2,007 research outputs found

    Black Holes and Causal Structure in Anti-de Sitter Isometric Spacetimes

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    The observation that the 2+1 dimensional BTZ black hole can be obtained as a quotient space of anti-de Sitter space leads one to ask what causal behaviour other such quotient spaces can display. In this paper we answer this question in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions when the identification group has one generator. Among other things we find that there does not exist any 3+1 generalization of the rotating BTZ hole. However, the non-rotating generalization exists and exhibits some unexpected properties. For example, it turns out to be non-static and to possess a non-trivial apparent horizon.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages, 10 postscript figures, uses epsf.te

    Curvature tensors on distorted Killing horizons and their algebraic classification

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    We consider generic static spacetimes with Killing horizons and study properties of curvature tensors in the horizon limit. It is determined that the Weyl, Ricci, Riemann and Einstein tensors are algebraically special and mutually aligned on the horizon. It is also pointed out that results obtained in the tetrad adjusted to a static observer in general differ from those obtained in a free-falling frame. This is connected to the fact that a static observer becomes null on the horizon. It is also shown that finiteness of the Kretschmann scalar on the horizon is compatible with the divergence of the Weyl component Ψ3\Psi_{3} or Ψ4\Psi_{4} in the freely falling frame. Furthermore finiteness of Ψ4\Psi_{4} is compatible with divergence of curvature invariants constructed from second derivatives of the Riemann tensor. We call the objects with finite Krestschmann scalar but infinite Ψ4\Psi_{4} ``truly naked black holes''. In the (ultra)extremal versions of these objects the structure of the Einstein tensor on the horizon changes due to extra terms as compared to the usual horizons, the null energy condition being violated at some portions of the horizon surface. The demand to rule out such divergencies leads to the constancy of the factor that governs the leading term in the asymptotics of the lapse function and in this sense represents a formal analog of the zeroth law of mechanics of non-extremal black holes. In doing so, all extra terms in the Einstein tensor automatically vanish.Comment: 21 pages, To appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Interacting scalar and spinor fields in Bianchi type I universe filled with magneto-fluid

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    Self-consistent system of spinor, scalar and BI gravitational fields in presence of magneto-fluid and Λ\Lambda-term is considered. Assuming that the expansion of the BI universe is proportional to the σ11\sigma_1^1 component of the shear tensor, exact solutions for the metric functions, as well as for scalar and spinor fields are obtained. For a non-positive Λ\Lambda the initially anisotropic space-time becomes isotropic one in the process of expansion, whereas, for Λ>0\Lambda > 0 an oscillatory mode of expansion of the BI model occurs.Comment: RevTex4, 8 pages, no figure

    Black Hole Thermodynamics and Riemann Surfaces

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    We use the analytic continuation procedure proposed in our earlier works to study the thermodynamics of black holes in 2+1 dimensions. A general black hole in 2+1 dimensions has g handles hidden behind h horizons. The result of the analytic continuation is a hyperbolic 3-manifold having the topology of a handlebody. The boundary of this handlebody is a compact Riemann surface of genus G=2g+h-1. Conformal moduli of this surface encode in a simple way the physical characteristics of the black hole. The moduli space of black holes of a given type (g,h) is then the Schottky space at genus G. The (logarithm of the) thermodynamic partition function of the hole is the Kaehler potential for the Weil-Peterson metric on the Schottky space. Bekenstein bound on the black hole entropy leads us to conjecture a new strong bound on this Kaehler potential.Comment: 17+1 pages, 9 figure

    Quantum Creation of Topological Black Hole

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    The constrained instanton method is used to study quantum creation of a vacuum or charged topological black hole. At the WKBWKB level, the relative creation probability is the exponential of a quarter sum of the horizon areas associated with the seed instanton.Comment: Report-no change onl

    Coupling of the lattice and superlattice deformations and hysteresis in thermal expansion for the quasi one-dimensional conductor TaS3_3

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    An original interferometer-based setup for measurements of length of needle-like samples is developed, and thermal expansion of o-TaS3_3 crystals is studied. Below the Peierls transition the temperature hysteresis of length LL is observed, the width of the hysteresis loop δL/L\delta L/L being up to 51055 \cdot 10^{-5}. The behavior of the loop is anomalous: the length changes so that it is in front of its equilibrium value. The hysteresis loop couples with that of conductivity. The sign and the value of the length hysteresis are consistent with the strain dependence of the charge-density waves (CDW) wave vector. With lowering temperature down to 100 K the CDW elastic modulus grows achieving a value comparable with the lattice Young modulus. Our results could be helpful in consideration of different systems with intrinsic superstructures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett., accepted for publicatio

    A Spinning Anti-de Sitter Wormhole

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    We construct a 2+1 dimensional spacetime of constant curvature whose spatial topology is that of a torus with one asymptotic region attached. It is also a black hole whose event horizon spins with respect to infinity. An observer entering the hole necessarily ends up at a "singularity"; there are no inner horizons. In the construction we take the quotient of 2+1 dimensional anti-de Sitter space by a discrete group Gamma. A key part of the analysis proceeds by studying the action of Gamma on the boundary of the spacetime.Comment: Latex, 28 pages, 7 postscript figures included in text, a Latex file without figures can be found at http://vanosf.physto.se/~stefan/spinning.html Replaced with journal version, minor change

    Uniformly accelerating black holes in a de Sitter universe

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    A class of exact solutions of Einstein's equations is analysed which describes uniformly accelerating charged black holes in an asymptotically de Sitter universe. This is a generalisation of the C-metric which includes a cosmological constant. The physical interpretation of the solutions is facilitated by the introduction of a new coordinate system for de Sitter space which is adapted to accelerating observers in this background. The solutions considered reduce to this form of the de Sitter metric when the mass and charge of the black holes vanish.Comment: 6 pages REVTeX, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Figure 2 correcte

    Gravitational wave detectors based on matter wave interferometers (MIGO) are no better than laser interferometers (LIGO)

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    We show that a recent claim that matter wave interferometers have a much higher sensitivity than laser interferometers for a comparable physical setup is unfounded. We point out where the mistake in the earlier analysis is made. We also disprove the claim that only a description based on the geodesic deviation equation can produce the correct physical result. The equations for the quantum dynamics of non-relativistic massive particles in a linearly perturbed spacetime derived here are useful for treating a wider class of related physical problems. A general discussion on the use of atom interferometers for the detection of gravitational waves is also provided.Comment: 16 pages, REVTeX4; minor changes, one figure and a few references were added, an additional appendix was included where we explain why, contrary to the claims in gr-qc/0409099, the effects due to the reflection off the mirrors cancel out in the final result for the phase shif