117 research outputs found

    The effect of stimulation frequency on the transmural ventricular monophasic action potential in yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares

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    Monophasic action potentials (MAPs) were recorded from the spongy and compact layers of the yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares ventricle as stimulation frequency was increased. MAP duration decreased with increase in stimulation frequency in both the spongy and compact myocardial layers, but no significant difference in MAP duration was observed between the layers

    Form and function of the bulbus arteriosus in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) and blue marlin (Makaira nigricans): static properties

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    The juxtaposition of heart and gills in teleost fish means that the Windkessel function characteristic of the whole mammalian arterial tree has to be subserved by the extremely short ventral aorta and bulbus arteriosus. Over the functional pressure range, arteries from blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) have J-shaped pressure-volume (P-V) loops, while bulbi from the same species have r-shaped P-V loops, with a steep initial rise followed by a compliant plateau phase. The steep initial rise in pressure is due to the geometry of the lumen. The interactions between radius, pressure and tension require a large initial pressure to open the bulbar lumen for flow. The plateau is due to the unique organization of the bulbar wall. The large elastin:collagen ratio, limited amount of collagen arranged cirumferentially, lack of elastin lamellae and low hydrophobicity of the elastin itself all combine to lower stiffness, increase extensibility and allow efficient recoil. Even though the modulus of bulbus material is much lower than that of an artery, at large volumes the overall stiffness of the bulbus increases rapidly. The morphological features that give rise to the special inflation characteristics of the bulbus help to extend flow and maintain pressure during diastole

    Form and function of the bulbus arteriosus in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares): dynamic properties

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    The bulbus arteriosus of the teleost heart possesses a static inflation curve that is r-shaped over the in vivo pressure range. To examine the possible significance of this in living animals, we recorded arterial blood pressure from anaesthetized yellowfin tuna and utilized a video dimensional analyser to simultaneously record changes in bulbar diameter. By plotting the changes in pressure against the changes in diameter, it was possible to create dynamic pressure-diameter (P-D) loops as well as calculate the instantaneous volume changes within the bulbus. The dynamic P-D loops showed the same features exhibited by static inflation. When nearly empty, a small stroke volume caused a large increase in blood pressure, while around systolic pressure large changes in volume resulted in small changes in pressure. We conclude that these features allow the bulbus to maintain ventral aortic flows and pressures over a large range of volumes

    Postrelease survival, vertical and horizontal movements, and thermal habitats of five species of pelagic sharks in the central Pacific Ocean

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    From 2001 to 2006, 71 pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) were deployed on five species of pelagic shark (blue shark [Prionace glauca]; shortfin mako [Isurus oxyrinchus]; silky shark [Carcharhinus falciformis]; oceanic whitetip shark [C. longimanus]; and bigeye thresher [Alopias superciliosus]) in the central Pacific Ocean to determine species-specific movement patterns and survival rates after release from longline fishing gear. Only a single postrelease mortality could be unequivocally documented: a male blue shark which succumbed seven days after release. Meta-analysis of published reports and the current study (n=78 reporting PSATs) indicated that the summary effect of postrelease mortality for blue sharks was 15% (95% CI, 8.5–25.1%) and suggested that catch-and-release in longline fisheries can be a viable management tool to protect parental biomass in shark populations. Pelagic sharks displayed species-specific depth and temperature ranges, although with significant individual temporal and spatial variability in vertical movement patterns, which were also punctuated by stochastic events (e.g., El Niño-Southern Oscillation). Pelagic species can be separated into three broad groups based on daytime temperature preferences by using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averaging clustering on a Kolmogorov-Smirnov Dmax distance matrix: 1) epipelagic species (silky and oceanic whitetip sharks), which spent >95% of their time at temperatures within 2°C of sea surface temperature; 2) mesopelagic-I species (blue sharks and shortfin makos, which spent 95% of their time at temperatures from 9.7° to 26.9°C and from 9.4° to 25.0°C, respectively; and 3) mesopelagic-II species (bigeye threshers), which spent 95% of their time at temperatures from 6.7° to 21.2°C. Distinct thermal niche partitioning based on body size and latitude was also evident within epipelagic species

    Black hole collisions from Brill-Lindquist initial data: predictions of perturbation theory

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    The Misner initial value solution for two momentarily stationary black holes has been the focus of much numerical study. We report here analytic results for an astrophysically similar initial solution, that of Brill and Lindquist (BL). Results are given from perturbation theory for initially close holes and are compared with available numerical results. A comparison is made of the radiation generated from the BL and the Misner initial values, and the physical meaning is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, revtex3.0, 5 figure

    Migratory and within-estuary behaviors of adult Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) in a lagoon system of the southern mid-Atlantic Bight

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    We monitored the movements of 45 adult Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) between June 2007 and July 2008 through the use of passive acoustic telemetry to elucidate migratory and within-estuary behaviors in a lagoon system of the southern mid-Atlantic Bight. Between 8 June and 10 October 2007, fish resided primarily in the deeper (>3 m) regions of the system and exhibited low levels of large-scale (100s of meters) activity. Mean residence time within this estuarine lagoon system was conservatively estimated to be 130 days (range: 18–223 days), which is 1.5 times longer than the residence time previously reported for Summer Flounder in a similar estuarine habitat ~250 km to the north. The majority of fish remained within the lagoon system until mid-October, although some fish dispersed earlier and some of them appeared to disperse temporarily (i.e., exited the system for at least 14 consecutive days before returning). Larger fish were more likely to disperse before mid-October than smaller fish and may have moved to other estuaries or the inner continental shelf. Fish that dispersed after mid-October were more likely to return to the lagoon system the following spring than were fish that dispersed before mid-October. In 2008, fish returned to the system between 7 February and 7 April. Dispersals and returns most closely followed seasonal changes in mean water temperature, but photoperiod and other factors also may have played a role in large-scale movements of Summer Flounder

    The impacts of warming and hypoxia on the performance of an obligate ram ventilator

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    Climate change is causing the warming and deoxygenation of coastal habitats like Chesapeake Bay that serve as important nursery habitats for many marine fish species. As conditions continue to change, it is important to understand how these changes impact individual species\u27 behavioral and metabolic performance. The sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus) is an obligate ram-ventilating apex predator whose juveniles use Chesapeake Bay as a nursery ground up to 10 years of age. The objective of this study was to measure juvenile sandbar shark metabolic and behavioral performance as a proxy for overall performance (i.e. fitness or success) when exposed to warm and hypoxic water. Juvenile sandbar sharks (79.5-113.5 cm total length) were collected from an estuary along the eastern shore of Virginia and returned to lab where they were fitted with an accelerometer, placed in a respirometer and exposed to varying temperatures and oxygen levels. Juvenile sandbar shark overall performance declined substantially at 32 degrees C or when dissolved oxygen concentration was reduced below 3.5 mg l(-1) (51% oxygen saturation between 24-32 degrees C). As the extent of warm hypoxic water increases in Chesapeake Bay, we expect that the available sandbar shark nursery habitat will be reduced, which may negatively impact the population of sandbar sharks in the western Atlantic as well as the overall health of the ecosystem within Chesapeake Bay

    Generic Tracking of Multiple Apparent Horizons with Level Flow

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    We report the development of the first apparent horizon locator capable of finding multiple apparent horizons in a ``generic'' numerical black hole spacetime. We use a level-flow method which, starting from a single arbitrary initial trial surface, can undergo topology changes as it flows towards disjoint apparent horizons if they are present. The level flow method has two advantages: 1) The solution is independent of changes in the initial guess and 2) The solution can have multiple components. We illustrate our method of locating apparent horizons by tracking horizon components in a short Kerr-Schild binary black hole grazing collision.Comment: 13 pages including figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    Understanding initial data for black hole collisions

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    Numerical relativity, applied to collisions of black holes, starts with initial data for black holes already in each other's strong field. The initial hypersurface data typically used for computation is based on mathematical simplifying prescriptions, such as conformal flatness of the 3-geometry and longitudinality of the extrinsic curvature. In the case of head on collisions of equal mass holes, there is evidence that such prescriptions work reasonably well, but it is not clear why, or whether this success is more generally valid. Here we study these questions by considering the ``particle limit'' for head on collisions of nonspinning holes. Einstein's equations are linearized in the mass of the small hole, and described by a single gauge invariant spacetime function psi, for each multipole. The resulting equations have been solved by numerical evolution for collisions starting from various initial separations, and the evolution is studied on a sequence of hypersurfaces. In particular, we extract hypersurface data, that is psi and its time derivative, on surfaces of constant background Schwarzschild time. These evolved data can then be compared with ``prescribed'' data, evolved data can be replaced by prescribed data on any hypersurface, and evolved further forward in time, a gauge invariant measure of deviation from conformal flatness can be evaluated, etc. The main findings of this study are: (i) For holes of unequal mass the use of prescribed data on late hypersurfaces is not successful. (ii) The failure is likely due to the inability of the prescribed data to represent the near field of the smaller hole. (iii) The discrepancy in the extrinsic curvature is more important than in the 3-geometry. (iv) The use of the more general conformally flat longitudinal data does not notably improve this picture.Comment: 20 pages, REVTEX, 26 PS figures include

    Adaptive Event Horizon Tracking and Critical Phenomena in Binary Black Hole Coalescence

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    This work establishes critical phenomena in the topological transition of black hole coalescence. We describe and validate a computational front tracking event horizon solver, developed for generic studies of the black hole coalescence problem. We then apply this to the Kastor - Traschen axisymmetric analytic solution of the extremal Maxwell - Einstein black hole merger with cosmological constant. The surprising result of this computational analysis is a power law scaling of the minimal throat proportional to time. The minimal throat connecting the two holes obeys this power law during a short time immediately at the beginning of merger. We also confirm the behavior analytically. Thus, at least in one axisymmetric situation a critical phenomenon exists. We give arguments for a broader universality class than the restricted requirements of the Kastor - Traschen solution.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figures Corrected labels on figures 17 through 20. Corrected typos in references. Added some comment
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