in moving listeners

    The effects of hearing impairment, age, and hearing aids on the use of self motion for determining front/back location

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    Background: There are two cues that listeners use to disambiguate the front/back location of a sound source: high-frequency spectral cues associated with the head and pinnae, and self-motion‐related binaural cues. The use of these cues can be compromised in listeners with hearing impairment and users of hearing aids. Purpose: To determine how age, hearing impairment, and the use of hearing aids affect a listener’s ability to determine front from back based on both self-motion and spectral cues. Research Design: We used a previously published front/back illusion: signals whose physical source location is rotated around the head at twice the angular rate of the listener’s head movements are perceptually located in the opposite hemifield from where they physically are. In normal-hearing listeners, the strength of this illusion decreases as a function of low-pass filter cutoff frequency, this is the result of a conflict between spectral cues and dynamic binaural cues for sound source location. The illusion was used as an assay of self-motion processing in listeners with hearing impairment and users of hearing aids. Study Sample: We recruited 40 hearing-impaired participants, with an average age of 62 yr. The data for three listeners were discarded because they did not move their heads enough during the experiment. Data Collection and Analysis: Listeners sat at the center of a ring of 24 loudspeakers, turned their heads back and forth, and used a wireless keypad to report the front/back location of statically presented signals and of dynamically moving signals with illusory locations. Front/back accuracy for static signals, the strength of front/back illusions, and minimum audible movement angle were measured for each listener in each condition. All measurements were made in each listener both aided and unaided. Results: Hearing-impaired listeners were less accurate at front/back discrimination for both static and illusory conditions. Neither static nor illusory conditions were affected by high-frequency content. Hearing aids had heterogeneous effects from listener to listener, but independent of other factors, on average, listeners wearing aids exhibited a spectrally dependent increase in “front” responses: the more high-frequency energy in the signal, the more likely they were to report it as coming from the front. Conclusions: Hearing impairment was associated with a decrease in the accuracy of self-motion processing for both static and moving signals. Hearing aids may not always reproduce dynamic self-motion‐related cues with sufficient fidelity to allow reliable front/back discrimination

    Biomimetic direction of arrival estimation for resolving front-back confusions in hearing aids

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    Sound sources at the same angle in front or behind a two-microphone array (e.g., bilateral hearing aids) produce the same time delay and two estimates for the direction of arrival: A front-back confusion. The auditory system can resolve this issue using head movements. To resolve front-back confusion for hearing-aid algorithms, head movement was measured using an inertial sensor. Successive time-delay estimates between the microphones are shifted clockwise and counterclockwise by the head movement between estimates and aggregated in two histograms. The histogram with the largest peak after multiple estimates predicted the correct hemifield for the source, eliminating the front-back confusions

    The effect of hearing aid microphone mode on performance in an auditory orienting task

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    OBJECTIVES: Although directional microphones on a hearing aid provide a signal-to-noise ratio benefit in a noisy background, the amount of benefit is dependent on how close the signal of interest is to the front of the user. It is assumed that when the signal of interest is off-axis, users can reorient themselves to the signal to make use of the directional microphones to improve signal-to-noise ratio. The present study tested this assumption by measuring the head-orienting behavior of bilaterally fit hearing-impaired individuals with their microphones set to omnidirectional and directional modes. The authors hypothesized that listeners using directional microphones would have greater difficulty in rapidly and accurately orienting to off-axis signals than they would when using omnidirectional microphones. DESIGN: The authors instructed hearing-impaired individuals to turn and face a female talker in simultaneous surrounding male-talker babble. Participants pressed a button when they felt they were accurately oriented in the direction of the female talker. Participants completed three blocks of trials with their hearing aids in omnidirectional mode and three blocks in directional mode, with mode order randomized. Using a Vicon motion tracking system, the authors measured head position and computed fixation error, fixation latency, trajectory complexity, and proportion of misorientations. RESULTS: Results showed that for larger off-axis target angles, listeners using directional microphones took longer to reach their targets than they did when using omnidirectional microphones, although they were just as accurate. They also used more complex movements and frequently made initial turns in the wrong direction. For smaller off-axis target angles, this pattern was reversed, and listeners using directional microphones oriented more quickly and smoothly to the targets than when using omnidirectional microphones. CONCLUSIONS: The authors argue that an increase in movement complexity indicates a switch from a simple orienting movement to a search behavior. For the most off-axis target angles, listeners using directional microphones appear to not know which direction to turn, so they pick a direction at random and simply rotate their heads until the signal becomes more audible. The changes in fixation latency and head orientation trajectories suggest that the decrease in off-axis audibility is a primary concern in the use of directional microphones, and listeners could experience a loss of initial target speech while turning toward a new signal of interest. If hearing-aid users are to receive maximum directional benefit in noisy environments, both adaptive directionality in hearing aids and clinical advice on using directional microphones should take head movement and orientation behavior into account

    Biomimetic direction of arrival estimation for resolving front-back confusions in hearing aids

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    Sound sources at the same angle in front or behind a two-microphone array (e.g., bilateral hearing aids) produce the same time delay and two estimates for the direction of arrival: A front-back confusion. The auditory system can resolve this issue using head movements. To resolve front-back confusion for hearing-aid algorithms, head movement was measured using an inertial sensor. Successive time-delay estimates between the microphones are shifted clockwise and counterclockwise by the head movement between estimates and aggregated in two histograms. The histogram with the largest peak after multiple estimates predicted the correct hemifield for the source, eliminating the front-back confusions

    Flexible binaural resynthesis of room impulse responses for augmented reality research

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    International audienceA basic building block in audio for Augmented Reality (AR) is the use of virtual sound sources layered on top of any real sources present in an environment. In order to perceive these virtual sources as belonging to the natural scene it is important to match their acoustic parameters to those of a real source with the same characteristics, i.e. radiation properties, sound propagation and head-related impulse response (HRIR). However, it is still unclear to what extent these parameters need to be matched in order to generate plausible scenes in which virtual sound sources blend seamlessly with real sound sources. This contribution presents an auralization framework that allows protyping of augmented reality scenarios from measured multichannel room impulse responses to get a better understanding of the relevance of individual acoustic parameters.A well-established approach for binaural measurement and reproduction of sound scenes is based on capturing binaural room impulse responses (BRIR) using a head and torso simulator (HATS) and convolving these BRIRs dynamically with audio content according to the listener head orientation. However, such measurements are laborious and time consuming, requiring measuring the scene with the HATS in multiple orientations. Additionally, the HATS HRIR is inherently encoded in the BRIRs, making them unsuitable for personalization for different listeners. The approach presented here consists of the resynthesis and dynamic binaural reproduction of multichannel room impulse responses (RIR) using an arbitrary HRIR dataset. Using a compact microphone array, we obtained a pressure RIR and a set of auxiliary RIRs, and we applied the Spatial Decomposition Method (SDM) to estimate the direction-of-arrival (DOA) of the different sound events in the RIR. The DOA information was used to map sound pressure to different locations by means of an HRIR dataset, generating a binaural room impulse response (BRIR) for a specific orientation. By either rotating the DOA or the HRIR data set, BRIRs for any direction may be obtained. Auralizations using SDM are known to whiten the spectrum of late reverberation. Available alternatives such as time-frequency equalization were not feasible in this case, as a different time-frequency filter would be necessary for each direction, resulting in a non-homogeneous equalization of the BRIRs. Instead, the resynthesized BRIRs were decomposed into sub-bands and the decay slope of each sub-band was modified independently to match the reverberation time of the original pressure RIR. In this way we could apply the same reverberation correction factor to all BRIRs. In addition, we used a direction independent equalization to correct for timbral effects of equipment, HRIR, and signal processing. Real-time reproduction was achieved by means of a custom Max/MSP patch, in which the direct sound, early reflections and late reverberation were convolved separately to allow real-time changes in the time-energy properties of the BRIRs. The mixing time of the reproduced BRIRs is configurable and a single direction independent reverberation tail is used. To evaluate the quality of the resynthesis method in a real room, we conducted both objective and perceptual comparisons for a variety of source positions. The objective analysis was performed by comparing real measurements of a KEMAR mannequin with the resynthesis at the same receiver location using a simulated KEMAR HRIR. Typical room acoustic parameters of both real and resynthsized acoustics were found to be in good agreement. The perceptual validation consisted of a comparison of a loudspeaker and its resynthesized counterpart. Non-occluding headphones with individual equalization were used to ensure that listeners were able to simultaneously listen to the real and the virtual samples. Subjects were allowed to listen to the sounds for as long as they desired and freely switch between the real and virtual stimuli in real time. The integration of an Optitrack motion tracking system allowed us to present world-locked audio, accounting for head rotations.We present here the results of this listening test (N = 14) with three sections: discrimination, identification, and qualitative ratings. Preliminary analysis revealed that in these conditions listeners were generally able to discriminate between real and virtual sources and were able to consistently identify which of the presented sources was real and which was virtual. The qualitative analysis revealed that timbral differences are the most prominent cues for discrimination and identification, while spatial cues are well preserved. All the listeners reported good externalization of the binaural audio.Future work includes extending the presented validation to more environments, as well as implementing tools to arbitrarily modify BRIRs in the spatial, temporal, and frequency domains in order to study the perceptual requirements of room acoustics reproduction in AR
